Jun 8, 2023

Best Internal Linking for SEO

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Best Internal Linking for SEO
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Jun 8, 2023

Best Internal Linking for SEO

Learn the importance of internal linking for SEO, top tools to optimize your strategy, and how to measure the success of your internal linking efforts.
Best Internal Linking for SEO

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Your content requires links to achieve a higher ranking on the search result page. When linked to other websites, Google can discover your posts and pages more effectively. Internal links also play a crucial role in connecting your content and providing Google with insights into your website's structure. 

These links establish a hierarchy on your site, enabling you to assign greater link value to your most significant pages and posts compared to less valuable ones. By employing an effective internal linking strategy, you can enhance your SEO. 

This blog explores the significance of internal linking for SEO, offers guidance on its implementation, and much more. Let's get started. 

What are internal links? 

Internal linking is the process of creating hyperlinks within your website that point to other pages on the same domain. These links help users navigate your site, establish an information hierarchy, and distribute link equity or ranking power among the pages. 

In other words, internal links are essential for enhancing user experience, improving site structure, and boosting SEO performance. Plus, they play a key role in SEO link building strategy. 

Internal vs. External Links

Internal and external links are two types of links used in web content. They serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Here's a brief overview of internal and external links. 

Internal Links:

Internal links are hyperlinks that point to other pages within the same website or domain. They are primarily used for site navigation and to establish a hierarchical structure within a website. Internal links help users navigate between different pages and sections of a website, allowing them to access relevant content easily.

External Links:

External links, also known as outbound links, are hyperlinks that direct users to a different website or domain. They connect your web content to external sources, such as references, citations, or external resources. External links play a crucial role in providing additional information, credibility, and context to your content.

Top Internal Linking Tools

In order to optimize your internal linking strategy, it's essential to have the right tools at your disposal. The following internal linking tools can help you analyze, improve, and maintain your site's linking structure for better SEO performance. 

Link Whisper 

Tool page of Link Whisper internal linking tool 

This plugin performs a comprehensive scan of your website, identifying all internal links and generating a detailed report highlighting areas where additional links can be added.

The report includes information on the number of crawled posts, discovered links, internal links, orphaned posts, broken links, and 404 errors.

This tool will direct you to relevant posts lacking appropriate links. It provides recommendations for anchor text and links; adding them is as simple as clicking a checkbox.

Additionally, the tool identifies orphaned posts, which are posts that lack any internal links pointing to or from them.


  • $77 annually for a single-site license
  • $117 annually for a 3-site license
  • $167 annually for a 10-site license

Yoast SEO 

Tool page of YoastSEO internal linking tool ‍

Yoast SEO is designed to enhance your website's ranking potential by assisting you in establishing a robust internal linking system. It identifies the most effective internal linking structure that is necessary to optimize on-page SEO, resulting in improved website crawling and navigation. 

Yoast SEO's key features include discovering orphaned content, providing suggestions for related posts, and recommending child/sibling post relationship links.

Pricing: $99/annually 

Internal Link Juicer 

Tool page of ILJ internal linking tool ‍

Internal Link Juicer offers a user-friendly solution suitable for both beginners and advanced users, with options available in both free and paid versions.

Using this software, you can designate keywords and the tool will automatically generate relevant internal links based on your content. Additionally, you have the ability to exclude certain pages from receiving internal links if desired.

The tool provides a comprehensive report that allows you to track the performance of your links, identify the best-performing ones, and replace any broken links.

The Pro version of Internal Link Juicer takes automation to the next level by allowing you to specify the anchor keyword and the corresponding internal link.

However, it is worth noting that this tool does not offer the capability to review existing internal links; it only enables the creation of new automated links. Additionally, it does not integrate with Google Search Console (GSC) or handle broken internal links.


  • Pricing: Free for basic
  • Pro: $69.99/annually
  • Lifetime License: $249.99

All in One SEO (AIOSEO) 

Tool page of All in One SEO internall linking tool 

AIOSEO is a user-friendly WordPress plugin designed to enhance your SEO efforts, even if you need more technical expertise.

Among its features is a Link Assistant tool, which assists you in creating more effective internal links. This tool generates a comprehensive link report showcasing the number of internal, outbound, and affiliate links associated with each post and page.

The tool identifies areas where you can improve your internal linking strategy, providing specific phrases and anchor texts for optimal results. With a simple click of a button, you can effortlessly add the suggested internal link to your content.


  • Basic: $49.60/annually 
  • Pro: $99.60/annually 
  • Plus: $174.65/annually 
  • Elite: $224/70/annually 

Rank Math 

 target page of Rank Math internal linking tool 

Websites that adopt a pillar/cluster post model utilize a central pillar post that provides broad coverage of a particular topic, accompanied by several cluster posts that comprehensively delve into specific keywords related to that topic.

Internal links play a crucial role in supporting this site structure. Each cluster post establishes links to the pillar page, bolstering brand authority and distributing link juice to the most significant pages.

