Jun 14, 2023

8 Best Disavow Software Tools to Optimize Your Backlinks’ Performance

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
8 Best Disavow Software Tools to Optimize Your Backlinks’ Performance
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Jun 14, 2023

8 Best Disavow Software Tools to Optimize Your Backlinks’ Performance

Here is a comprehensive guide to the best disavow software available for SEO experts, marketers, and business owners.
8 Best Disavow Software Tools to Optimize Your Backlinks’ Performance

Table of contents

Introduction to Disavow Software

Disavow software is a tool that helps website owners and SEO professionals manage and improve their site's backlink profile. The main purpose of using a disavow software is to identify and dissociate harmful or low-quality backlinks that may negatively impact a website's search engine rankings. By using disavow tools, you can maintain and protect your site's organic search visibility from potential Google penalties.

What Does Disavowing Mean in SEO?

In the context of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), "disavow" refers to the process of informing search engines, particularly Google, that you want to disassociate your website from certain backlinks. When you disavow a link, you are essentially telling search engines that you don't want them to consider that particular link when evaluating your website's ranking and authority.

The disavowing process is typically used when you have identified low-quality or bad links pointing to your website. These links can be detrimental to your website's SEO and can negatively impact your search engine rankings. By disavowing these links, you are signaling to search engines that you do not want them to attribute any value or authority to those specific links.

It's important to note that disavowing links should be approached with caution and should only be used as a last resort. It is generally recommended to first try to remove or disavow the harmful links manually by reaching out to webmasters and requesting their removal. However, if those attempts are unsuccessful or impractical, the disavow tool provided by search engines can be used to submit a disavow file that lists the URLs or domains of the unwanted backlinks.

Disavowing links is a way to demonstrate to search engines that you are taking proactive steps to clean up your backlink profile and disassociate yourself from any potentially harmful or spammy links. It helps to maintain a healthy link profile and protect your website's SEO performance.

Why Use Disavow Software?

Disavow software is essential for businesses and individuals engaged in online marketing and SEO campaigns. It's crucial to monitor and manage a website's backlink profile to avoid potential penalties and maintain good search engine rankings. Here are some reasons why disavowing software is vital:

Protect your website from negative SEO attacks: Some competitors may employ negative SEO tactics by directing spammy or bad backlinks to your site. Disavow software helps identify and remove such harmful links.

Recover from search engine penalties: Websites with low-quality or unnatural backlinks may face penalties from search engines like Google. By using disavow software, you can dissociate your site from these harmful links and potentially recover your search engine rankings.

Maintain a clean and healthy backlink profile: Regular monitoring and management of your backlink profile ensures that your website maintains a good reputation in the eyes of search engines, leading to better search visibility and organic traffic.

Best Disavow Software Tools to manage your links’ performance

In this blog, we have compiled a list of the best disavow software available in the market, based on their features, ease of use, and pricing. Use this list to find the right tool for your link management and disavowal needs.

Google Disavow Tool

Google Disavow Tool is an official tool provided by Google to help website owners and SEO professionals dissociate their sites from harmful and low-quality backlinks. As Google is the most widely used search engine, using the Google Disavow Tool is essential for maintaining and improving your site's search engine rankings.

Key Features

  • Allows you to create and submit a disavow file containing a list of harmful backlinks to be ignored by Google
  • Supports domain-level and URL-level disavowal
  • Integrated with Google Search Console for an easy and direct submission process


The Google Disavow Tool is available for free to all Google Search Console users.


Ahrefs is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers various features, including backlink analysis, keyword research, link audit, and more. Its backlink analysis feature allows you to monitor and manage your backlink profile effectively, making it a valuable disavow tool as well.

Key Features 

  • In-depth backlink analysis, including a breakdown of referring domains, anchor texts, and more
  • Link intersect tool for identifying potential outreach targets
  • Ability to export backlink data for disavow file creation


  • Ahrefs offers four pricing plans, ranging from $99 to $999 per month.
  • It also provides a 7-day trial for $7.

SEMrush Backlink Audit 

SEMrush is an all-in-one digital marketing and SEO tool that offers a wide range of functionalities, including backlink analysis. It helps you monitor your backlink profile, identify harmful links, and create disavow files for submission to Google.

Key Features

  • Backlink analysis, with metrics such as domain authority, anchor texts, and more
  • Backlink audit tool to help identify potentially harmful links
  • Ability to create and export disavow files directly from the platform


SEMrush offers three pricing plans, ranging from $99.95 to $399.95 per month.

MozPro Link Explorer

MozPro is another comprehensive SEO tool with a strong focus on backlink analysis. Its Link Explorer tool allows you to analyze and manage your backlink profile, making it a useful disavow tool.

Key Features 

  • In-depth backlink analysis with metrics such as domain authority, anchor texts, and more
  • Spam Score feature for identifying potentially harmful links
  • Ability to export backlink data for disavow file creation


  • MozPro offers four pricing plans, ranging from $99 to $599 per month. 
  • It also provides a 30-day free trial for new users.


