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Real-time insights allow swift adjustments and on-the-go optimization
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Weekly digest of changes in website traffic, rankings, and other performance metrics
Improved ROI
Optimize your existing content and marketing campaigns for better return on investment
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Website Inventory
Monitor every webpage for every keyword
Monitor trends, and access insights for every web page and put them on the winning track.
GSC integration
Country-level insights
Real-time inventory monitoring
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Get all the traffic insights in a single dashboard
Grab a cup of coffee as you uncover key insights - winners, losers, CTR, trends, and more.
Identify SERP trends
Discover opportunities
Analyze traffic distribution
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Real-time Optimization
Optimize and refresh pages on the go.
Leverage detailed page and keyword insights to pick and refine content and optimize for SEO.
Page level insights
In-app SEO optimization
Real-time monitoring
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