Dec 28, 2022

What is ChatGPT And Can You Use It For Content & SEO?

Image of Saurabh Wadhawan, Co-founder
Saurabh Wadhawan
What is ChatGPT And Can You Use It For Content & SEO?
Image of Saurabh Wadhawan, Co-founder
Saurabh Wadhawan
Dec 28, 2022

What is ChatGPT And Can You Use It For Content & SEO?

Want to know everything about ChatGPT, its uses, and its limitations for content marketing professionals? Read all this and more in this detailed blog.
What is ChatGPT And Can You Use It For Content & SEO?

Table of contents

The buzz in the content marketing world is that there is a new tool in town. 

A tool that can very well put writers and content creators out of jobs. 

That is not true. 

Yes, it is a great new tool, but that’s just it. 

Here is what Sam Altman, CEO of Open AI, the AI research firm that created ChatGPT, has to say about it.

It is another tool that can help content marketers. And it is only free for now because OpenAI wants to train the AI behind ChatGPT. 

Now that we have answered the burning questions on every marketer’s mind, let’s understand what ChatGPT is, its implications, and its limitations for content marketing professionals. 

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT is a variant of the GPT (Generative Pre-training Transformer) language model that has been specifically trained to generate human-like text in a conversational style. It was developed by researchers at OpenAI and is capable of generating responses to prompts in a natural and engaging way.

The GPT model was initially developed for language generation tasks such as machine translation, summarization, and question answering. However, the ChatGPT variant has been specifically designed to generate text appropriate for use in chatbot conversations and other interactive dialogue systems. 

The way it works is whenever a user asks a question, ChatGPT looks at the training data and generates the most appropriate response. It has been trained on large amounts of conversational data, such as chat logs and forums, in order to learn the patterns and styles of human conversation.

What all you can do with ChatGPT?

As a marketer, there are several ways you can use ChatGPT, depending on your specific needs and goals. Here are a few examples:

  • For generating social media post captions. ChatGPT is fairly creative and can help you generate social media captions for the occasional post. It cannot give you a caption for specific posts, but it can produce captions for things like, say Father’s Day.
  • For creating summaries of long-form content. As a marketer, you want to share your work with the community. ChatGPT can help you create a summary or TL;DR of your long-form content that you can share.
  • Generating title ideas for a topic. ChatGPT can very well help you generate title ideas for any topic of your choice. Simply specify the core topic or keyword and ask ChatGPT to give you a few ideas.
  • Creating video scripts on generic educational topics. You can use ChatGPT to generate a rather engaging video script about topics. It will create a comprehensive script with an introduction covering important topics with a fairly creative conclusion.

These were just a few of the many creative tasks that people have tested with ChatGPT. It can create essays, poems, rap songs, and other types of creative content for content marketers. 

The central idea behind ChatGPT is to introduce an AI chatbot that can hold a conversation with humans. One that can understand the minute nuances of human-to-human conversations. 

For example, we asked ChatGPT a few questions about the first president of the USA. The responses are captured below:

An important thing to notice is that ChatGPT is able to understand that we are talking about the “first president” in the follow-up questions. When we say “his wife” and “his age,” the program automatically understands that we are talking about the “first president,” as mentioned in the first question. 

ChatGPT can thus be used to power a chatbot that can engage in natural, human-like conversations with users. You can train ChatGPT on a specific topic or domain, such as customer service or e-commerce, and then use it to generate responses to user prompts in real time.

We tried using ChatGPT for blog writing, did it work?

Let’s try and understand if ChatGPT is able to create a blog for us on the topic of “digital marketing strategies for start-ups.”

We asked ChatGPT to write a blog about digital marketing strategies for start-ups, and it produced a 443-word output. 

From a content marketer’s perspective, the output is very thin to be considered a good-quality blog. 

Further, the strategies outlined are not discussed in the most engaging way, i.e., with steps to be followed and real-life examples. The content produced was very generic and did not add value to the millions of web pages that talk about digital marketing strategies for start-ups.

Just to give you an idea, there are over 44 million results on Google for “digital marketing strategies for start-ups.”

Outranking them with the generic content produced by ChatGPT seems like a distant dream. ChatGPT is good for conversational tasks, but it is far from becoming a blog writing assistant. It was not built to create blogs; it was built to help organizations create better and more efficient chatbots. 

