Mar 14, 2023

How to Create Ultimate Guides to Drive Organic Traffic and Conversions

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
How to Create Ultimate Guides to Drive Organic Traffic and Conversions
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Mar 14, 2023

How to Create Ultimate Guides to Drive Organic Traffic and Conversions

Here is everything you need to know about ultimate guides - powerful marketing collaterals that improve organic traffic and drive conversions.
How to Create Ultimate Guides to Drive Organic Traffic and Conversions

Table of contents

If you're managing a website, you know how critical traffic is for your success. But how do you attract more traffic? More importantly - how do you keep them engaged? The answer to both these questions is - "Ultimate Guides." 

Ultimate guides offer in-depth information on topics related to your industry. They establish your brand as an authority in the niche and attract more visitors to your site. However, crafting an effective ultimate guide requires careful planning and execution. 

In this post, we'll explore how to create a successful ultimate guide with the help of some useful tips and examples.

What Is an Ultimate Guide?

An ultimate guide is an elaborate piece of content that captures and showcases detailed information about a specific topic. It's generally longer than a blog and includes a variety of rich media, such as images, videos, and other interactive elements, to attract and engage the readers. 

The goal of an ultimate guide is twofold - to attract traffic to your website and establish your brand as a topical authority. For example - “Ultimate Guide to SEO,” “Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing,” and “Ultimate Guide to Starting a Blog.”

Why You Should Create an Ultimate Guide?

Whether you're a blogger, a content marketer, or a website owner, understanding the power of ultimate guides can help take your content marketing strategy to the next level. So, let's dive in and discover why you should start creating your own ultimate guide today - 

1. Opportunity to Get Backlinks

Since ultimate guides offer valuable resources to the target audience, other websites in the same industry may start linking to them to provide additional information to their visitors. This can drastically improve your backlink profile, especially if the linking website has a high domain authority. And having a good backlink profile is a key factor in improving your rank in search results. 

By including statistics, examples, and other authoritative sources in your guide, you can increase its value and make it more likely to be linked by others in your industry.

2. Ranks for Multiple Keywords

Since ultimate guides cover a broad range of subtopics under the same area, you can include and rank for a variety of relevant keywords. 

By targeting multiple keywords, you can reach a wider audience, as different people might search for different key terms while looking for similar information. This will improve your website traffic and, ultimately, SERP rankings. 

Please note that it's critical to conduct thorough keyword research before writing your ultimate guide. This will ensure that you're targeting the right audience.

3. Helps Build Authority

Ultimate guides demonstrate your expertise on a particular subject. By providing valuable information on a topic, you can establish your brand as an authority. This can increase trust and credibility among your audience, ultimately increasing visitors, conversions, and sales.

4. Increase Brand Awareness

Owing to the rich information offered by Ultimate Guides, there are highly shareable and promotable across multiple channels. Many readers might share your guide on social media and email list to convey their point of view on a particular topic. This will automatically improve your brand awareness and help reach a wider audience.

You must also encourage your readers to share your guide within their networks to expand its reach.

5. Opportunity To Go Viral

Ultimate guides are typically created on topics that have been covered extensively by others. But when you offer a unique perspective or a fresh take on the same subject, there are high chances that your guide will stand out from the crowd and become viral. If your guide particularly addresses a common problem that most people are facing today through a well-crafted “How to section,” it will quickly garner likes, shares, and fame in a short span. 

Pro Tip: Ask influencers in your niche to promote your ultimate guide. If your guide is well-written and informative, they are more likely to share it with their followers, which can make your ultimate guide go viral.

Want to know how to create successful how-to guides? Check out our ebook: “How to guide” today.

6. Help Nurture Your Audience

Ultimate guides can offer a lot of value to your audience by providing solutions to their key pain points on a particular topic. By offering this value, you forge a strong relationship with them, which can lead to better quality engagement.

For instance, you can encourage the readers to share their experiences or tips related to the topic in the comments section. This will lead to more interaction with your brand, ultimately nurturing them into loyal customers.

