Oct 16, 2021

How to Create a Content Strategy for your Business: Step-By-Step Guide

Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
How to Create a Content Strategy for your Business: Step-By-Step Guide
Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
Oct 16, 2021

How to Create a Content Strategy for your Business: Step-By-Step Guide

Do you know that content creation strategy is one of the essential parts of any business? This article will tell you about the strategy behind creating your own business online.
How to Create a Content Strategy for your Business: Step-By-Step Guide

Table of contents

Content marketing has always been the core of any digital marketing campaign. Be it paid ads, organic traffic generation, or an email marketing campaign; a well-planned content marketing strategy is highly coveted.

It never hurts to revisit the strategies you use for content marketing - even if they are old ones! You can always find new things that work better than what you started with before and tweak them as needed.

According to Hubspot, 82% of marketers use content marketing as one of the primary tactics of digital marketing. However, the success of a content marketing campaign heavily relies on a content creation strategy. Without the right content strategies, you will end up scratching your head on where to go next.

It's essential to publish high-quality content to attract and retain your target audience.

That's why you need to use a robust strategy to help create content for your website. Deciding what keywords are important, writing articles, and creating media assets all require different strategies.

This article has shared the various content creation strategies and what you need to do to create an effective content strategy.

What is a content creation strategy?

A content creation strategy is a detailed plan for building your business and creating your business online. It includes how you will create content, when you will create it, and what it will be about.

A content creation strategy is essential to help you create compelling content for your website. You need a clear plan of action to publish the right kind of content at the right time.

It also helps ensure that your marketing efforts focus on building a business rather than traffic.

Content creation strategies are vital to getting your content published on time and in a manner that will attract customers to it. That's why you need to know how much content you should publish per month, when you should publish it, and what type of content works best for your business.

There are many content creation strategies that you can use to build your brand and generate leads for your website.

The best strategy depends on the type of business you have, what kind of content is most effective for attracting customers, and what kind of visitors you want to get from a particular source.

If you are starting, then creating content will probably be the most time-consuming part of your strategy.

You need to figure out how you will get your content published on time and in a manner that will attract customers to it. You'll need some online publishing platform or software, like WordPress, that can handle the task for you.

Once you have that, you'll need to figure out what type of content will work best for your business.

Many types of content can be used on a website. You may choose one or more depending on the target audience and the needs of your website.

Why do you need a content creation strategy?

45% of marketing professionals report that they have difficulty creating engaging content for their target audience.

A content creation strategy is not just about why but also how good your content is. It also affects the way you are going to distribute your content.

Content creation strategy is a means to an end. The way you create content should help you build your brand and increase the number of visitors to your website.

Businesses need a robust content strategy to achieve their business goals.

To attract the right users, you need to teach the potential customers about your product and how it will help them. Once they are your customer, you must keep boosting your content marketing efforts to retain them as the customers.

Furthermore, the lack of content creation strategy will lead to a mess, and you will publish random pieces of content at the wrong time.

The content creation strategy is essential for effective marketing because it helps determine what content will work best for your business. You can use this information to figure out how you are going to distribute your content.

Here are some quick benefits of creating an effective content creation strategy:

  • Builds trust and credibility: Your website will be more trustworthy if you have an effective content creation strategy. People will see that you are reliable and serious about your business. Your brand can benefit from having a solid content creation strategy because it gives people the confidence to trust what you have to say.
  • Increases customer loyalty: Your customers will feel loyal to your brand if you have a good content creation strategy that clearly defines the benefits of your product or service. This way, they can get more and more information about what you offer and decide whether it is suitable for them.
  • It creates consistency in content planning: To be effective, content marketing needs to happen consistently. You have a plan that tells you what to do and when you have to do it so that your company can be successful with this kind of marketing strategy.

How to research for your content creation strategy plan?

The first step to creating a content strategy is to perform thorough keyword research, industry and topic research, and find the right pain points of your target audience. Here are some quick research tactics that you can adopt for a solid content strategy plan:

Use online surveys 

To get the correct feedback, conduct an online survey with your target audience to know their needs and how they are using your products or services. You can also use surveys platforms like Google Forms, Survey Monkey, etc.