The only reason we can develop smaller pieces of content with ChatGPT is because of its training data that has all the information on the internet before 2021. 

5 things one should know about ChatGPT while creating content

Now you know what ChatGPT is and the popular use cases of this “free-for-now” tool. Let’s take a look at some key limitations of ChatGPT that you should know before you start creating content with the tool. 

  1. Language models like Chat GPT are not trained to do specific tasks

The existing version of ChatGPT is trained to produce generic content. It is not programmed to create highly-targeted content that every marketer needs. For example, it does not have a concept of including important SEO keywords while creating content. 

It is a chatbot program designed to answer questions. It is not trained to generate SEO content with a focus on creating high-quality content for a target audience. 

  1. Unreliable for generating accurate information

One of the most crucial limitations of ChatGPT is that it cannot differentiate between accurate and superficial information. The program is only concerned with generating human-like replies from its training database. The model is only predicting the most human-sounding sequence of words in sentences during a conversation. 

  1. Unaware of current events

ChatGPT is not aware of current events. In its own words, “As an AI language model, I do not have access to current information or the ability to browse the internet. My knowledge is based on the text that I was trained on, which has a knowledge cutoff of 2021. I am not able to provide up-to-date information or information on events that have occurred after my knowledge cutoff.” 

  1. Has built-in biases

ChatGPT has been trained on a large dataset of conversational data, which means it may exhibit biases that are present in that data. For example, if the training data contains more conversations with a certain demographic group, ChatGPT may be more likely to generate responses that are relevant or appropriate for that group.

  1. May require detailed commands

ChatGPT is a generative model, which means it can generate responses based on the input it receives. If the input is ambiguous or unclear, the model may generate responses that are also ambiguous or unrelated to the intended topic.

Being a machine learning model, it requires users to give detailed instructions to produce better-quality results. For example, if you want the AI to include examples in the content, you must mention that. If you don’t, the AI may or may not include those topics.

How are ChatGPT and Open AI different from Scalenut?

ChatGPT has not been trained in specific use cases such as generating SEO content, identifying NLP keywords, and ensuring that a piece of content has the potential to rank on search engines. 

It simply relays information from its data set and does not track the real-time top-ranking content on the internet. For example, if you want to create a blog on “Top Interior Designing Trends for 2023,” ChatGPT cannot help you analyze the internet for top trends. 

It may give you a list of trends, but that would be from its pre-trained data that only has information before September 2021. 

In contrast, a tool like Scalenut will instantly analyze the top-ranking content for “interior design trends of 2023” and give you a detailed SEO report. In this report, you will be able to quickly identify the most talked-about trends and create a comprehensive content outline that can outrank your competition. 

ChatGPT has been trained to have conversations with people. It is expected to become the basis of next-generation chatbots that can follow a conversation and give human-like replies. 

It has not been trained for specific content marketing use cases, such as generating meta descriptions with the optimal character limits, creating keyword-optimized product descriptions, and other types of SEO content. 

As a marketer, you want to use an AI tool that is customized to help you create high-quality search-engine-optimized content. 

If you are wondering if you should start using ChatGPT for all your content marketing needs, that may not be the wisest decision. Instead, a tool like Scalenut can help you get SEO insights on topics and create competitive content that ranks well on search engines. 

At Scalenut, we are training AI models to make them more efficient in producing the most helpful content for everyday use cases of content marketers. Our technology experts incorporate many language training models, including GPT, and make them work together to get the best outputs. 

With Scalenut, you are not only generating content with AI but leveraging many AI technologies to increase the efficiency and the quality of your entire content creation process. The Scalenut community uses our platform for a variety of purposes—from identifying the best topic clusters for thought leadership to creating SEO blog posts and generating social media copies.

Future prediction for AI and ChatGPT

AI tech such as ChatGPT is revolutionary in the sense that it brings computers one step closer to understanding humans. The progress we are making in creating advanced language models will change the way we create and interact with content forever - both personally and professionally. 

Here are a few use cases that we expect to become the most popular in using AI for content creation. 

