Jun 12, 2023

Best Rank Tracking Tools: Top 10 Picks for 2024

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Best Rank Tracking Tools: Top 10 Picks for 2024
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Jun 12, 2023

Best Rank Tracking Tools: Top 10 Picks for 2024

Discover the leading rank-tracking tools in 2024 and learn how to choose the best one for your business needs. Compare features, pricing, and more.
Best Rank Tracking Tools: Top 10 Picks for 2024

Table of contents

From tracking keyword rankings to monitoring competitor performance, these tools provide valuable information and metrics to help businesses stay on top of their SEO game.

In this article, we will explore the top-rank tracking tools that are poised to make an impact in 2024. We will delve into their features, functionalities, and benefits to help you identify the most suitable tool for your SEO needs. 

Whether you're an individual blogger, an e-commerce entrepreneur, or a digital marketing agency, these tools will empower you to monitor your website's ranking progress, identify areas for improvement, and devise effective SEO strategies.

Best Rank Tracking Tools To Monitor Content Performance

Now that you have a fair idea about what ranking tools are and their importance, let's get into the factors to consider which tools you can use to keep tabs on your marketing efforts. 

1. Scalenut - All-in-one SEO tools

Scalenut home page - best rank tracker tool

Scalenut is an AI-powered SEO and content Marketing Platform that has one of the best website monitoring tools out there. Along with its other core features, such as an AI-powered content writing tool, content optimizer, and keyword planner, it lets SEOs and marketers analyze their content performance via its Traffic Analyser tool. 

With this tool, it becomes effortless to track the position and performance of your blog pages. It helps you track your page performance and gives an easily understandable report that categorizes the data into top gainers, top losers, traffic source, lost impressions and rank trends ( i.e., change in the position) to help you quickly interpret your data.

Here’s an in-depth look at Scalenut’s traffic analyser 

Scalenut's traffic analyzer has two sections: Insights and Inventory. 

The Inventory section of the Traffic Analyzer lists all the pages presented in your domain. This gives you a comprehensive view of all your content. 

The Insights section breaks down the website performance data into different categories to help you interpret the metrics. 

Along with basic details like overall traffic, impressions, average position, and CTR, you can also access complete details about the top gainers and top losers. 

Scalenut Traffic Analyser reporting top gainers and losers to summarize your website performance.  ‍

The top gainer's section displays all the keywords and pages that earned increased traffic, CTR, impressions, and ranking. In contrast, the top losers section lists all the keywords and pages that experienced a dip in performance. These insights ultimately help you spot underperforming content and optimize it for better ROI. 

Scalenut Traffic Analyser reporting top gainers and losers to summarize your website performance.  

Further, you can get an overall view of keywords and pages that are generating more traffic impressions and ranking higher in the SERP. 

Scalenut Traffic Analyser shows your traffic source from different devices and position distribution.  

As the source of traffic also plays a significant role in evaluating content performance, the insights reports also present device distribution, position distribution, and Click-through Rate. 

Scalenut Traffic Analyser showing how your pages are performing in SERP. 

In the Inventory tab, you can access all the rank trends and start analyzing the performance of individual pages. To simplify it, you can filter the pages based on top gainers, losers, and new pages for a simple view. You can also find the traffic share of each page to understand how it contributes to the overall content performance.

Multiple filter options are available to help you with data interpretation. For instance, You can filter the pages based on specific position ranges and customize the columns to access only necessary information. 

Overall, the traffic analyzer report gives you all the data required to make strategic content decisions. 


Scalenut Price

  • Essential Plan: This plan caters to the needs of solopreneurs and freelancers looking for robust content creation tools. With this plan, you get access to five SEO reports and up to 100,000 AI-generated words every month, all starting at just $19/month, paid annually. 
  • Small Business Growth Plan: This plan is custom-made for startups and small businesses that want to elevate their content game. You get unlimited AI-generated words, 30 SEO reports, and advanced features like Instruct AI to Write and Topic Clusters, all starting at $39/month, paid annually. 
  • Pro Plan for Large Teams: The Pro Plan provides top-quality content at scale for established businesses and large teams. This plan comes with all the features of the Growth Plan, a dedicated customer success manager, and multi-user support, priced at $74/month paid annually. 

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2. Semrush

Semrush home page featuring its tool

Semrush is a comprehensive SEO tool on the market, preferred by many digital marketing professionals. It offers a robust position-tracking feature that allows you to monitor your site's keyword rankings across various search engines. 

Semrush provides an overall landscape of your rankings, showing you how many search terms are in the top 3, 10, 20, and 100 positions. The tool also displays ranking distributions over time and supports tracking of competitor keywords as well. 

Aside from position tracking, Semrush offers other features such as keyword research, backlink opportunities, competitor analysis, paid keyword tracking, social media performance monitoring, and more. 


