May 15, 2022

The List of Best AI Copywriting Tools & Their Features

Image of Mayank, Founder at Scalenut
Mayank Jain
The List of Best AI Copywriting Tools & Their Features
Image of Mayank, Founder at Scalenut
Mayank Jain
May 15, 2022

The List of Best AI Copywriting Tools & Their Features

Do you know that many tools can generate content using A.I.? This article lists the top AI Copywriting tools that can automatically generate unique content.
The List of Best AI Copywriting Tools & Their Features

Table of contents

A copy comes in various shapes and sizes, ranging from long-form to short-form (ad copy, social media captions, headlines).

Each has its own goal, whether it is to capture attention early on or to build thought leadership in a specific field. Furthermore, each has its distinct value for marketers — and, as we all know, the ability to master producing an appealing copy is critical to a marketing strategy that produces results.

However, there is an increasing requirement for content development in today's world, and marketers must write more copies than ever before to retain success.

Brands position themselves as experts in their sectors by publishing exceptional long-form content, resulting in credibility, trust, and loyalty.

Various artificial intelligence (AI) solutions today promise to create amazing copies for businesses.

In this blog post, we have shared the best AI copywriting tools that help with content creation and save you a great deal of time and effort.

What is an AI Copywriting Software?

What is an AI Copywriting Software?

An AI copywriting software is a type of software that helps marketers create effective and appealing content. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies to identify patterns and insights in data and then suggests measures or changes that can be made to improve the writing or marketing strategy.

You only need to provide a few seed keywords or sentences to give the software an idea of what you want to create.

Once the context is obtained, the program will generate not one but numerous copies of the content in seconds.

The nicest aspect is that the created stuff is quite readable. So much so that it almost sounds like a human wrote it.

An AI writing app can write content that goes beyond a business post. They can even write heartfelt things, like love letters.

What are the Benefits of AI Copywriting Software?

What are the Benefits of AI Copywriting Software?

There are various benefits of an AI copywriting tool:

  • Saves time: Copywriting is time-consuming, and AI writing software can save you time by automatically generating copies. You don’t need to write anything yourself – the program will take care of everything!
  • Generates high-quality content: AI writing software generates high-quality content that is both readable and engaging. Usually, this kind of quality exceeds what you would achieve via human copywriting alone.
  • Helps you strategize: AI writing software can help you to better understand your audience and craft content that resonates with them. This can help you improve your website’s ranking, lead generation, and even sales volumes.
  • Helps beat writer's block: Writer’s block is a common challenge, and AI writing software can help overcome it. It can generate content that you wouldn’t be able to write yourself based on your business objectives and targets.
  • Saves a lot of money: AI copywriting is a cost-effective way to improve your website’s content. Using an AI writing tool can avoid the high costs associated with hiring a professional copywriter.
  • Increases overall productivity: AI writing software can improve your overall productivity – leading to higher ROI. This is because it allows you to focus on more important tasks while the program takes care of the copywriting details.

What are the Ideal Features of the AI Copywriting Tool?

Features of the AI Copywriting Tool

The ideal features of an AI copywriting tool should include the following:

  • The software must use artificial intelligence in conjunction with any other appropriate technology to generate better content. The GPT-3 writing model is currently the greatest technology available for AI-powered copywriting solutions.
  • The tool's created content must be of high quality. It should match or outperform the quality of human-written content; not to mention that the information should be completely readable.
  • It should be able to generate many copies of a single piece of content to avoid duplication difficulties.
  • The created content should also be free of grammatical errors. You don't want to spend time editing and adjusting the content's grammar. The software must be intelligent enough to complete the task on its own.
  • Following that, the tool must be able to generate content in less time. Furthermore, the software should take as little manual work as possible to generate the material.
  • You should have complete control over the material and the program when generating content. The software should also be simple and not require any technical skills.
  • The tool's pricing plans must be affordable and adaptable so that it does not put a strain on your budget.

We have listed the 15 best AI Copywriting tools and their features, considering these features and benefits.

Best AI Copywriting Tools Reviewed


Scalenut is an AI-powered content creation and research platform that allows users to create high-ranking content. Scalenut uses technical advancements such as artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to help marketing professionals all over the globe produce exceptional content.

Scalenut's cutting-edge content production platform is developed to assist in cutting-edge content development if the content is the future.

Scalenut makes it easy and scalable to create content that meets your business objectives. Hire professional creators and AI tools to assist you in outrunning your rivals.

When developing long-form SEO content, Scalenut greatly reduces the time and effort normally required. The best part is that it combines the keyword reports with an intelligent editor with just a single click.

