Jun 13, 2023

Best Hreflang Generator Tools

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Best Hreflang Generator Tools
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Jun 13, 2023

Best Hreflang Generator Tools

Discover the best Hreflang generator tools to optimise your multilingual website for search engines and improve your international SEO strategy.
Best Hreflang Generator Tools

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Hreflang generators are essential tools for SEO experts, marketers, and website owners who manage multilingual websites. These tools help create the necessary hreflang tags to inform search engines about the different language and regional versions of a webpage. By implementing hreflang tags correctly, you can improve your website's search engine rankings and avoid duplicate content issues.

In this blog, we will discuss the top Hreflang generator tools available in the market, their features, and pricing. We will also provide some factors to consider when choosing the right Hreflang generator tool for your needs.

Top Hreflang Generator Tools

Aleyda Solis's Tool

 A screenshot of the Aleyda Solis's Hreflang generator tool

Aleyda Solis's Hreflang generator tool is a popular choice among SEO professionals for its speed and ease of use. The tool allows you to generate hreflang tags for headers and XML sitemaps quickly. Some of its features include:

- Bulk URL submitting through CSV file or XML sitemap uploads

- Language and country selection without manual code entry

- Hreflang testing and validation

Hreflang Tag Generator Tool by SEO Tools Belt

 A screenshot of the Hreflang Tag Generator Tool by SEO Tools Belt

The Hreflang Tag Generator Tool by SEO Tools Belt is a widely used tool for generating hreflang tags. One of its most useful features is the ability to generate hreflang tags for multiple pages at once, saving time and effort that would have been spent on doing it manually. It also allows users to generate tags for different language versions of a website, which is essential for websites targeting an international audience.

This tool has several features that make it stand out among other similar tools in the market including: 

-Easy-to-use interface 

-Generates the appropriate hreflang tag code for each page selected.

-Allows users to generate tags for different language versions of a website

- XML sitemap generation

- Hreflang testing and validation

Hreflang Tag Generator by Zazzle Media

A screenshot of the Hreflang Tag Generator by Zazzle Media

Hreflang Tag Generator by Zazzle Media is another essential tool for SEO experts and marketers who want to optimize their website's internationalization. This tool generates hreflang tags, which are HTML attributes that tell search engines the language and geographic targeting of a specific web page. It includes several features:

-Supports multiple languages, allows you to specify the target country or region in up to five different languages. 

-Generate codes for both canonical URLs and alternate URLs. 

-Allows you to download your generated code as an XML sitemap file

SISTRIX Hreflang Generator

A screenshot of the SISTRIX's Hreflang generator tool‍

SISTRIX's Hreflang generator tool is user-friendly and ideal for individual URLs. However, it is not suitable for larger websites with many language and country versions, as it does not support bulk uploads. Some of its features include:

- Language and country selection without manual code entry

- Hreflang tags generation for headers

- XML sitemap generation

- Hreflang testing and validation


 A screenshot of the Hreflang.org

Hreflang.org is a testing tool that allows you to analyse large quantities of URLs by submitting them manually or uploading a sitemap. It is quick and easy to use, offering the following features:

- Bulk URL submitting through CSV file or XML sitemap uploads

- Hreflang XML sitemap submitting

- List of errors for individual URLs

- Export errors list

Merkle RKG

 A screenshot of the Merkle RKG's Hreflang tool

Merkle RKG's Hreflang tool allows you to use its built-in Hreflang sitemap validator or insert URLs individually. It also supports switching between Google and Yandex, which is useful when targeting Russian-speaking markets. Some of its features include:

- Bulk URL submitting through CSV file or XML sitemap uploads

- Hreflang XML sitemap submitting

- List of errors for individual URLs

- Export errors list

Flang by Dejan Tools

A screenshot of the Flang by Dejan Tools

Flang by Dejan Tools is a Hreflang validator recommended by Hreflang.org. It is easy to use and fast, making it perfect for testing individual URLs after manually implementing Hreflang in the header. Some of its features include:

- Bulk URL submitting through CSV file or XML sitemap uploads

- Hreflang XML sitemap submitting

- List of errors for individual URLs

- Export errors list

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Hreflang Generator Tool

When selecting the right Hreflang generator tool for your needs, consider the following factors:

1. Ease of use: Choose a tool that is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

2. Bulk URL submission: If you have a large website with multiple language and country versions, opt for a tool that supports bulk URL submission through CSV file or XML sitemap uploads.

3. Language and country selection: Select a tool that allows you to choose languages and countries without manual code entry, reducing the chances of errors.

4. Hreflang testing and validation: Ensure the tool you choose offers hreflang testing and validation features to help you identify and fix any issues with your hreflang implementation.

5. Pricing: Consider your budget and choose a tool that offers the features you need at a price you can afford.


Hreflang generator tools are essential for optimising your multilingual website for search engines and improving your international SEO strategy. By considering the factors mentioned above and evaluating the features of the top Hreflang generator tools, you can select the best tool for your needs. Whether you are an SEO expert, marketer, AI enthusiast, or founder of an SMB, these tools can help you enhance your website's search engine rankings and avoid duplicate content issues. You can also sign up for a free 7-day trial with Scalenut to make sure your site meets all the SEO requirements. 

About Scalenut 

Scalenut is an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform that helps discover and create relevant content for your customers. Be it brainstorming a content strategy, creating comprehensive briefs, generating the content, or optimizing it per the best SEO practices, Scalenut has made the process extremely easy. Click here to create a free account and explore the many features of this tool.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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