Semrush pricing page offering three tiers of pricing ranging from $129 - $499 monthly.

SEMrush provides three pricing options for users, namely the Pro plan, Guru plan, and Business plan. The Pro plan, priced at $129.95 per month, caters to freelancers and small businesses, while the Guru plan, priced at $249.95 per month, targets marketing agencies and medium-sized businesses. On the other hand, the Business plan, priced at $499.95 per month, serves large corporations and eCommerce websites with extensive SEO requirements.

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3. Ahrefs

Ahrefs Home page featuring its tool sets

Ahrefs is a well-known SEO and digital marketing platform that provides in-depth keyword analysis. The Rank Tracker feature in Ahrefs allows you to add your website or connect your Google Search Console account to import projects. 

Once you add the keywords you want to track, Ahrefs displays an overview of your search engine rankings, visibility percentage, keyword position, traffic, SERP features, and changes in position. 

Ahrefs also allows you to compare your website with up to 10 competitors, making it easier to gauge your performance against the competition. Additionally, you can use Ahrefs for site audits, keyword research, backlink analysis, content gap identification, and more. 


Screenshot of the pricing plans offered by Ahrefs.

  • Lite: This plan starts at $99 per month and offers users access to all tools but with limited features and data. 
  • Standard: The Standard plan is designed for freelance SEOs and marketing consultants. It starts at $199 and offers access to vital tools and features needed to optimize your marketing strategies.
  • Advanced: This plan is geared towards lean in-house marketing teams. It comes with a starting price of $399 and provides additional tools and data that can help streamline your workflow.
  • Enterprise: The Enterprise plan starts at $999 per month and includes all features and data, dedicated support, and API access.

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4. SERPWatcher by Mangools

Mangools Home page featuring its toolsets

SERPWatcher by Mangools is an SEO toolkit that provides an easy-to-use interface for tracking your website's SERP performance. With this tool, you can quickly set up your website, choose a location to track, select the platform (desktop or mobile), and enter your keywords. 

The detailed reports offered by SERPWatcher include each keyword's ranking, position changes, average position, best position, search volume, and estimated visitors per month. 

In addition to keyword tracking, SERPWatcher provides daily ranking updates through email alerts, helping you stay informed about any changes in the SERPs and allowing you to take action quickly. 


SERPWatcher has three four pricing options:

  • Entry - € 19 
  • Basic - € 29
  • Premium - € 44
  • Agency - € 89

5. SE Ranking 

SE Ranking home page

SE Ranking is an easy-to-use tool that offers accurate and customizable keyword rank tracking. The Keyword Rank Tracker feature allows you to monitor your website's search terms on multiple search engines, such as Google and Bing. You can also track keywords based on geographic locations and devices. 

SE Ranking offers a user-friendly dashboard that allows you to monitor rankings, view historical data, track competitors, and more. In addition to keyword tracking, you can use SE Ranking for traffic analysis, SEO potential measurement, real-time marketing plan creation, website audits, and backlink monitoring. 


SE Ranking offers three pricing plans: Essential ($44.00/mo), Pro ($87.20/mo), and Business ($191.20/mo). They cater to different needs and budgets, providing basic to advanced features like keyword rank tracking, website audit, competitor research, white-label reporting, social media management, API access, historical data, and branded reports.

Also Read

A Comprehensive Comparison of SE Ranking vs Moz for SEO Success
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6. Moz Pro's Rank Checker 

Moz Pro home page featuring its tool functions

Moz Pro's Rank Checker is a comprehensive rank tracking tool that supports tracking keyword rankings on major search engines. The tool allows you to monitor your site's rankings for different keywords, both locally and globally, providing insights into your overall SEO performance. 

In addition to tracking keyword rankings, Moz Pro's Rank Checker also offers features such as keyword difficulty scoring, enabling you to assess the competitiveness of each keyword and make informed decisions about your SEO strategy. 


MozPro Price

Moz Pro offers multiple pricing plans to suit businesses of different sizes and needs. Here are the pricing plans offered by Moz Pro:

  • Standard Plan ($79/month): Ideal for those new to SEO and seeking to understand the basics of it.
  • Medium Plan ($143/month): Suitable for most people because it provides access to the entire range of keyword research tools.
  • Large Plan ($239/month): Helpful for businesses and agencies that conduct a serious search.
  • Premium Plan ($479/month): Perfect for large businesses with more advanced SEO needs and in-house marketing teams.

Like Moz but don’t think its features are enough? Refer to this exhaustive list of Moz alternatives in our blog “19 Best Moz Alternatives To Consider For Your SEO Needs

7. AccuRanker 

 Accuranker home page featuring its tool functions

AccuRanker is a rank tracking tool that provides real-time keyword tracking and notifications through Telegram, Slack, or email. With AccuRanker, you can monitor keyword rankings across multiple search engines, devices, and locations, ensuring you stay informed about your site's performance in the SERPs. 