Scalenut’s Main Features:

Scalenut has various useful features that many AI copywriting tools may not have:

  • Use of GPT-3 technology: The GPT-3 technology assists with generating content that is both relevant and engaging. The algorithm analyses your target audience's search queries to generate high-quality, long-form content.
  • 40+ AI use cases: Scalenut AI writer has over 40 different use cases or templates for short-form copies such as social media posts, ad copies, sentence rewriting, email subject and title generator, meta description generator, and many more.
  • SEO Hub: It has an easy-to-use long-form content writing assistant that lets you write articles, blogs, eBooks, case studies, and other long-form content.
  • Content evaluation in real-time: Scalenut helps you make good content. SEO Hub gives you real-time feedback on how well your writing is done when you use it. It tells you what NLP terms you've used, how well your text reads, how many words you used, etc.
  • Create unique copies: You don't have to just copy content from other websites. You can create unique copies tailored specifically for your website and target audience.
  • Suggests readability and word count: Scalenut also suggests how readable and word-count appropriate your content should be. It analyzes the top 20 ranking pages for the target keyword and predicts the average word count and the readability level of the content.
  • Team collaboration: Scalenut allows team collaboration for easy content management. Every user can edit and approve the content before it is published. You can either share the edit access or just the read-only access with the clients.
  • Chrome extension: Scalenut also gives an easy-to-use and free chrome extension to write compelling email copies, Google ads, social media ad posts, and rephrase the sentences. Their chrome extension offers various other functions as well.
  • Rephraser: Like a sentence, but copying is unethical? Scalenut provides a legit rephrase tool that understands the sentence structure and rephrases a sentence into its original form.
  • Write with AI: You have full control over the tool. With just a click or quick keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl+K,' you can create your content through automation. Additionally, Scalenut has an Instruct mode using which you can instruct AI to write a paragraph or complete a sentence. 

What Type of Copies Does Scalenut Generate?

Scalenut can produce various marketing copies and short forms of content. It currently generates content for over 40 different copy types.

It asks you which copy type you want to generate the content for before beginning the content creation process. For example, when you wish to produce marketing copy, it employs either the AIDA or the PAS marketing frameworks to write content. Similarly, required use cases are utilized to create content based on your requirements.

That said, Scalenut offers various types of copies such as:

  • Ad copies: Want to generate converting ad copy for Google or social media ads? Scalenut AI writer creates sales copy and creates Google Ad copies that are enticing enough to click on them.
What Type of Copies Does Scalenut Generate?
  • Social media copies: With a little help from the AI writer, your posts can stand out from the rest on social media. Be it Facebook, Linkedin, or Instagram, Scalenut understands the brand voice and audience to create enticing copies.
What Type of Copies Does Scalenut Generate?

  • Email copies: Want to write a persuasive email copy that gets the recipients to open and read your message? Scalenut has you covered with its well-designed AIDA content. You can use any framework to create enticing email copies for your brand.
What Type of Copies Does Scalenut Generate?
  • eCommerce: Scalenut is very good at writing product descriptions for your online store. It can make a lot of different product descriptions of the same product simultaneously. You can then use it on your website or store without thinking of internal plagiarism.
What Type of Copies Does Scalenut Generate?
  • Website: Scalenut perfectly crafts the long-form content such as eBooks, articles, and blogs, as well as the headlines, meta description, and heading to paragraph section expansion.
What Type of Copies Does Scalenut Generate?
  • Video descriptions and title: Scalenut understands the importance of video descriptions and title tags. It can help you write a catchy, attention-grabbing description for each video your brand uploads on YouTube or Vimeo.

Check out the complete use cases guide here.

One of the best things about Scalenut is that it offers a free trial. Rather, it offers a forever free plan for its users. Though the free plan comes with a limitation, it is good enough to test out all its features.

Jarvis (now Jasper)

Jarvis or (Jasper) is a cloud-based AI copywriter that helps businesses write great content for their website, social media, and email campaigns.

It's been programmed to write marketing copies that sound human, and is utilized by big brands, small enterprises, and everything in between.

Jasper works in your browser and provides the most unique content available. It also speeds up the content creation process, saving you hours.

It's the ideal content marketing tool for optimizing product listings, website copy, blog pieces, and even YouTube video descriptions, to mention a few applications.

