Mar 22, 2023

15 LinkedIn Post Ideas For You (+Examples)

Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
15 LinkedIn Post Ideas For You (+Examples)
Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
Mar 22, 2023

15 LinkedIn Post Ideas For You (+Examples)

Struggling with what to post on Linkedin? Check out this post to find 15 post ideas that can take your LinkedIn engagement to the next level.
15 LinkedIn Post Ideas For You (+Examples)

Table of contents

We all know that LinkedIn is an essential platform for networking and staying connected with industry professionals. But what should you post on the platform to maximize your visibility? 

In this blog, we'll provide some tips and tricks for creating engaging content that will help you build relationships and get noticed. We'll also discuss the types of posts that will attract potential customers, employers, and partners, as well as how often you should be posting. With these helpful tips, you can make sure your LinkedIn profile stands out from the crowd.

1. Try Original Long-Form Content

LinkedIn users are looking for content that is original, informative, and well-written. If you have something to say that will help your connections advance their careers or businesses, post it! Long-form content performs best on LinkedIn, so don't be afraid to write a blog post or article that is several hundred words long. Just make sure it's interesting and relevant to your target audience.

Key Takeaway: Focus on providing actionable insights in your long-form posts. Breakdown complex ideas into smaller paragraphs and use an easy-to-understand language.

2. Have post around latest trends

If you want your content to be relevant and useful, post about topics that are currently trending in your industry. This could include new technologies, changes in the marketplace, or hot button issues. By writing about trends, you'll show that you're up-to-date on the latest industry news and developments.

Key Takeaway: Pick trends related to professional life and always remember to share your own perspective about the trends.

3. Write about a personal experience that inspires others

Your LinkedIn connections want to hear about your successes, but they're also interested in hearing about the challenges you've faced and overcame. If you have a story that will inspire others, share it! People love reading stories of resilience and determination, so don't be shy about sharing your own.

Key Takeaway: Before publishing that personal story, ask yourself “does it offer something of value to the reader?” Write about personal experiences that help your audience learn something new.  

4. Write LinkedIn Articles

LinkedIn Articles are a great way to share your ideas and expertise with a large audience. If you have something valuable to say, write an article and post it on LinkedIn. You'll be able to reach a much larger audience than if you just posted a blog post or update, and you may even get some media attention.

Key Takeaway: Make sure that your LinkedIn article is also SEO optimized for the focus keyword of the topic. Add images and videos wherever possible to make it more engaging.

5. Share interesting stats

If you come across an interesting stat or piece of data, share it! People love reading facts and figures, especially if they're relevant to their industry. By sharing stats and data, you'll show that you're up-to-date on the latest industry news and developments.

Key Takeaway: Always share the latest statistics about the topic and double check your source of information for credibility.

6. Try ‘Adjacent-Industry’ Content

If you're having trouble coming up with ideas for content, try posting about topics that are relevant to your industry but not directly related to it. For example, if you work in the tech industry, post about trends in marketing or design. This type of content will show that you're well-rounded and knowledgeable about a variety of topics.

Key Takeaway: Ensure that the adjacent industry topic you choose is relevant to your target audience. Avoid picking up topics that are too unrelated to your industry niche.

7. Post Short Clips of Webinars

If you've recently attended a webinar or conference, post a short clip of the event on LinkedIn. This is a great way to share your knowledge and connect with other professionals in your industry.

Key Takeaway: Conducting a webinar and creating engaging short-clips of your webinars are two different things. Hire a professional video editing professional to help you create the most engaging short clips.

8. Offer Tips, Hacks & How-To’s

People love tips, tricks and hacks that make their lives easier. If you have some helpful advice to share, post it on LinkedIn. Your followers will appreciate the valuable content, and you'll position yourself as an expert in your field.

Key Takeaways: Select a topic that addresses the pain points of your target audience and represent your tips/tricks/hacks in images or videos for maximum engagement.

9. Celebrate Achievements

If you or your company have recently achieved something, share the news on LinkedIn. This is a great way to show off your accomplishments and build credibility in your industry.

Keep your followers updated on what's happening at your company. If you've recently launched a new product or service, blogged about an industry trend or had any other type of newsworthy event, post it on LinkedIn!

Key Takeaways: Highlight your achievements in the most engaging content format possible. Tag all the notable LinkedIn professionals associated with the event and your achievement and thank them for their support.

10. Spotlight Your Team

If you're proud of your team, show them off! Share photos and stories about your co-workers on LinkedIn. This is a great way to give people a behind-the-scenes look at your company and build morale amongst your employees

Key Takeaway: While highlighting your team members make sure that you tag each individual in your post, this way even their professional community will see your post when they react to your mention.

11. Spotlight Your Customers

Your customers are the lifeblood of your business, so why not showcase them on LinkedIn? Post stories and testimonials about your clients to show off the great work you're doing.

Key Takeaway: It is not necessary to only highlight the customer success stories, you can also choose to highlight the recently onboarded customers and strengthen your relationship with them.