AccuRanker also offers white-label reports, making it an excellent choice for agencies that want to provide their clients with branded ranking reports. 


AccuRanker Price

AccuRanker's pricing starts at $129 per month for up to 1000 keywords and extends upto $2769 for 50K keywords. 

8. Ranktracker

Ranktracker home page featuring its tool functions

Ranktracker is an all-in-one SEO tool that offers a range of features, including keyword tracking, customizable dashboards, and SEO reports. With Ranktracker, you can monitor keyword rankings across multiple search engines, devices, and locations, ensuring you stay informed about your site's performance in the SERPs. 

Additionally, Ranktracker integrates with Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Data Studio, Adobe Analytics, and others, providing you with comprehensive insights into your SEO performance. 


Ranktracker has four pricing plans: 

  • Starter - $16 
  • Doubledata - $41 
  • Quad data - $76 
  • Hex Data - $146

9. Zutrix 

Zutrix home page featuring its tool functions

Zutrix is an AI-powered rank tracking tool that offers real-time keyword monitoring and alerts through Telegram, Slack, or email. With Zutrix, you can track keyword rankings across multiple search engines, devices, and locations, ensuring you stay informed about your site's performance in the SERPs. 

Zutrix also offers location-independent tracking, allowing you to monitor local, national, and international search engine results. 


 Zutrix  Price

Zutrix has three pricing plans: 

  • Starter - $9.00 per month 
  • Pro - $28.00 per month 
  • Agency - $54.00 per month

However, you'll need to opt for a more premium plan to access more features. 

10. Pro Rank Tracker 

 Pro Rank Tracker home page featuring its tool functions

Pro Rank Tracker is a cloud-based rank tracking system that offers advanced reporting features and keyword tracking for both mobile and desktop devices across major search engines such as Google and Bing. Pro Rank Tracker also supports tracking keywords based on geographic locations and devices. 

In addition to keyword tracking, Pro Rank Tracker offers advanced reporting options, allowing you to create custom reports tailored to your business needs. 


 Pro Rank Tracker Price

Pro Rank Tracker's has four plans: 

  • Free Trial - $0 per month 
  • Starter - $49 per month
  • Pro - $109 per month
  • Agency - $180 per month

11. SEO Powersuite's LinkAssistant

SEO Powersuite's LinkAssistant home page featuring its tool functions‍

SEO Powersuite's LinkAssistant is a comprehensive SEO suite that offers a range of features, including backlink analysis, site audits, on-page optimization, and a rank checker tool. 

The rank checker tool allows you to monitor your site's keyword rankings across multiple search engines and devices, ensuring you stay informed about your site's performance in the SERPs. 

LinkAssistant also offers advanced reporting options, allowing you to create custom reports tailored to your business needs. 


SEO Powersuite offers a 7-day software trial, after which you can maintain a limited-functionality account for free or upgrade to one of their professional plans, starting at $299 per year. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Rank Tracking Tool

When choosing a rank-tracking tool, it's essential to consider the following factors:


Accuracy is a crucial factor to consider when choosing a rank tracking tool. The tool should provide reliable and precise keyword ranking data, as this information forms the foundation for making informed decisions about your SEO strategy. 

Accurate ranking data ensures that you have a clear understanding of how your website is performing in search engine results pages (SERPs) and helps you identify areas for improvement. Look for a tool that utilizes reliable data sources and employs robust algorithms to deliver accurate rankings consistently.

Updates Frequency

Regular updates are essential to keep track of your website's performance in the ever-changing landscape of search engine rankings. Choose a rank tracking tool that offers frequent updates to ensure you stay up-to-date with the latest data. Daily updates are ideal as they provide a real-time view of your website's rankings. 

However, some tools may offer weekly or on-demand updates, which can still be sufficient depending on your specific needs and the frequency of changes in your target keywords or industry.

Reporting Features

A good rank tracking tool should provide comprehensive reporting features that enable you to analyze and monitor the progress of your SEO efforts effectively. Look for a tool that offers customizable reporting options, allowing you to create reports tailored to your business requirements. 

This flexibility enables you to focus on specific metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to your SEO strategy. Advanced reporting features include visualizations, trend analysis, competitor comparison, historical data, and the ability to export data in various formats.

Integration and Compatibility

A rank tracking tool should seamlessly integrate with other SEO tools and services to provide you with a holistic view of your SEO performance. Integration with platforms such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or third-party SEO software enhances the depth of insights you can gather. 

Ensure that the rank tracking tool you choose is compatible with your existing tools and platforms. This compatibility allows you to consolidate your data and streamline your SEO workflow, making it easier to analyze and act upon the information obtained from different sources.