7. Successfully Drive Conversions

Ultimate guides can subtly educate your potential customers on the benefits of your product or service. By providing this information, you can help them make informed decisions about whether your product or service is right for them or not. This will automatically drive conversions and improve your overall sales.

A good ultimate guide also encourages action by offering a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of the guide. For example, if you create an ultimate guide on "How to Choose the Right Fitness Program," you can include a CTA encouraging readers to sign up for your fitness program or download a free trial. This, again, will have a positive impact on your conversions.

8. Gives Long-Term Results

Since ultimate guides are well-researched and provide valuable insights about a topic, they can be used by readers over an extended period of time. Unlike shorter, more superficial content, ultimate guides are designed to be evergreen, meaning they remain relevant and useful even as time passes. So readers can continue to refer to it and reap benefits long after it was published. This means there will be continuous exposure for your brand.

8 Steps to Creating Impressive Ultimate Guides

Creating an impressive ultimate guide can be daunting, requiring careful planning and execution. In this section, we'll provide you with a step-by-step guide to creating successful ultimate guides that provide long-term value to your readers.

Step 1: Identify why and for whom you are creating the ultimate guide

Before you even start creating your ultimate guide, you must identify why you are creating it and who you are creating it for. This will ensure that your guide aligns with your objectives and satisfies the needs of your target audience. Some of the common goals of creating an ultimate guide include:

  • Establish your brand as an authority in the industry
  • Generate more leads and attract new customers
  • Educate your audience about a particular topic 
  • Improve brand awareness

Next, you must identify the target audience for your ultimate guide. You must know their interests, needs, and pain points. Answering these questions will help create a relevant and valuable guide for your target audience. This will help in achieving your goal of creating the ultimate guide.

Step 2: Choose primary and secondary keywords you want to target

By selecting the right primary and secondary keywords, you can optimize your ultimate guide for search engines. This will increase its SERP visibility and attract more traffic to your website.

Start by researching relevant keywords using tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz. Look for keywords that have a high search volume and low competition. These are low-hanging fruits that are most likely to drive traffic to your guide.

Your primary keyword should always be a broad, high-traffic keyword that summarizes the main topic of your guide. For example, if your guide is about digital marketing, your primary keyword could be "digital marketing."

Secondary keywords, on the other hand, are additional keywords that are related to your primary keyword. They should be more specific and targeted than your primary keyword. For example, if your primary keyword is "digital marketing," your secondary keywords could be "Facebook marketing," "Google marketing," or "SEO marketing," and so on.

Don’t forget to include long-tail keywords that are less competitive than shorter keywords. Adding these keywords to your ultimate guide can drive highly targeted traffic to your website. For example, a long-tail keyword can be “digital marketing for small businesses.”

Learn more about how to find long-tail keywords in our popular article - 10 Smart Ways To Find Long-Tail Keywords With Low Competition

Step 3: Research on existing content & how you can improve on it

Once you have identified the keywords and the topic for your ultimate guide, identify the best existing content on your topic. Look for articles, blog posts, YouTube videos, podcasts, and other well-researched, comprehensive, and well-written content.

Then, analyze the content and try to find out why it is so popular. Watch out for the structure, the writing style, the use of media, or any other information that contributes to its effectiveness.

Now, identify gaps in the existing content and areas where information is outdated, missing, or inaccurate. Take note of these areas, as you will be covering them in your ultimate guide.

Next, research and fill all gaps with information from credible sources such as academic journals, industry reports, and other authoritative sources. Make sure that the gathered data is accurate and up-to-date. Use this newfound information to supplement the existing content and make your guide even more comprehensive.

Pro Tip: Always add your unique perspective to the guide. This could include personal anecdotes, insights from your own experience, or a different perspective on the topic. This will help make your guide stand out and offer value beyond what is already available.

Step 4: Survey your audience to understand what they are looking for

Surveying your audience is the next step in creating an ultimate guide. It will help you understand what your target audience is looking for and what they need to know about the topic you are covering. 

