Mar 14, 2023

How To Write A Great Tagline And Slogans For Your Company

Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
How To Write A Great Tagline And Slogans For Your Company
Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
Mar 14, 2023

How To Write A Great Tagline And Slogans For Your Company

Learn how to write a tagline and slogans with 10 best tagline examples, elements of a great tagline, a step-by-step guide, great tips, and valuable suggestions
How To Write A Great Tagline And Slogans For Your Company

Table of contents

Are you struggling to jot down a unique tagline and slogan for your company? If your answer is a resounding "Yes," you’ve landed on the right page. In this blog, we will share actionable tips on how to write a tagline, suggestions, and a step-by-step guide with awesome examples. So, let's start with the basics:

What Is a Tagline?

A tagline is a short, catchy phrase that is used after the company name and defines or promotes a brand, product, or service. It is usually no more than a few words or a sentence and is intended to be memorable and easily identifiable. Taglines can be used in advertising, marketing, and branding.

Taglines are an important part of a brand's overall messaging and can help to establish a unique identity and emotional connection with the target audience. A well-crafted tagline can differentiate a brand from its competitors and help to establish a unique identity.

Taglines can take many forms, from simple and straightforward to clever and creative. Some taglines are descriptive, highlighting the key features or benefits of a product or service, while others are more aspirational, tapping into the hopes, dreams, and desires of the target audience. Some taglines are playful or humorous, while others are serious and straightforward.

A good tagline should be easy to remember, easy to say, and easy to understand. It should align with the brand's overall messaging and tone and should resonate with the target audience. It should also be flexible enough to evolve over time. After all, your small business will become a big brand and the brand's messaging and positioning may change.

Tagline vs Slogan: what’s the difference?

Taglines and slogans are both short, catchy phrases that are used to promote a brand or product, but they serve slightly different purposes.

A tagline is a short phrase that is used to encapsulate the essence of a brand or product. It is usually a permanent fixture of the brand's messaging and is used consistently across all marketing and branding materials. On the other hand, a slogan is a short and catchy phrase that is used in specific marketing campaigns or promotions.

The main reason to create a tagline for your business is to build a memorable and distinct impression of the brand in the minds of potential customers. Unlike a tagline, a slogan is temporary and is usually only used for a limited time. The purpose of a slogan is to create a sense of urgency or excitement around a particular product or promotion.

Taglines are typically longer, and they often convey the brand's values, benefits, or unique selling points. Slogans are often more playful or creative than taglines, and they are designed to be more attention-grabbing.

Taglines are usually used to promote a brand as a whole, while slogans are used to promote specific products or campaigns. Taglines follow the company name, whereas slogans are used after the product name.

For example, Nike's tagline "Just Do It" is used to promote the brand as a whole and to emphasize its focus on athleticism and determination, while its slogan "Believe in Something. Even If It Means Sacrificing Everything" was used specifically to promote a campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick.

Examples of great slogans and tagline

Here are some examples of 10 slogans and different taglines: 


  • Nike: "Believe in Something. Even If It Means Sacrificing Everything." (Colin Kaepernick campaign)
  • Pepsi: "The Joy of Cola"
  • Google Assistant for Android: "Make Google Do It."
  • Maxwell House Coffee: " Good Till the Last Drop"
  • M&M's: "Melts in Your Mouth, Not in Your Hands"
  • KFC: "Finger-Lickin' Good"
  • Trix Cereal: "Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids"
  • KitKat: "Have a Break. Have a KitKat."
  • AirPods: “Wireless. Effortless. Magical.”
  • Pringles: "Once You Pop, the Fun Don't Stop"


  • Apple: "Think Different"
  • Nike: "Just Do It"
  • Coca-Cola: "Taste the Feeling"
  • McDonald's: "I'm Lovin' It"
  • BMW: "The Ultimate Driving Machine"
  • FedEx: "The World on Time"
  • L'Oreal: "Because You're Worth It"
  • Mastercard: "There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's Mastercard."
  • Amazon: "A to Z, Together"
  • Disneyland: "The Happiest Place on Earth"

Elements of a great tagline

A tagline is more than just a catchy phrase. It should effectively communicate the essence of a brand or product and create a lasting impression in the minds of the target audience. Here are some elements that contribute to a great tagline:

  • Memorable: A great tagline should be easy to remember and instantly recognizable. Just like the logo, it should be distinctive and stand out from the crowd.
  • Clear: The tagline should clearly communicate the brand's values, benefits, or unique selling points. It should be concise and straightforward and avoid vague or ambiguous language.
  • Unique: An effective tagline should differentiate the brand from its competitors and establish a unique identity. It should avoid clichés and be original and authentic.
  • Consistent: The tagline should be consistent with the brand's overall messaging and tone. In clear terms, it should align with the business name, brand's values, and be relevant to the target audience.
  • Emotional: Your tagline should create an emotional connection with the target audience. It should tap into their hopes, dreams, and desires and appeal to their emotions.
  • Timeless: A good tagline should be able to stand the test of time. It should be flexible enough to evolve over time, but it should also have a timeless quality that allows it to endure.
  • Actionable: The tagline should inspire action and motivate the target audience to engage with the brand. It should be aspirational and encourage the audience to take action, whether that's to purchase a product, share the brand with others, or engage with the brand in some other way.
  • Benefits: Last but not least, your tagline should highlight the benefits of your product or service. Try to include answers to questions like:
  • What problem does it solve? 
  • How does it make people's lives better?