Jarvis Quick Features:

  • Advanced AI - Jasper creates all forms of content for you using cutting-edge technology such as the GPT-3 learning model. GPT-3 is a third-generation language prediction model that employs deep learning to produce human-like writing (in case you didn't know).
  • Accurate grammar - Jasper ensures that your material is free of grammatical problems and provides original content. As a result, it includes a built-in grammar checker that will eliminate all errors and provide you with flawless material.
  • Boss mode - Similar to Scalenut's 'Write with AI,' it contains a "boss mode" where you can acquire control and fully utilize the AI; it's frightening how well it works.
  • Multilanguage compatibility - If you wish to reach a global audience, this copywriting software can make copies in various languages. The program has recently been enhanced to the point that it can now easily translate text into 26 languages. English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and other languages are among the most commonly utilized.
  • Offers 50+ content templates - Jasper offers more than 50 templates for email writing, social media, ad copies, and websites. You also get templates like “Explain it to a child” and “Simplify a Sentence” or “Sentence improver” to generate unique sentences from a sentence that is already on the Internet.


Copy.AI solves the writer's block, with its major feature centered on the AI's capacity to generate material for you when you supply it with a sample snippet of what your content should cover.

Copy.AI only needs a brief description of what you desire, and while 10-30 lines will suffice, lengthier and more complete inputs with more relevant information can yield superior results.

Copy.AI can generate various samples for you to download, utilize, and edit for your content.

Copy.AI Features:

Here are the best features of the Copy.AI writing tool:

  • GPT-3 technology - Similar to Scalenut and Jasper, Copy.AI generates high-quality copy using the GPT-3 writing model, which is the most recent AI technology. This technology is used by the program to quickly create human-like content.
  • Chrome extension - CopyAI has a Chrome extension to make your content-generating process as simple as possible. All you need is to install the extension, and the copy.AI extension does the remaining work.
  • Access to over 90 tools - Because Copy.AI is a comprehensive AI copywriting tool, it includes a plethora of built-in tools. With the help of these 90+ content tools, you may generate various forms of content.
  • Suitable for beginners - One of the best aspects of Copy.AI is how simple it is to use. Simply choose the sort of material you want to generate, input a few sentences, and click the "Generate" button. Aside from that, there is no learning curve in employing this AI copywriter.
  • Multi-lingual - The program also supports a wide range of languages, including Chinese, European languages, Japanese, Portuguese, Brazilian, and many more. Copy.AI can also assist you in coming up with ideas for viral marketing, e-commerce, viral trends, start-ups, names, and so on. The tool's entire goal is to produce new ideas for your writing piece as you're creating material.
  • Offers Shopify Plugin - In addition to traditional article production, Copy.AI provides niche-specific functionality. It includes a Shopify plugin for easily creating product descriptions of your store.


Rytr is an AI copywriting tool that has quietly climbed the ranks to compete with other hotshot AI copywriters. The program, like its competitors, is relatively new.

Despite this, Rytr has all the features and comforts you'll need to overcome your authoring challenges.

Rytr can develop a wide range of content, and write a copy in more than a dozen different tones, as well as various versions. However, remember that Rytr's AI is designed for short-form content and not for long-form.

You can use Rytr's capabilities for expanding, shortening, rephrasing, and connecting sentences.

Rytr Features:

  • Tones - Rytr has 21 adjustable tones for expressing a wide range of emotions. Some examples are humorous, casual, persuading, concerned, humble, passionate, formal, and so on. They've also lately included the Critical tone.
  • 30+ Use Cases - Rytr outshines the by providing 30+ different use cases. Although the number of use cases is slightly lesser than its competitors, the developer team is continually working on launching new use cases with each software update. Rytr will still provide you with all necessary use cases.
  • Multilingual - Rytr currently supports 29 languages, which is ideal for developing content in your own language. Languages such as Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Finnish, Malay, and Hindi have recently been added!
  • Plagiarism Checker - This copywriting software is one of the few products that have a native plagiarism checker. Once you've generated content copies, you'll be able to check them for duplication. You can be confident that all of the content developed by Rytr is one-of-a-kind.
  • Free plan - Rytr provides a free plan that has a limit of 5,000 characters each month for an indefinite period. However, the character count is low compared to competitors like Scalenut, which gives 2,000 short-form and 2,000 long-form words. Aside from this word limit, you are free to create any form of material.


Writesonic can assist in the creation of over 20 various forms of content, such as Facebook ad copies and Amazon product descriptions.

Writesonic can help write short-form material like ad copy, product descriptions, SEO meta tags, and emails, as well as provide you with a variety of samples to choose from.

It provides new customers with a free trial that includes a few free credits to try out the site. This service offers both pay-as-you-go and monthly subscriptions, making it ideal for infrequent authors.

It's an excellent option for any vendor looking to save time and money by producing massive amounts of unique material.

