Feb 8, 2022

What is Bounce Rate? How to Measure, Interpret, and Improve It!

Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
What is Bounce Rate? How to Measure, Interpret, and Improve It!
Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
Feb 8, 2022

What is Bounce Rate? How to Measure, Interpret, and Improve It!

Do you know what the bounce rate is? In this article, we have briefly explained the bounce rate and how to measure, interpret & improve it for your growth.
What is Bounce Rate? How to Measure, Interpret, and Improve It!

Table of contents

Imagine that you have great content and a great product to display, yet you are lagging behind your competitors.

You have a large traffic to your site, but you don't see any conversions. As you view your Google Analytics dashboard, you find that your visitors are returning from a single page, and that too after a very short period.

Furthermore, you are experiencing a huge decline in rankings because of this. Why? Because of the bad user experience.

A bad user experience may result in a Bounce in SEO.

In this article, we will be sharing everything about the Bounce rate and why it is not just limited to your SEO efforts.

What is Bounce Rate?

The percentage of visitors to a website who exit without viewing any other pages is known as the Bounce rate. A bounce is simply a session that receives one pageview, but multiple sessions can see the same code path, and static HTML pages with the same URL are classified as separate bounces.

The Bounce rate can be calculated by dividing the single-page visits by the total visits. 

In other words, a page’s bounce rate is defined as the percentage of visitors that leave a page without taking action, such as clicking on a link, filling out a form, or making a purchase.

The bounce rate of a website is a key metric used by web analysts and marketers. It measures how many visitors leave your site without visiting any other pages.

This means that a website with a higher bounce rate may have been designed poorly, or the information being presented on the site may be too complex for visitors to understand.

In short, a high bounce rate can be a good indicator of poor design, while a lower bounce rate indicates the opposite.

What is a Good Bounce Rate?

Before starting out, it is important to understand the difference between a high bounce rate and a low bounce rate.

A high bounce rate signifies the short duration of the visitor. They visit your site and leave immediately after visiting the page they land on.

A low bounce rate signifies that the visitors are spending more time on the page. Furthermore, a low bounce rate is also determined if the visitors have clicked the links available at the end of the page.

So, what makes for a "good" bounce rate?

Many may believe a high bounce rate is a bad bounce rate. Well, that's not always the case.

This is cited by Google itself that a website’s bounce rate will be considered as a bad one if you want viewers to navigate to different pages when the user ends up navigating to just one page.

However, a high bounce rate is normal in the case where you have a single-page site, webpage or blog. Even more, the bounce rate is an indirect ranking factor in SEO as it affects the user experience and conversion rate optimization.

Bounce Rate vs Exit Rate

Exit rate in website traffic analysis is the percentage of people who visited a page and then left the website to go somewhere else.

Exit rate is an essential metric to measure how well your website or blog performs relative to others in the same industry.

The bounce rate is the number of single-engagement page sessions. The exit rate is the number of people who leave a specific page, even if they didn’t start on it in the first place.

This means if a person lands on page A and clicks the browser's back button to turn back to the search engine page, that’s a bounce.

On the other hand, if someone navigates to page A and clicks over to page B, and after reading, they close their browser, that is an exit rate.

Why do People Bounce?

A site’s bounce rate may be affected by various reasons:

  • Pages don't meet user expectations: The user doesn't find what they are looking for on the page, so they leave.
  • Inability to load properly: People will likely bounce if it takes more than 3 seconds to download a web page. A slow down in loading time can cause users to make assumptions about your site or blog performance, which may lead them away from the website altogether.
  • Excessive Pop Ups: Pop-ups can ruin the user experience and be an annoyance to the visitor. Pop-ups can be removed from a site via plugins and scripts.
  • Too long of a time between clicks: If there is not enough response on your page after waiting for more than 5 seconds or so after a click, it's likely that users will bounce off your website altogether.
  • Ugly Design: If the design of a site looks ugly, users will quickly lose interest in it and may not even attempt to come back. Users must feel that they can trust that there's something important on a page before getting anything from it - and if you're presenting them with information that isn't personalized, this trust won't be there at all.

Tips for Improving Bounce Rate:

# Embed YouTube Videos in Your Page

YouTube videos are the most popular way to boost your bounce rate.

For example, if you embed a video on your page, visitors will most likely watch it and then leave without ever visiting any other pages on your site. If they like what they see in the video, they will likely share it with their friends.

# Sprinkle in Bucket Brigades

Bucket Brigades are special JavaScript codes that can be placed on your website. It's unnecessary to use bucket brigades for all of your pages, but it is useful to include them in some parts of the site where visitors often tend to bounce.

This makes it easier for visitors to get to the pages they want.

# Place CTA Buttons at the Bottom of Your Pages

CTA buttons are links that say "Click Here" or "Subscribe."

When a visitor clicks on these buttons, they will be taken to another page where they can subscribe to your email list or make a purchase.

This is an easy way to increase your contact form's conversion rate. By placing the contact form on a page with many visitors, you will have more chances to convert those site visitors into subscribers or customers.

# Improve Page Load Time

The slow loading speed can be a major issue for your website as it ruins the user experience. If you are having trouble with slow load times, make sure that all of the images on your site are in smaller in size. Images with larger file sizes take longer to load and thus slow down the entire page.

If you have an image gallery, you can use a lightweight image-loading plugin to reduce the load time of your images.

# Make Content Easy to Read

One of the major reasons for a higher bounce rate is your content. Make it easier to find the information your readers need on your site.

How you organize and format your pages will help determine how quickly someone can get through your content. Keep the text as concise as possible, and use the “Bold” formatting to highlight important words or phrases.