Rankmath is recognized as one of the top internal linking tools for websites employing the pillar/cluster model. It enables you to designate pillar posts for each category on your blog.

Subsequently, the tool automatically generates link suggestions to other posts within the same category, streamlining the process of establishing internal links.


  • Pro: $59/annually
  • Business: $199/annually 
  • Agency: $499/annually 

Benefits of Using Internal Linking Tools

Utilizing internal linking tools brings several advantages to your SEO strategy, including:

Improved Site Structure

Utilizing internal linking tools brings several advantages to your SEO strategy, including improved site structure. These tools provide you with a clear overview of your website's structure, allowing you to analyze the internal linking patterns and identify any weak points or areas for improvement. 

With a well-optimized site structure, you enhance the crawlability of your website, making it easier for search engines to index your piece of content and rank it higher in search results. Organizing your internal links effectively creates a logical and hierarchical flow of information throughout your website. This helps both search engines and users navigate through your site, finding relevant content quickly and easily. 

An improved site architecture enhances SEO and provides a better UX by ensuring visitors can access the information they need easily.

Enhanced User Experience

Internal linking tools play a crucial role in creating a more user-friendly website. These tools allow you to link relevant pages and guide visitors to valuable content strategically. 

By incorporating internal links within your content, you can direct users to related articles, product pages, or additional resources that can provide them with more information or solutions to their queries.

By offering a seamless navigation experience, you keep users engaged and encourage them to explore your web page further. When visitors find relevant internal links that align with their interests, they are more likely to spend more time on your site, reducing bounce rates. 

Additionally, a well-designed internal linking strategy can lead to higher conversion rates, as users are more likely to convert into customers or take desired actions when they have easy access to the information or products they seek.

Better Indexing and Crawling

An effective internal linking structure ensures that search engines can easily access, crawl, and index all of your website's pages. This is particularly important for large websites with numerous pages, where a good internal linking structure can help search engine crawlers reach all of your content. 

If search engines cannot find and index your pages, they won't appear in search results, resulting in missed opportunities for organic traffic and visibility.

Internal linking tools help you identify any orphaned or poorly linked internal pages, where there are no internal links pointing to them. By strategically interlinking these pages with others on your site, you increase their chances of being discovered and crawled by search engines. 

This improves the overall visibility of your content and ensures that search engines can index a greater portion of your website, boosting your SEO performance.

Increased Link Equity Distribution

Link equity, also known as ranking power, is an important aspect of SEO. Internal linking tools can assist in distributing link equity evenly across your website. By strategically linking to pages that need an SEO boost from pages that already have higher authority, you can transfer some of the ranking power to the linked pages.

This process helps improve the visibility and rankings of those linked pages in search results. By leveraging the authority of your site's stronger pages, you can enhance the chances of the linked pages appearing higher in search rankings. 

Distributing link equity effectively through internal linking also helps search engines understand the importance and relevance of your pages, improving overall SEO performance. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Internal Linking Tool

When selecting an internal linking tool for your SEO strategy, you can consider the following factors:

Ease of Use

When considering an internal linking tool, one of the crucial factors to keep in mind is the ease of use. The tool should be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing you to grasp its functionalities and navigate through its features quickly. 

An easy-to-use tool saves you valuable time and effort, enabling you to implement and maintain your internal linking strategy efficiently. Look for a tool that offers a clean and well-designed interface, clear instructions, and straightforward processes for creating and managing internal links.

Customization Options

Every website has unique requirements when it comes to internal linking. Therefore, it's essential to choose a tool that provides customization options. The ability to tailor the tool to your specific needs and preferences allows you to create an internal linking structure that aligns with your overall SEO goals and objectives.

Look for features that allow you to customize anchor text, set link attributes, specify link targets, and determine the hierarchy and depth of your internal links. This level of customization ensures that your internal linking strategy is optimized for maximum SEO benefits.

Integration with Other SEO Tools

To enhance your SEO efforts, it's advantageous to select an internal linking tool that integrates seamlessly with other SEO tools. Integration with analytics platforms, such as Google Analytics, provides valuable insights into the performance of your internal links, allowing you to analyze metrics like click-through rates and conversions. 

Integration with keyword research tools enables you to identify relevant keywords and optimize your anchor text accordingly. The ability to collaborate and synchronize data between different SEO tools streamlines your workflow, saves time, and helps you gain a comprehensive understanding of your site's SEO performance.

Scalability and Performance

As your website expands and evolves, your internal linking tool should be able to scale and adapt to the changing needs of your site. It should efficiently handle a growing number of links, pages, and content updates without compromising performance. 

A scalable tool ensures that your internal linking structure remains organized and effective even as your website grows in size and complexity. 

Consider the tool's performance capabilities, such as its ability to handle large link databases, provide fast search and analysis functions, and deliver accurate link suggestions. 

A robust and scalable internal linking tool guarantees that your internal links continue to contribute to your site's SEO success as your online presence expands.