We predict people will start using AI and ChatGPT for:

  • Creating the first draft of the content
  • Creating content briefs
  • Identifying content gaps
  • Building a smarter chatbot to provide customer support
  • Copywriting and short-form writing at scale, e.g., creating meta descriptions, etc.

These are just a few examples of the many possible use cases of AI writing for the content industry. 

Will ChatGPT replace Google?

Many people are wondering if ChatGPT will replace Google in the near future. The answer to that question is a clear “No.”

ChatGPT is only able to answer your questions about topics before 2021. The goal of this technology is to create better chatbots ultimately. It does not aim to replace Google as a source of the latest information. 

Google is still the best source of the latest information as it continuously crawls and indexes the internet. Also, Google has been very clear since the beginning about using machine-generated content for SEO purposes. 

It does not support the content created only for the purpose of ranking on the search engine. Search engineers at Google are constantly working to improve the quality of results. An important part of achieving that is to remove low-quality, generic content and reward highly insightful and engaging content pieces. 

In contrast, ChatGPT is only concerned with producing the most relevant content based on its training data and not the latest information on the internet. 

Will AI writers and ChatGPT replace writing jobs?

ChatGPT is a very advanced language model that is capable of generating high-quality, human-like text for a variety of applications. However, it is not designed to replace human writers and content creators.

While ChatGPT can be used as a writing tool to generate ideas, prompts, or even entire pieces of writing, it is important to remember that it lacks the creative thinking and understanding of the world that humans have. 

It is a tool that can generate text based on patterns it has learned from data, but it cannot replicate the creativity and originality of human writers.

In addition, ChatGPT is not able to handle all aspects of content creation. It cannot conduct research, fact-check information, or engage in the critical thinking and analysis that is often required for effective content creation.

ChatGPT can be a useful tool for improving workflows and generating text and ideas, but it is not a replacement for human writers and content creators. It is best used as a tool to augment or enhance human communication and creativity rather than to replace it.

AI is here to stay, but we need to take care of ethical implications

While there is no denying that AI is here to stay, we need to understand the ethical implications of this technology. 

Should high-quality, well-researched original content be buried beneath mountains of AI-produced content? Should we trust these AI models to do our jobs for us? 

Another important aspect to look at is the application of AI-created content to deceive people and manipulate public opinion. For example, did Cambridge Analytica influence public opinion in the 2016 US Presidential election? If they can do this with human interns, imagine what an AI program can do. 

Here are a few common ethical implications of using AI:

  • Data Bias: AI programs are trained on large amounts of data. If the training data has an element of bias or stereotype, the output will have it too..
  • Mass production of low-value content: What if people use AI writers to mass produce low-quality content and clutter the internet? This is a topic that keeps surfacing among ethical discussions around AI writers.
  • Loss of jobs: If AI keeps getting better at doing things, does that mean, soon a lot of humans will be out of their jobs? Upgrading and upskilling are good thing, but where do we draw the line?

These questions are extremely important because they will decide the future of how AI plays a role in our lives. We should look at AI as a helpful tool and not a replacement for humans. 

AI models are trained on large amounts of data. We (Scalenut) ensure that our training is free of prejudices, at least to our best possible abilities. Essentially, we try to ensure that we eliminate data bias and produce the highest-quality results for our users. 

No matter how smart or how advanced these technologies get, they will never be able to replicate the emotional intelligence and creative qualities of human beings. 

The Scalenut platform is not built to replace content marketers. Rather, it is built to help them scale their efforts and achieve better results. We practice the highest ethical standards making sure that our platform is safe and secure for users. 

Try AI to boost your content marketing workflow

Scalenut is an all-in-one SEO and content marketing platform powered by AI and enables marketers all over the world to make high-quality, competitive content at scale. From research, planning, and outlines to ensuring quality, Scalenut helps you achieve the best in everything. 

Empower your content marketing campaigns with AI. Sign up on Scalenut, and start creating content today.

Saurabh Wadhawan
ABout the AUTHOR
Saurabh Wadhawan

Saurabh is the Co-Founder of Scalenut. He is a technology veteran with over a decade of experience in product development. He is the co-captain of the ship, steering product strategy, development, and management at Scalenut. His goal is to build a platform that can be used by organizations of all sizes and domains across borders.

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