Through the survey, you need to understand their pain points, challenges, and goals related to your topic. This information can help you craft a guide that effectively addresses all these pain points and challenges. Here are the steps involved in creating a survey - 

  • Choose a survey method that is appropriate for your audience and goals. It could be online, in-person, over the phone, or even through emails. 
  • Create survey questions that are clear, concise, and relevant to your audience. Use a mix of open-ended and closed-ended questions to gather both qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Pilot Test Your Survey with a small group to identify any issues or confusion with the questions. This will ensure that your survey is successful and you get accurate results.
  • Distribute Your Survey via email, social media, and other channels. Don’t forget to mention the purpose of the survey to the survey takers.

Step 5: Include Case Studies, Examples & Statistics

When you include case studies, examples, and statistics in your ultimate guide, you add a lot of credibility to your content. This is because it effectively demonstrates that your content is based on reliable information and can be trusted. 

Including such information also improves audience engagement, as people find it easier to understand complex topics when presented with examples and data. You also show that the information you provide has real-life applications. This increases the audience's motivation to take the desired action highlighted in your ultimate guide. 

Here are some tips to include case studies, examples, and statistics in your ultimate guide - 

  • Use only relevant case studies, examples, and statistics related to your topic. Search in reputable sources, such as academic journals, industry reports, and government websites, for the most accurate and up-to-date information. 
  • Offer enough context to help your audience understand the significance of the data you are providing. 
  • Organize your case studies and examples in a way that is easy to understand. For instance, you could include case studies at the end of each chapter for further reading.
  • Always attribute your sources when including case studies, examples, and statistics in your ultimate guide.

Step 6: Make the content easy to understand with actionable insights

When you make the content easy to understand, it will make the readers interested in the topic. As a result, they are more likely to remember it. In other words, guides that are easy to understand will result in improved retention of the information and increased effectiveness of the guide.

Actionable insights, on the other hand, offer practical guidance and advice that readers can apply to their own situations. This again adds to the utility and effectiveness of the ultimate guide.

Step 7: Get it designed

Designing is an essential aspect of creating an ultimate guide. It plays a critical role in capturing and retaining your audience's attention and ensuring that the information you want to convey reaches them. Your ultimate guide may provide exhaustive information on a particular topic, but without an engaging and visually appealing design, your audience may lose interest and not read through the guide. 

So here are the best practices you can follow while designing your ultimate guide - 

  • Use typography, color, and spacing to create a clear and consistent visual hierarchy. This will help the readers to easily navigate through your guide. Remember to include a table of contents at the top of the ultimate guide.
  • Use high-quality and high-resolution graphics, product screenshots, and images throughout the guide to visually enhance it.
  • Keep the design of your ultimate guide simple and clean. Do not clutter the guide with too many design elements.
  • Use fonts that are easy to read and match the style of your guide. Avoid using too many different fonts, as it can confuse the readers.
  • Use columns, headings, and subheadings to segregate the content and make it easier to consume.
  • Use white space effectively to make it easier for your audience to focus on the content.
  • Ensure your ultimate guide is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Use alt tags for images, provide captions for videos, and use a font size and color that is easy to read.

Step 8: Distribute & promote your ultimate guide

The last step is to distribute and promote your ultimate guide. It ensures that it reaches the right audience. Using the right distribution and promotion strategies can help generate interest, expand your reach, and attract new readers for your ultimate guide.

There are a variety of channels that you can adopt. Here are some of them - 

  • Use your existing channels, such as blogs, emails, and social media accounts like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter, to promote your ultimate guide. 
  • Reach out to influencers to see if they would be willing to share your ultimate guide with their followers. 
  • Consider using paid advertising channels, like Google Ads or social media advertising.
  • Share with relevant communities and forums where your target audience is likely to be active. 