Follow these steps to write a great tagline

A clear tagline should effectively communicate a brand's identity, values, and unique selling points in just a few words. So, if you are looking for answers on how to write a good tagline, here are some steps you can follow to create a new tagline:

1. Define your brand identity

Before you start crafting a tagline, it's important to have a clear understanding of your brand's identity. For that, try to find answers to the following questions: 

  • What are your brand's core values?
  • What is your brand's personality?
  • Who is your target audience? 
  • What sets your brand apart from its competitors?

Once you know the answers to these questions, you will have a clear understanding of your brand's identity. 

2. State who, what, why of your brand

Next, identify the key elements that make up your brand: who you are, what you do, and why you do it. This will help you to develop a tagline that is grounded in your brand's identity.

3. Identify your USP

Try to identify what is the one thing that sets your brand apart from its competitors. This could be a specific product or service, a unique feature or benefit, or a particular approach to business.

4. Write a paragraph that explains what your brand does and its USP

Once you have a clear understanding of your brand's identity, unique value, and USP, the next step is to distill it into a single para. Do it in a way that supports your marketing message. This will help you narrow down your thoughts and also give you a general direction to shape your ideas. Moreover, you might also get some inspiration for a tagline.

5. Summarize it into one sentence

If you are not getting any ideas or inspiration for the tagline, the easy way is to convert the paragraph you just wrote into a one-liner. You can write multiple versions of these one-liners. These sentences should be memorable, clear, and unique, and they should effectively communicate your brand's identity and unique selling points.

6. Be Creative

A good tagline should be creative and attention-grabbing. Don't be afraid to use wordplay, puns, or other creative devices to make your tagline stand out. A little brainstorming for a catchy phrase will do the trick.

7. Do A/B testing to see what resonates with your customers

Once you've developed a few tagline options, test them out with your target audience to see which one resonates the most. This could involve conducting surveys or focus groups, or simply testing the tagline on your website or social media channels.

10 Best Tagline Examples

By focusing on a few keywords or phrases, several companies have created taglines that are easily recognizable and have become ingrained in popular culture. We are going to share 10 favorite taglines that are quite memorable. 

These examples demonstrate the importance of concise and memorable messaging that captures the essence of a brand's values and identity. Here are the 10 best tagline examples from different industries and companies that have become iconic:

  1. Levi's: Quality Never Goes Out of Style

This tagline emphasizes Levi's commitment to quality and timelessness. It conveys the message that Levi's jeans are built to last and can be worn for years without going out of style.

  1. Spotify: Music for Everyone

As you notice that the tagline clearly communicates that Spotify is a music platform. Moreover, it also points out that the platform has something for everyone, regardless of their taste in music or background.

  1. Meow Mix: So good, cats ask for it by name

This is a witty and smart tagline that instantly grabs the attention of the audience. Moreover, it also highlights the unique selling proposition of the brand, which is the taste. 

  1. Budweiser: The King of Beers

This catchy tagline has been around for decades and has become synonymous with Budweiser's brand. It emphasizes the brand's dominance in the beer market and its status as a classic American beer.

  1. Airbnb: Belong Anywhere

This 2-word tagline emphasizes Airbnb's core message: providing a home away from home for travelers. It conveys the idea that no matter where you go, you can belong and feel at home with Airbnb.

  1. Subway: Eat Fresh

This is a straightforward tagline that speaks directly to health-conscious consumers who want to make healthy food choices. The tagline also emphasizes Subway's commitment to using fresh ingredients in its sandwiches.

  1. VEED.IO: Video editing made simple

This is a simple tagline that effectively communicates the value proposition of VEED.IO, a video editing platform that simplifies the process of editing videos. You can use this as an inspiration for solution-oriented products or services.

  1. Walmart: Save Money. Live Better.

The tagline points out the benefits of shopping at Walmart and how this translates into a better quality of life for its customers. Additionally, it also emphasizes Walmart's core message of offering affordable products to consumers.

  1. IMAX: Think Big

It is a short and simple tagline that emphasizes the immersive and larger-than-life experience that IMAX theaters offer. It encourages moviegoers to think beyond traditional movie screens and embrace the grandeur of IMAX.

  1. Ford: Built to Last

This catchy tagline emphasizes Ford's commitment to quality and durability. It conveys the message that Ford vehicles are built to withstand the test of time and remain reliable for years to come.

