Oct 11, 2021

Top 10 Best SEO Tools to Explode Your Blog Traffic in 2023

Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
Top 10 Best SEO Tools to Explode Your Blog Traffic in 2023
Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
Oct 11, 2021

Top 10 Best SEO Tools to Explode Your Blog Traffic in 2023

Do you know that there are many on-page SEO tools available to help you optimize your content for search engines? This article will tell you about the top 10 tools that are widely used by webmasters today.
Top 10 Best SEO Tools to Explode Your Blog Traffic in 2023

Table of contents

In the world of digital marketing, many tools will make you successful in your chosen niche.

However, some of these tools can be complex and daunting for new people in the industry.

So, what about SEO (or Search engine optimization)?

SEO is one area where you can't afford to use tools because it does everything right from keyword research to backlink analysis, covers any technical issue, and improves user experience.

Hence, in this article, we have shared the list of the best On-page SEO tools that you should use to boost google search rankings and improve website performance.

But, why does On-Page SEO mattress so much for the SEOs and content marketers?

Why On-Page SEO matters?

Onpage SEO is an important part of your overall SEO strategy. It can make or break your website, especially if you are new to the game. When you optimize your page for search engines, you can get more visitors and make more sales.

It’s all about making sure that your content is search engine friendly and that Google and other search engines can interpret it properly.

The goal is to make the content user-friendly and make sure it satisfies the search intent. More than ranking, the focus should be on creating content that is valuable to your readers.

What are the most important parts of On-Page SEO?

Though there are several on-page SEO factors, the one that matters the most is your target keyword. If your content does not contain the target keyword in the title or inside the body text, the page will be hard to rank no matter what you do.

Furthermore, the keywords that you use in your content should be relevant to the topic. If your keyword is too competitive to rank, it will be a hard-fought battle to rank.

However, thorough keyword research can ease the job for you. Performing keyword research to curate the lucrative and easy to rank keywords is one of the keys to success On-page SEO strategy.

Moreover, the search results are a reflection of the quality of your content. The more relevant and well-written your content is, the better it's chances to rank in search engines.

Furthermore, there are other On-page SEO elements to consider. These include:

  • Page Speed (Check for any technical issues).
  • Page Title and Meta descriptions.
  • Image Alt tags and
  • Valuable links to your page.

Using the On-Page optimization analysis free SEO tool

On-page optimization is crucial to boost conversion rate and increase website traffic. On-page optimization is vital for creating quality content that will rank in search engines.

As an internet marketer, you need to have a comprehensive analysis of your site's on-page SEO issues so that you can fix them and improve the ranking of your pages.

An on-page optimization SEO tool performs the website analysis to create a complete list of errors and will provide a detailed solution to fix the issues.

The On-Page Optimization Analysis Free SEO Tool lets you quickly see the important SEO content on your webpage URL the same way a search engine spider views your data. It also shows you how to improve that content and what keywords are used to rank your page.

Various On-Page SEO free tool helps with various issues including:

  • Checks for internal links, external and broken links.
  • Performs analysis on the page's keywords, keyword usage, and domain authority.
  • Identifies possible duplication of content across multiple pages on your website.
  • Check the page elements and analyzes the site speed. Identifies any potential issues with the page's layout.
  • Creates a list of keywords that are on your website and how they rank.
  • Analyzes the site’s redirects, including broken links, 301 redirects, 302 redirects, canonical URLs, and more.
  • Shows insight into header tags, image alt tags, and other important metrics.

There are several free On-page SEO tools as well as premium ones. Most of the free tools are limited in functionality. For example, they can only analyze your page for keyword issues and show you the list of keywords used on your site.

A paid tool will provide a more comprehensive analysis to identify problems like broken links, duplicate content across multiple pages, internal and external links, website speed issues, etc.

Several paid On-page SEO tools can analyze your pages for various SEO errors like broken links, duplicate content across multiple pages, internal and external links, website speed issues, etc.

Best tools for On-Page SEO and how to use them

So, what are the best tool for improving page optimization and user experience?