12. Engage the Thought Leaders

If you want to get noticed by the top influencers in your industry, start engaging with their content. Like and comment on their blog posts, infographics and articles. If you add value to the conversation, they're likely to take notice of you.

Key Takeaway: Before posting make sure to discuss the same with the thought leader and inform them about your post and do not forget to tag them.

13. Chop Your Blog Posts into Carousels

If you have several blog posts that are relevant to one topic, post them as a LinkedIn carousel. This way, your followers can scroll through the content and quickly get an overview of what you've written.

Key Takeaway: While creating carousels from your blog post make sure that you are not trying to fit in maximum text from your post content. Instead create key takeaways and use them as the copy of your carousel.

14. Don't Forget Topical Content

When posting content on LinkedIn, make sure it's relevant to what's happening in the world. If there's a hot topic in your industry that everyone's talking about, hop on the bandwagon and post something about it.

Key Takeaway: While covering topical content, make sure that you have read about the topic and post about your opinion to make it more engaging.

15. Update Company's About Us Section on LinkedIn

Make sure your company's information is up-to-date on LinkedIn. This includes your logo, website, description and contact information. By keeping this section updated, you'll ensure that your followers have the most accurate information about your business

Key Takeaway: You do not need to write the entire story of your company about us. A short description highlighting your USP will also work. 

What is the Best Time to Post on LinkedIn?

The best time to post on LinkedIn is during business hours, from Monday to Friday. The busiest times are between 10am and 11am, and then again from 2pm to 3pm. However, there will be some variation depending on your industry and target audience.

1. According to our research, the best time to post on LinkedIn is 9:00 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. However, weekends are typically the worst for engagement.

2. The top five best hours to post on LinkedIn are 10:00 a.m., 11:00 p.m., 12:00 PM, 3:00 A.M., and 2:00 P.M..

3 .Since LinkedIn is a professional network, it's no surprise that the best time to post is during standard working hours for most users of the site/ app

How Does the LinkedIn Algorithm Work in 2023?

The LinkedIn algorithm has remained relatively unchanged over the past few years. The platform still relies heavily on post engagement (shares, reactions, and comments) to determine which content is shown in users' feeds. In addition, LinkedIn uses several other factors to ensure that users see relevant content, including:

1. Relevance: LinkedIn will prioritize content that is most relevant to the user based on their profile information and activity history.

2 .Relationship: The algorithm also takes into account how strong of a relationship the user has with the person who posted the update. For example, updates from first -degree connections (such as friends, family, and colleagues) are more likely to be shown than those from second- or third-degree connections.

3 .Recency: LinkedIn favors content that is recent over content that is older. This helps ensure that users see the most up-to-date information in their feeds.

4 .Resonance: The algorithm looks at how much engagement a post receives in order to determine its resonance. Posts with high levels of engagement are more likely to be shown in users' feeds than those with low levels of engagement.

Use Social media post generator to get started

If you're not sure what to post on LinkedIn, consider using a social media post generator. This type of tool can help you create content that is tailored to your audience and designed to generate engagement. When creating content for LinkedIn, it's important to keep in mind the platform's professional audience. Your posts should be relevant and interesting to your target audience, and they should also be well-written and free of errors. In addition, focus on creating content that is visually appealing and easy to read; long blocks of text are often off-putting to users.


What should you not post on LinkedIn?

There are some things that should not be posted on LinkedIn. This includes:

1. Content that is inappropriate or offensive, such as profanity, threats, hate speech, and personal attacks.

2. Personal opinions and political views that may be controversial or divisive.

3. Overly promotional content or spammy links to unrelated websites.

4. Unprofessional photos or images that could reflect negatively on your business or brand.

5. Excessive self-promotion, such as bragging about accomplishments or achievements without providing any value to other users.

6. False information or fake reviews of products or services you have no experience with.

7. Private information such as phone numbers, addresses, financial details, or confidential company information.

How do you structure your post on LinkedIn?

When writing a post on LinkedIn, it is important to structure your content in a way that will capture the attention of viewers and engage them in your message. Here are some tips for structuring your post:

1. Start with an attention-grabbing headline – this should be brief and to the point, as well as interesting enough to draw readers in.

2. Break up the text with subheadings – this makes it easier for viewers to skim through your post and understand the key points without having to read everything word for word.

3. Include visuals such as images and videos – these can help break up the text and make your post more visually appealing.

4. Use hashtags throughout the post – this will help make it easier for people searching for specific topics or keywords to find your post.

5. End with a call to action – inviting viewers to take some kind of action (such as commenting, liking, or sharing) can help boost engagement with your post.

Priya Jamba
Content Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Priya Jamba
Content Marketer

Priya Jamba is a Content Marketer at Scalenut. She loves marketing technologies and believes that with the right combination of tools and creativity, every organization can build sustainable brands. She is on a mission to help marketing teams across the globe produce tangible results from their marketing campaigns. Currently, she is working along with the Product team to enhance the AI content quality through prompt engineering.

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