Writesonic Features:

Here are the quick features of Writesonic:

  • Ease of use - It is simple to teach others how to use this tool. It only takes a few seconds to give a quick summary using their quick guides and follow prompts. 
  • Supports multiple languages - Writesonic allows you to create content in 25 different languages to help you communicate your message in any language. This is the most effective technique to target clients, depending on their geography. English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, Polish, and others are just a handful of the compatible languages.
  • Predictive scoring - Writesonic has just included predictive scoring for the generated text, unlike previous AI copywriting tools. This grading system will assist you in determining the quality of content produced and how well it will perform when distributed to your target audience. The higher the number, the better the result.
  • Automatically corrects grammar - Writesonic includes a grammar checker so that you can make a lasting impression on your potential clients or subscribers. The module will automatically detect and prompt you to correct any problems in the generated material.
  • Readability checker - Writesonic examines the readability of the text to ensure that your message is aligned with the target audience's readability. The information is usually of high quality and does not require any adjustments. If you feel the material quality to be a little lacking, you can utilize the readability tester to get suggestions for improvement.


Copysmith is an AI writing platform with many tools and capabilities for content creators. It can be used to create ad content, long-form blog pieces, online copy, marketing content, and other types of content. Copysmith also includes several intriguing tools, such as an integrated plagiarism detector and a Frase-powered SEO keyword integration.

It is powered by GPT-3, which is excellent for developing such marketing copies.

It also provides templates from which you have to choose. After you enter details regarding your target audience, a blog post title, keywords, and a sample paragraph, Copysmith will create an actual blog post.

Copysmith Features:

Here are some of the amazing features of Copysmith:

  • WordPress plugin - As of the most recent software version, Copysmith now includes a WooCommerce WordPress plugin for smooth product description generating.
  • Shopify plugin - The Copysmith Shopify plugin is great for producing product descriptions for your eCommerce products. This function is capable of producing unique and various product descriptions for a single item. You can use a different version on your Shopify store and your website.
  • Collaboration - If you work for an agency or are part of a marketing team, you can effortlessly share the information with your colleagues. The interchange of thoughts and suggestions among your coworkers will aid in the improvement of your content's quality.
  • Content Management - The program places a high value on content management. As a result, it allows you to save your stuff in different directories. If you work as a freelancer or represent an agency, this function will help you manage content for your various clients.


Q. What is GPT-3?

Ans: Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) is a deep learning-based autoregressive language model that produces human-like prose.

The model was made available to the general public a few years ago.

Many organizations began experimenting with it, and the AI writing tools you see on this list today are the result of their efforts.

The GPT-3's memory bank has some fallacies, implying that it does not include the most up-to-date data or knowledge available on the internet today.

Q. Can AI write a blog post?

Ans: Yes, AI can write a blog post. However, the quality of the content will depend on several factors, including how much human input was used in training the model. AI content generator can help speed up writing a whole blog article.

To get something that resembles a high-quality piece, you'll have to work sentence by sentence. You'll also have to do your own editing and content updates for human readers.

Q. Can AI copywriting tools replace human content writers?

Ans: No. AI copywriting tools can help speed up the process of writing a blog post or other content. Still, they cannot replace human writers, because we're all seeking to improve our efficiency as technology advances. That is exactly what these copywriting tools provide. However, you should be aware AI is not advanced enough to write from the perspective of a person. Furthermore, everyone has their distinct writing style and tone. As of today, no software can match this. As a result, it's safe to claim that AI-based copywriting tools will never be able to replace human copywriters.

Q. Can AI writing tools write in other languages besides English?

Ans: Yes! Various AI writing tools support a wide range of international languages. Other than English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Polish, and Japanese are some of the most well-known languages.

Q. Is Scalenut's free AI writer good enough?

Ans: The free version of Scalenut is as good as the paid version, but it comes with some limitations. For example, you get only 2,500 short-form and 2,500 long-form words. With the free version, you can miss out the features such as rephrasing, team collaboration, instruct mode, and 24/7 support.


After trying out all the AI copywriting tools, it's time for you to pick one and start using it to generate content automatically. Although, given the huge set of features, you may still be unable to choose the best copywriter.

That's why we suggest you try Scalenut AI Writer. It offers a wide range of features to help you get the most out of your content marketing efforts.

Plus, it is free to use. Scalenut has already built a large community of users and has been rated 4.6 out of 5 stars on Trustpilot. Further, it has received various awards from the G2 crowd.

Scalenut has been created keeping the bloggers and medium business in mind. That's why they have slashed the prices, keeping them affordable even for the bloggers. Their basic plan starts from as low as $12/month.

Check out Scalenut for free and see how how it works.

Mayank Jain
Co-Founder, Scalenut
ABout the AUTHOR
Mayank Jain
Co-Founder, Scalenut

A content marketing geek at heart, Mayank is the captain of the ship at Scalenut. He believes in building for the users and ensures that every Scalenut feature helps people get the most from the all-in-one SEO and content marketing platform.

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