5 Tips For Crafting A Successful Tagline

Crafting a new tagline can be a challenging task, but it's an essential component of building a strong brand identity. So, how to create a tagline for your business? Here are five tips to help you create a memorable and effective tagline like a big brand:

1. Keep It Short & Simple

It is crucial to write a tagline that is short and simple. It should capture the essence of your brand and what you stand for. A business owner can achieve this through creative wordplay. Alternatively, you can also use descriptive language that reflects your brand's values and personality.

2. Give It Meaning

Your tagline should have a clear meaning that communicates something important about your brand. It should capture the essence of your brand and what you stand for. This can be achieved through creative wordplay, or by using descriptive language that reflects your brand's values and personality.

3. Clarity Is Key

Write a tagline that is clear and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or ambiguous language that could confuse your audience. Make sure your tagline communicates your message clearly and effectively.

4. Focus On The Benefits

The right tagline should focus on the benefits of your product or service. It should communicate what makes your brand unique and what sets it apart from the competition. By highlighting the benefits of your brand, you can create a tagline that resonates with your target audience and helps you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

5. Tell A Story

The tagline should tell a story about the brand. It should be memorable and inspiring, and it should capture the imagination of your audience. By telling a story, you can create an emotional connection with your audience and help them see the value of your brand.

In short, crafting a successful tagline requires a clear understanding of your brand identity and values, a focus on the benefits of your product or service, and a willingness to tell a compelling story. By following these tips, you can create a tagline that effectively communicates your brand's unique identity and resonates with your target audience.

What To Do If You Get Stuck

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you may get stuck while writing a tagline. Don't worry – it's a common experience, and there are several strategies you can use to get unstuck and find the perfect tagline for your brand. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Try Out Some Power Words

Power words are words that are emotionally charged and have a strong impact on your audience. Using power words in your tagline can make it more memorable and engaging. Experiment with different power words and see if any of them inspire you.

2. Look At Other Examples

There are countless great taglines and catchphrases out there, so take a look at some of the most successful ones in your industry or beyond. This can help you get a better sense of what works and what doesn't, and inspire you to come up with your own unique tagline. Check out the examples shared earlier in this article. 

3. Don’t Try To Be Perfect

Remember that your company tagline doesn't have to be perfect – it just has to be effective. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to come up with the perfect phrase. Sometimes, the best taglines come from experimentation and trying different things.

4. Use Shopify’s Slogan Generator

Shopify's Slogan Generator is a great tool that can help you come up with tagline ideas. Simply enter your brand name and a few keywords, and the tool will generate a list of potential slogans that you can use for inspiration.

5. Take A Break

If you're feeling stuck, take a break and come back to it later. Sometimes, stepping away from the project for a little while can help you gain a fresh perspective and brainstorm new ideas.

6. Try AI to Suggest Brand Taglines

AI-powered tools like Scalenut can help suggest brand taglines based on your brand name, industry, and values. These tools use algorithms and natural language processing to generate tagline ideas that you can use as inspiration or modify to fit your brand. Scalenut is an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform that helps you draft engaging and relevant content within minutes.

With persistence and creativity, you can come up with a great tagline that effectively communicates your brand's unique identity and resonates with your target audience. If you are also looking for ideas and suggestions to write an effective company bio, check out this blog "How To Write A Company Bio (+Examples)."

Use Scalenut Chrome Extension for AI Powered Writing

Scalenut Chrome Extension is an innovative tool that harnesses the power of Artificial Intelligence to assist users with their writing needs. It is designed to help users create error-free, professional, and engaging content for their websites, blogs, social media platforms, and other online channels.

This powerful Chrome extension is incredibly easy to use, and it works seamlessly with the Chrome browser. All you need to do is install the extension, and it will start analyzing your text as you type. Scalenut Chrome Extension uses advanced algorithms to analyze your writing style, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling. It then suggests improvements that you can apply with just a click of a button.

One of the key benefits of using the Scalenut Chrome Extension is that it can help you save time and effort. Instead of spending hours polishing up the writing, a marketer can rely on the AI-powered tool to do the heavy lifting for you. This frees up more time for you to focus on other important tasks, such as creating more content, engaging with your audience, or building your business.

Moreover, Scalenut Chrome Extension also offers a range of other useful features that can help you improve your writing skills. For example, you can write, rephrase, simplify your text and even use AI-powered marketing templates for different copywriting use cases that can enhance the clarity and impact of your writing.

What are you still waiting for? Make your daily life easier by creating better and faster content with AI. Sign up on Scalenut today.

Good luck!

Priya Jamba
Content Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Priya Jamba
Content Marketer

Priya Jamba is a Content Marketer at Scalenut. She loves marketing technologies and believes that with the right combination of tools and creativity, every organization can build sustainable brands. She is on a mission to help marketing teams across the globe produce tangible results from their marketing campaigns. Currently, she is working along with the Product team to enhance the AI content quality through prompt engineering.

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