Customer Support and Documentation

When selecting an internal linking tool, it's crucial to consider the availability of reliable customer support and comprehensive documentation. Inevitably, you may encounter issues or have questions while using the tool, so having access to responsive customer support is essential. 

Look for a tool that offers multiple channels of support, such as email, live chat, or phone support, and ensure that they have a reputation for providing prompt and helpful assistance. 

Additionally, comprehensive documentation, including user guides, tutorials, and a knowledge base, can serve as valuable resources to help you make the most of the tool's features and optimize your internal linking strategy effectively. 

Reliable customer support and extensive documentation contribute to a positive user experience and maximize the value you derive from the internal linking tool.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing an internal linking tool that aligns with your SEO strategy and helps you optimize your website's internal linking structure effectively.

Implementing Internal Linking Best Practices

To make the most of your internal linking strategy, follow these best practices:

Creating a Clear Site Structure

Develop a well-organized site structure or sitemap that clearly shows the relationship between your website's pages. It not only enhances user experience but also improves crawlability, making it easier for search engines to index your content and rank it higher in search results. 

Using Contextual and Anchor Text Links

Ensure that your internal links are placed within the relevant, descriptive anchor text. This helps users and search engines better understand the context of your linked content and improves the overall SEO value of your website. 

Limiting the Number of Internal Links per Page

Avoid including lots of internal links on a single category page, as this can be confusing for users and dilute the link equity passed between pages. Aim to strike a balance between providing adequate internal links and maintaining a clean, user-friendly layout.

Regularly Auditing and Updating Internal Links

Perform regular audits of your internal linking structure to identify any broken links, orphaned pages, or other issues like spam that may affect your site's SEO performance. Update and maintain your internal links as needed to ensure they remain effective and relevant. 

Measuring the Success of Your Internal Linking Strategy

You can track the following key performance indicators to measure the success of your internal linking strategy:

Improved Organic Search Rankings

An effective internal linking strategy can have a positive impact on your website's organic search rankings. When you strategically link relevant pages within your site, search engines can easily crawl and index your content. 

This helps search engines understand the structure of your website and the relationship between different pages, leading to better visibility in search results.

To measure the success of your internal linking strategy in improving organic search rankings, you should regularly monitor your site's rankings for targeted keywords. Keep track of the positions of your important pages in search engine results pages (SERPs) and observe any fluctuations over time.

If you notice an upward trend in rankings for relevant keywords, it indicates that your internal linking strategy is contributing to improved organic search visibility.

Increased Time on Site and Decreased Bounce Rate

One of the key benefits of an effective internal linking strategy is its ability to enhance user engagement on your website. By using internal links to guide users to relevant and valuable content, you can encourage them to explore additional pages and spend more time on your site. 

This increased time on site indicates that users are finding your content interesting and engaging.

To measure the success of your internal linking strategy in increasing user engagement, you should monitor user behavior metrics such as time on site and bounce rate. Time on site measures the average duration users spend on your website, indicating their level of interest and engagement. 

A decrease in bounce rate, one of the 14 SEO Metrics To Track, which is the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page, also signifies that users are actively exploring multiple pages.

Compare these metrics before and after implementing your internal linking strategy. If you observe a significant increase in time on site and a decrease in bounce rate, your internal linking efforts are successfully capturing user attention and encouraging a deeper exploration of your website.

Higher Conversion Rates

An effective internal linking strategy can also have a positive impact on your website's conversion rates. By strategically linking to important pages such as product pages, pricing information, or contact forms, you can guide users toward actions that align with your business goals. 

This can include making a purchase, submitting a lead form, or signing up for a newsletter. To measure the success of your internal linking strategy in driving higher conversion rates, you should monitor your website's conversion metrics. 

This could include tracking the number of completed purchases, form submissions, or other desired actions. Compare these metrics before and after implementing your internal linking strategy to see if there is a noticeable increase in conversions.

Additionally, you can use analytics tools to track the conversion paths of your visitors. Analyze how users navigate through your website and whether they follow the internal links to reach conversion-focused pages. 

If you find that users who engage with your internal links have a higher likelihood of converting, it indicates that your internal linking strategy is effectively guiding users toward conversion points.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Internal Linking for SEO

An effective internal linking strategy is crucial for enhancing your site's SEO performance, user experience, and overall success. 

By using the right tools, implementing best practices, and tracking your progress, you can optimize your internal linking structure and boost your website's visibility in search results and win over Google's algorithm.

Remember to follow the in-depth guidelines shared in this blog post, and always stay up-to-date with the latest SEO and page rank trends and best practices for internal linking and building backlinks. 

About Scalenut 

Scalenut, an AI-powered SEO and Content Marketing Platform, aids in the discovery and creation of relevant content for your target audience. Whether you need assistance with content strategy brainstorming, generating comprehensive briefs, creating content, or optimizing it according to top SEO practices, Scalenut simplifies the entire process. Take advantage of this tool by creating a free account and exploring its numerous features.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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