MajesticSEO is a dedicated backlink analysis tool that provides detailed insights into your site's backlink profile. Its unique metrics, such as Trust Flow and Citation Flow, helps you assess the quality and quantity of your backlinks and identify potential disavow targets.

Key Features 

  • In-depth backlink analysis with proprietary metrics like Trust Flow and Citation Flow
  • Topical Trust Flow for analyzing the relevance of your backlinks
  • Ability to export backlink data for disavow file creation


  • MajesticSEO offers three pricing plans, ranging from $49 to $399 per month.


Linkody is a backlink monitoring tool that helps you keep track of your backlink profile and identify potential disavow targets. It provides various metrics and alerts to help you maintain a clean and healthy backlink profile.

Key Features 

  • Backlink monitoring and alerts for new, lost, or broken links
  • Metrics such as domain authority, anchor texts, and more
  • Ability to export backlink data for disavow file creation


  • Linkody offers five pricing plans, ranging from $14.90 to $153.90 per month.


CognitiveSEO is an SEO tool with a strong focus on backlink analysis. It helps you analyze your backlink profile, identify harmful links, and create disavow files for submission to Google.

Key Features 

  • In-depth backlink analysis with metrics such as domain authority, anchor texts, and more
  • Unnatural Link Detection feature for identifying potentially harmful links
  • Ability to create and export disavow files directly from the platform


  • CognitiveSEO offers three pricing plans, ranging from $129 to $499 per month.

Monitor Backlinks

Monitor Backlinks is a backlink monitoring tool that helps you keep track of your backlink profile and identify potential disavow targets. It provides various metrics and alerts to help you maintain a clean and healthy backlink profile.

Key Features 

  • Backlink monitoring and alerts for new, lost, or broken links
  • Metrics such as domain authority, anchor texts, and more
  • Ability to export backlink data for disavow file creation


  • Monitor Backlinks offers three pricing plans, ranging from $25 to $187.42 per month.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Disavow Tool

When choosing a disavow tool, it's essential to consider various factors that can impact the effectiveness of the software and the success of your link management efforts. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Ease of Use

The disavow tool should be user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for beginners. It should offer a clear and intuitive interface, allowing users to accomplish necessary tasks without any confusion.

Features and Functionality

The tool should provide comprehensive features that allow users to analyze and manage their backlink profiles efficiently. Essential features include backlink analysis, competitor analysis, link prospecting, and a user-friendly disavow file creation process.

Pricing and Affordability

Disavow tools should provide different pricing plans to cater to various budgets and needs of users. Many tools offer free trials or limited functionality for free, allowing users to test the software before committing to a paid plan.

Data Accuracy

The Disavow tool should provide accurate and up-to-date data about your backlinks. It should gather comprehensive information about the source, quality, and relevance of the links to help you make informed decisions. Tools that integrate with reliable backlink analysis platforms or utilize their own robust database are preferred.

Link Discovery

Look for a tool that can efficiently discover and analyze your website's backlinks. It should be capable of scanning a wide range of sources, including search engine data, third-party link indexes, and web crawling. The tool's link discovery capabilities will impact the accuracy and thoroughness of the data provided.

Link Management Features

Assess the features provided by the Disavow tool for managing your backlinks. It should allow you to easily review and analyze your link profile, identify low-quality or spammy links, and provide options for disavowing or managing them effectively. Look for features such as bulk disavow, link tagging, and manual link outreach support. 

Reporting and Analytics

Consider whether the tool offers comprehensive reporting and analytics features. These will enable you to track the impact of disavowed links, monitor changes in your backlink profile, and measure the effectiveness of your disavow efforts. Look for tools that provide clear and actionable insights to guide your link management strategy.

Integration with Google Search Console

Ideally, the Disavow tool should integrate with Google Search Console. This allows for seamless communication with Google when submitting the disavow file, monitoring link data, and receiving notifications about manual penalties or reconsideration requests.

Support and Updates

Evaluate the level of customer support provided by the tool's developers. A responsive and knowledgeable support team can assist you in case of any issues or questions. Additionally, check whether the tool is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with evolving search engine algorithms and industry best practices.

Reputation and Reviews

Research the reputation of the Disavow tool and the company behind it. Read user reviews, testimonials, and case studies to gauge the tool's effectiveness and reliability. Look for feedback from reputable sources and industry professionals to help you make an informed choice.

By considering these factors, you can choose a Disavow Tool that aligns with your needs and helps you effectively manage your website's backlinks.


Disavow software is essential for managing your website's backlink profile and protecting it from potential search engine penalties. By using the right tools, you can maintain a clean backlink profile and improve your website's search engine rankings. So next time, when you are looking to have quality links directed to your website or manage the types of links that are directed to your website, then consider opting for a disavowing tool from the list given. Take into consideration your requirements and budget before choosing the right disavow links tool to optimize your website’s performance. You can also sign up for a 7-day free trial with Scalenut to conduct free SEO audit of your website and improve your ranking. 

About Scalenut 

Scalenut is an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform that helps discover and create relevant content for your customers. Be it brainstorming a content strategy, creating comprehensive briefs, generating the content, or optimizing it per the best SEO practices, Scalenut has made the process extremely easy. Click here to create a free account and explore the many features of this tool.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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