It's a cherry on the cake if you have a large social media following or an email marketing list. Share these surveys with your audience and get the customer's feedback to get insight into your industry.

Run polls on social media

A poll is a quick and easy way to ask your audience what they want or think about something. This way, you can get real-time feedback on the type of content that people are interested in. You can do this with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms.

Check for social listening 

Keep an eye out for things that you have branded or posted in a particular way to make sure they keep going strong over time by tracking them with a hashtag or other means of tracking data online like statistics websites and analytics tools.

Monitor the relevant hashtags, links, comments, and the type of posts that work for your industries. Wich type of content does your social media audience like?

What type of posts do they share?

Use customer reviews to your advantage 

Customer reviews are a great way to gauge the quality of your product or service. You can use this data to insight into what you need to improve and how you can provide better value for your customers. You can also ask the customer to write about their experience with you on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Monitor blog comments

A blog is a great way to keep up with what your customers are saying about you. You can use these comments as feedback on the type of content that people like and if they would be interested in other types of information or products.

Monitor Blog comments for mentions of product names, prices, dates, and specific words that indicate interest in certain products.

Use analytics tools

You can use a tool like Google Analytics to track the number of people who have visited your website and which specific pages they have been on. You can also monitor search engine keywords used, links from other websites, and social media mentions of your brand name or products.

By analyzing the data, you can find out what types of content and topics your customers are interested in. You can then create a strategy to focus on these topics and use them as opportunities for customer interaction with your brand.

Do proper keyword research

Keyword research is a way to ensure that you are providing the correct type of content for your target audience. You can do this by finding out what they are searching for on Google and how often they search, which keywords have the most searches, and their average cost per click (CPC ).

If you plan to use paid advertising on Google, you must do keyword research for your brand name and products. This will help you identify the right keywords to use in ad copy to be relevant to your target audience.

You can also use keyword research to find out what people are searching for on your website. By analyzing the data, you can find out what types of content and topics your customers are interested in. You can then create a strategy to focus on these topics and use them as opportunities for customer interaction with your brand.

Make clear goals 

To ensure that you are getting the most out of your digital marketing campaign, it is essential to have clear goals. You can use these goals to make sure that you are meeting your business objectives.

Your goal will be to drive traffic and build awareness of your brand name or products on the internet. This is important because it helps you create a relationship with your customers, which makes them more likely to buy from you.

To ensure that your brand name or products are getting the correct exposure, you must use multiple marketing channels. You can do this by choosing a combination of online and offline advertising strategies, as well as content marketing.

Tips to develop your content creation strategy

Once you have researched the content goals and strategy, it is time to develop a robust strategy for content marketing. Before creating a piece of content, it is essential to develop and implement this strategy.

Brainstorm content ideas

The first step in developing a content strategy is to brainstorm and collect as many ideas as possible. Brainstorming is an effective way of finding out what people are interested in and how you can use these topics to generate leads.

The best practice is to gather your content team and take ideas, themes, and subjects that you think are best for your audience.

Another great tool you can use when creating your content strategy is the content idea generator or Answer The Public. This tool helps you brainstorm ideas for your company's social media posts, blog posts, and other marketing materials.

Start by listing your ideas in an Excel spreadsheet so you can research them thoroughly before choosing the best one to go with for a project idea.

Perform content audit

Once you have gathered your ideas, it is time to perform a content audit. The purpose of this step is to analyze all the information that you have collected so far.

Find your best-performing and worst-performing content and find any content gap possible. Add more relevant content to the old existing content.

Doing this will give you some good ideas on how to get people's attention and make sure your message is heard loud and clear by everyone who needs to hear it!

Craft content plan

The next step is to create a content plan. The purpose of this step is to map out your company's strategies for creating and distributing content over the coming months.

Each company has different goals, but it can be helpful to outline your goal in terms of the following:

For example, if your goal is to increase traffic to a specific website or blog post, you can break down the steps needed to achieve this goal.

Create a content calendar 

A content editorial calendar is one of the best ways to stay organized. It helps you plan your content so that you can manage your time more efficiently.