Here is the list of best On-page SEO tools to use:

Google Search Console

GSC is a webmaster tool that provides search engine optimization (SEO) tools to help you improve your website. It can be used for all websites, including blogs and personal sites.

Google search console or Google webmaster tool is a free SEO optimization tool that helps webmasters keep track of their keywords. With this tool, you're able to find out how Google crawls your website, check the errors in your website and optimize it.

GSC is, in fact, one of the essential free on-page SEO tools.
To use GSC, you need to sign up for a Google account. Verify your website's various methods as suggested by the Google webmaster tool.

Features of Google Search Console
1) Shows you how many organic visits or clicks are coming to your site each day.
2) You can see which pages on your site rank for the most popular keywords and where any website duplicates exist on your domain.
3) Shows you what Google thinks about the performance of your website's mobile version.
4) Finds any problems with crawl errors, broken links, and wrong links pointing to your site.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows you to track your website's traffic.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that helps create reports about traffic, user behaviour, and other data. This tool helps you to track the performance of your website.

It has various benefits as it helps you track your website's performance, increase the number of visitors, improve your website's conversion rate, and so on.

You can also track the number of visitors from various countries, the amount of time spent on your website, and what pages they visited. It helps you to know how much traffic you are getting from different sources.

UberSuggest SEO Tool

Ubersuggest is an SEO tool created by Neil Patel and certainly one of the best On-page SEO analysis tools for beginners.

Ubersuggest allows you to find the words that will improve your site's search engine rankings.

Ubersuggest has many features that make it easy to use, like auto-suggest, auto-complete, and auto-rank.

This tool gives you an in-depth analysis of the keywords and shows which one is ranking better. It also gives you a list of similar keywords that are likely to perform well for your business.

Ahrefs SEO Tool

Ahrefs is the industry leader in SEO tools. It's an enterprise-level software with a vast team of data scientists and engineers working around the clock to crawl the web and index new pages.

It's one of those tasks that scale as websites grow. That means accurate metrics for even the most significant sites on the web.

It's an excellent tool for competitive analysis, and it can help you analyse your competitors' website structure. It helps you find out which keywords they are ranking well on, what their backlinks look like, etc.

The Ahrefs Backlink tool helps you find the best places for guest posting so that your site can get some authoritative links pointing back at it. This positively affects search engine rankings, making it more likely that users will click through to your content from Google's SERPs.

Ahrefs has a free chrome extension that helps you to track your keywords. This browser extension or SEO toolbar helps bring keywords metrics, suggestions, and other keywords data into the chrome toolbar.

Yoast SEO Tool

Yoast SEO Tool is a WordPress plugin that automatically optimises your content for search engines and readers. This free on-page SEO tool gives a detailed analysis of your content and gives relevant suggestions.

Yoast plugin analyses four main elements of a webpage:

1) Keyword analysis - Yoast SEO Tool will tell you the number of words on your page, how many times you used the keyword, and where your placement was strongest.

2) Readability analysis - It will analyze the length of sentences, percentage of complex words, syllables per word, etc., before giving you a score. This lets you know if your text is too difficult for most people to read.

3) Readability improvement suggestions - Yoast SEO Tool will suggest how to make things easier to read. For example, it might suggest that you shorten a particularly long piece of content.

4) SEO insights - It shows you which keywords are helping your pages rank, the internal and external links and the length of title and meta descriptions.


There are many on-page SEO tools available to help you optimize your content for search engines.

However, not all on-page SEO tools are created equal. The best on-page SEO tools will provide you with the information you need to optimize your content for search engines, but they should also be easy to use and understand.

On-page SEO tools can help you identify what's working well on your site and what's not. When you have a complete picture of the content on your site, it becomes easier to make changes to improve its SEO performance.

The above free On-page SEO tools can help in getting the right traffic and boost rankings.

Priya Jamba
Content Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Priya Jamba
Content Marketer

Priya Jamba is a Content Marketer at Scalenut. She loves marketing technologies and believes that with the right combination of tools and creativity, every organization can build sustainable brands. She is on a mission to help marketing teams across the globe produce tangible results from their marketing campaigns. Currently, she is working along with the Product team to enhance the AI content quality through prompt engineering.

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