How to Pick Topics for Your Ultimate Guide

The topic you choose for your ultimate guide can make or break its success. Here are three ways to pick topics for your ultimate guide -

1. Choose a topic key to your business offering

The first rule is to pick a topic that is highly relevant to your product or service. This is a great way to ensure that your guide is not only valuable to your target audience but also showcases your brand's expertise in it. For example, if you offer mobile app services, you may want to create an ultimate guide on “Ultimate guide to mastering push notifications.” By picking a topic that closely aligns with your business offering, you can establish your brand's credibility and attract potential customers interested in your product or services.

2. Topic should have a high search volume

The next rule is to select a topic with a high search volume. The reason is quite simple - high search volume indicates significant interest in the topic among your target audience.

Conducting detailed keyword research can help you identify topics that have a high search volume, making it easier for your ultimate guide to rank higher in SERP.

Want to know how to perform effective keyword research? Learn how to do it the right way in our latest blog - Blog: How To Do Keyword Research for SEO and PPC.

3. Choose trending topics that align with your business

The last rule is to select a trending topic. This will ensure you tap into the current buzz and interest around the topic. This, in turn, will generate more interest and engagement with your guide.

However, ensuring that the trending topic aligns with your business and that you have something valuable to add to the ongoing conversation is essential.

Examples of Great Ultimate Guides

The Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing in 2023 - Hubspot

This ultimate guide by Hubspot shows how to create a successful content marketing strategy for your business. It gives practical tips on how to quickly reach your audience through the power of content and transform them into loyal customers.

Why did we like this ultimate guide?

  • It is replete with information that is accurate and recent.
  • There is a template for every subtopic covered that readers can download and use right away.
  • It has stats to support all the claims made by the author.
  • It has a diverse set of media to engage the readers, such as videos, images, and infographics. 

The Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping in 2023 - Shopify

This ultimate guide by the e-commerce expert Shopify details how dropshipping works, where you can source reliable suppliers, and how to market your dropshipping business.

Why did we like this ultimate guide?

  • It has multiple pro tips that are relevant and actionable for the readers.
  • It has subtly promoted the brand Shopify without sounding too salesy.
  • It has been designed in a well-organized manner, making it very easy to navigate for users. 
  • It has offered multiple resources for readers to learn more about the topic.

The Ultimate Guide to Font Pairing - Canva

This ultimate guide from the design platform Canva elaborates on how to choose great fonts for designs, including some of the best font pairings.

Why did we like this ultimate guide?

  • It uses very simple language. Someone with very limited design knowledge can also understand. 
  • It has numerous examples, which is the best way to showcase the expertise of the brand around the topic.
  • It is filled with links to similar articles to ensure that the readers have complete knowledge of the topic.
  • It offers a unique point of view for every subtopic covered.

Want to create valuable content for your ultimate guides? Use AI tools to reduce your workload. Check out our Blog: “25 Best AI Writing Tools In 2023” for more details.

How can Scalenut help in creating Ultimate Guides?

Scalenut is a powerful content marketing and AI writing platform that can automate most of your workflow involved in creating an ultimate guide. It automates your research, creates content in minutes, and ensures that the generated content is search-engine optimized. This means most of your work is automated, and you don’t have to worry about the nitty gritties involved in the creation process of ultimate guides. To know more about Scalenut and how it can help in creating a comprehensive guide for your brand, sign up for a free trial now.

Ultimate Guide Frequently Asked Questions

What is the usual length of the ultimate guide?

Even though there isn’t any defined length for an ultimate guide, most of the ultimate guides you find on the internet are at least 3000 words in length. As long as you can offer a lot of value to the readers, even longer ultimate guides are acceptable. 

How can I distribute my ultimate guide to my audience?

To distribute your ultimate guide to your audience, you can publish it on your website, share it on social media, use email marketing, or use paid advertising. You can also outreach to influencers. 

How many ultimate guides should we have on our website?

The number of ultimate guides you should have on your website will depend on factors like the size and scope of your website, the topics or niches you cover, and the interests and needs of your target audience. However, generally speaking, you need to create at least 1 ultimate guide per month to engage your readers with relevant information consistently.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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