# Satisfy Search Intent

The search intent is a very important aspect of SEO. Search engines best try to present what people are looking for when they type in a certain keyword into the search bar.

The best way to do this is by using keywords that have been researched and tested to be most effective for your business or website.

# Use Heatmap Data to Improve Key Landing Pages

When you use heatmap data, you can see where your visitors are clicking on your site. You will be able to determine what areas of the page are most important and how they differ from other pages.

This information can help improve the overall design of your website, which in turn increases its effectiveness.

# Add Internal Links to Your Page

If you have a blog, it's important to include links to your most popular posts. This way, visitors can find other relevant content that they might enjoy reading.

When you add internal links to your page, it helps the search engines determine which pages are most important.

This increases the value of your site for all visitors, not just those who are searching for a specific keyword.

# Impress to Improve Search Rankings

Search engines are looking for websites that have been designed with the visitor in mind. It's important to provide a user-friendly experience, so you can attract more visitors and improve your search rankings at the same time.

Be Visually Stunning While Being Visually Accessible: Designing an amazing website doesn't mean that you have to make it difficult for your visitors to use.

You can make your site visually stunning while still making it easy for them to navigate. The key is in the details, and if you take time with each element of your design, you will create a truly beautiful website.

# Use Table of Contents

Having a table of contents on your site is important for several reasons. Not only does it help the search engines determine which pages are most important, but it also helps visitors navigate through your website more easily.

A page with a table of contents is easier to read and understand than one without it.

# Optimize Your Mobile UX

The mobile phone is one of the most popular devices for surfing the web. 57% of all online traffic now comes from mobile devices.

As a result, it's important to make your website mobile-friendly and intuitive so that visitors can easily access what they need. One way to do this is by adding a "Jump link" feature.

When a visitor clicks on a link on your mobile site, it will take them to the same page on your desktop site. This helps visitors feel more comfortable and reduces their frustration when they have trouble accessing what they need.

# Use Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-Intent popups are a great way to draw attention to your blog posts. These are often very simple and easy to use, yet they're effective at drawing visitors back into your site.

They can further reduce your page's overall bounce rate. Unlike annoying popups, Exit-Intent Popups show up only when someone is leaving your page.

# Include distinct CTAs and Consider Their Placements

You can improve your bounce rate by using distinct CTAs (click to action) and considering their placements for bounce rate.

Compelling CTAs can drastically affect your bounce rate. 

Segment Bounce Rate by Browser

You can improve your bounce rate by segmenting it by the browser. A lot of people still think that the more visitors you have, the better it is for you. This is not true because some users will only visit your site once and never come back to check out other pages.

Therefore, if you have a low bounce rate for your website, it may be because of the number of visitors. This means that you should improve your site's design to attract more visitors.

You can segment bounce rates by the browser using Google Analytics. By doing this, you will be able to see how many visitors are using each browser.

Average Bounce Rate for a Website

The average bounce rate for your website is the average number of visitors who visit your site and leave without visiting any other pages.

You can calculate this using Google Analytics.

  • Click on “Behavior > Site Content > Bounce Rate.”
  • After clicking on “Bounce Rate,” you will be able to see the bounce rate for your website.

Average bounce rate is an important metric in understanding how visitors interact with your site and its content.

You can improve this by creating more content that will interest visitors.

To improve your average bounce rate, you should create more relevant and valuable content on your website. You can do this by creating blog posts about topics that are important to your target audience.

Single-Page Session Bounce Rate

A single-page session bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your website after visiting a single page on your site.

The higher this number, the more likely it is that you have made an error in some aspect of your content or design. For example, if visitors are leaving your site after visiting a single page, they are likely unable to find what they are looking for.

Multiple-Page Session Bounce Rate

A multiple-page session bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who leave your website after viewing two or more pages on your site.

Google Analytics offers various reports that track different aspects of your website.

You can use these reports to understand how visitors interact with the content on your site and which pages they view.

For example, you might want to track specific types of visitor interactions in order to improve certain parts of your marketing strategy.

A/B Testing and Bounce Rate

A/B testing is a technique used to measure the effectiveness of web pages and online marketing campaigns.

A/B testing works by creating several versions of your website or marketing campaign, each with slight variations in content and design. You then run an A/B test on these different versions, seeing which version receives more traffic.

A/B testing can help you find out which design and content elements perform best, as well as which ones don't work at all.

There are a number of heatmap tools or split testing tools that you can use to test which element is working more.


Is a high bounce rate a bad thing?

This is a question that is difficult to answer. For some businesses, the bounce rate may just be an issue that needs to be addressed. It is usually not something that can be ignored though.

There are many factors to take into consideration when determining the bounce rate of a website. It will also depend on what niche your business falls under and what type of website it is.

Is a 2% bounce rate good?

In order to answer this question, we need to understand what a 2% bounce rate means and how it affects the website performance.

The 2% bounce rate indicates that two out of every ten visitors who come to your site will leave without ever returning. This can be because of various reasons, including not finding what they were looking for, having poor website navigation, or just being annoyed by the design of your website.


Bounce rate is a crucial metric that you can track to understand how well your website performs.

To improve your bounce rate, you need to understand why people are leaving and what actions they are taking. This was our blog post on the bounce rate and the tips to improve it.

Priya Jamba
Content Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Priya Jamba
Content Marketer

Priya Jamba is a Content Marketer at Scalenut. She loves marketing technologies and believes that with the right combination of tools and creativity, every organization can build sustainable brands. She is on a mission to help marketing teams across the globe produce tangible results from their marketing campaigns. Currently, she is working along with the Product team to enhance the AI content quality through prompt engineering.

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