It also helps you manage the workflow so that you can produce more content. It also helps you monitor your social media accounts so that you can monitor your business's progress and growth.

There are several tools and resources out there that will help you create better content for your sites or blog posts, like calendars and lists.

You can use content calendar tools like Google Calendar, Airtable, or Microsoft Excel to manage and plan content effectively.

Choose your content distribution channels

This is the last step of the content creation process.

You will need to choose your distribution channels for your content to effectively reach your target audience and create a strong brand presence.

In addition to social media, you should also consider other popular digital marketing tools like email marketing, video marketing, and website analytics.

When choosing the right distribution channel, you must provide your audience with a clear call to action.

For example, if you distribute content on social media, it would be beneficial to link your blog to access more content quickly.

Content Creation Tactics

After developing a content marketing plan, it is now time to create a great content creation tactic. This is one of the most crucial steps in your content creation strategy.

Set up your blog

Create a blog that is relevant to your niche. You can use the CMS platforms like WordPress, HubSpot, and Weebly-like platforms to set up a blog.

Create an SEO content 

You must have keyword-rich content for your blog. This will help you to create high-quality content and provide an opportunity for search engines to index it so that the audience can easily find your blog or website.

Make sure to optimize the content with high-quality keywords with the right search volume. You can also use the relevant terms and related keywords in your content to increase content relevancy.

Make sure to place the keywords in the following:

  • Page title
  • Meta title
  • Meta description
  • First 100 words of content
  • Heading (H1) and subheadings (H2, H3)
  • Image alt text
  • Conclusion

Create content structure 

The content structure is a vital step in the content creation process. This helps you to achieve a higher page ranking and improve your site's usability.

Long-form content performs well, but it needs to be readable and scannable. You should use short sentences and paragraphs for this to work well. Also, make sure that your content is broken up into individual sections by using meaningful subheadings, so the reader knows what they are reading about at all times.

Use various types of content

Use various types of content to promote your brand through various content channels. It includes; white papers, podcasts, ebooks, case studies, video content, webinars, and infographics. But make sure that your competitors are already leveraging this content.

Use amazing images 

Use high-quality images to promote your brand. These can be used on the blog, social media, and other channels as well. Make sure that you have a unique image for each post. It would help if you also used relevant keywords in the image's alt tag so that it gets indexed by search engines.

Tactics for effective content distribution

The content marketing tactics that you choose will be based on your business's size and the audience you are trying to reach. There are many content distribution strategies available, but they can also vary in terms of effectiveness.

Here are few tips for content distribution:

Use Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are the best ways to get your content in front of your target audience. Use these channels to promote your blog posts, social media updates, and other marketing activities.

It also helps you interact with customers personally through comments and sharing on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

You need to choose the correct format for your content if you want it to be shared fast. Make sure that once you publish something, it has a high chance of being shared on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Send Emails to your subscribers 

Once you have the right content for your business, make sure to send it to your customers. This will help in getting more targeted traffic and also increase brand awareness. You can also use email marketing tools like MailChimp or Campaign Monitor to send newsletters or promote content through emails. Publish only once a week; your audience will not be too happy.

Send out emails in the form of Newsletters, Tips and Tutorials, free trials and demos, and free resources like eBooks and case studies.


Many businesses are choosing to use content marketing for their business because it's an effective way to get more traffic on their website and build brand awareness. Content marketing is also one of the best ways to create lasting relationships with your customers.

Use Social Media Apps like Hootsuite to schedule content publishing on multiple social media platforms. You can also use Buffer or Canva for creating graphics and images that you want to share on social media.

The most important thing is to stay consistent with your blogging strategy.

Once you have analyzed your content strategy, it is time to create a list of the most compelling pieces of content. This way, you can use them for future projects and increase the chances of generating leads from these pieces.

Creating Good Content = More Customers = More Sales

Priya Jamba
Content Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Priya Jamba
Content Marketer

Priya Jamba is a Content Marketer at Scalenut. She loves marketing technologies and believes that with the right combination of tools and creativity, every organization can build sustainable brands. She is on a mission to help marketing teams across the globe produce tangible results from their marketing campaigns. Currently, she is working along with the Product team to enhance the AI content quality through prompt engineering.

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