Pricing and Value for Money

Consider the pricing and overall value for money when selecting a rank tracking tool. Different tools may offer various pricing models, such as subscription plans based on the number of keywords or websites tracked. Some tools provide freemium plans or free trials, allowing you to test their features before committing to a paid plan. 

Please take into account the features, functionality, and level of customer support offered by different tools when evaluating their value for money. Additionally, consider your budget and long-term scalability requirements to ensure that the chosen tool aligns with your financial constraints and growth plans.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when selecting a rank tracking tool that best meets your needs, aligns with your SEO strategy, and provides valuable insights to improve your website's visibility and performance in search engine rankings.

What Is Rank Tracking Software?

Rank tracking software is a tool used by website owners, marketers, and SEO professionals to monitor and analyze the search engine rankings of specific keywords or phrases. It provides insights into how well a website is performing in search engine results pages (SERPs) for various search queries.

Rank tracking software typically works by regularly scanning search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo to determine the ranking positions of specific keywords or phrases associated with a website. 

It allows users to track their website's performance over time, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve their search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.

The key features of rank-tracking software often include the following:

  • Keyword Ranking Monitoring: The software tracks the ranking positions of selected keywords or phrases and provides data on their performance in search engine results.
  • Competitor Analysis: Users can compare their website's rankings with their competitors' rankings to gain insights into the competition and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Historical Data: Rank tracking software records and stores historical data, allowing users to analyze trends and track the progress of their website's rankings over time.
  • Reporting and Analytics: The software generates reports and provides analytics that summarizes keyword rankings, visibility, and other relevant metrics. These insights help users assess their SEO efforts and make informed decisions.
  • Notifications and Alerts: Some rank-tracking tools offer notifications and alerts to inform users about significant changes in keyword rankings or when specific goals are achieved.

Using rank-tracking software can benefit businesses and individuals relying on organic search traffic to drive website visits and conversions. It enables them to identify keyword opportunities, track the effectiveness of SEO strategies, and make data-backed decisions to improve their search engine rankings.

Understanding the Importance of Rank Tracking 

Rank tracking is a crucial aspect of any digital marketing strategy. It involves monitoring the position of your website or web pages in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or queries. 

Understanding the importance of rank tracking can help businesses make informed decisions, improve their online visibility, and stay ahead of their competitors. Let's begin, then. 

A. Measuring SEO Effectiveness

Rank tracking allows you to assess the effectiveness of your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. By monitoring your website's rankings over time, you can determine whether your optimization strategies are working or if adjustments are necessary. 

Seeing improvements in your rankings indicates that your SEO tactics are successful, while drops in rankings may suggest areas that need improvement.

B. Identifying Target Keywords

Rank tracking helps you identify the keywords that are driving organic traffic to your website. By tracking the rankings of different keywords, you can determine which ones perform well and bring in valuable visitors. This information can be used to refine your keyword targeting and focus on the terms that generate the most relevant traffic and conversions.

C. Competitive Analysis

Rank tracking enables you to monitor your competitors' positions in search results. By comparing your rankings with those of your competitors, you can gain insights into their SEO strategies and identify areas where you can outperform them. 

Understanding how your competitors are ranking for specific keywords can help you adjust your own optimization efforts to stay competitive in your industry.

D. Tracking Local Search Rankings

Tracking local search rankings is crucial for businesses with a physical presence or those targeting specific geographic areas. Local SEO focuses on optimizing your website to appear in local search results, and rank tracking allows you to monitor your positions for location-specific keywords. 

By tracking local rankings, you can ensure that your business appears prominently in local search results, increasing your visibility to potential customers in your area.

E. Monitoring Algorithm Changes

Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, and updates can impact your website's rankings. By tracking your rankings, you can identify any sudden drops or fluctuations, which may indicate algorithm changes. Being aware of such changes allows you to adapt your SEO strategies accordingly and minimize the negative impact on your website's visibility.

F. Tracking Progress and Setting Goals 

Rank tracking provides a tangible way to measure your progress over time. By monitoring your rankings regularly, you can see the impact of your optimization efforts and set realistic goals for improvement. 

Whether you aim to reach the first page of search results or maintain a top position for specific keywords, rank tracking helps you track your progress and adjust your strategies as needed.

Conclusion: Picking the Right Rank-Tracking Tool for Your Business

Choosing the right rank-tracking tool is essential for monitoring and optimizing your website's performance in the SERPs. By considering factors such as accuracy, update frequency, reporting features, integration, and pricing, you can identify the best rank-tracking tool for your business.

We've outlined the top choices for rank tracking tools in 2024, including comprehensive SEO suites like Scalenut, Semrush, Ahrefs, and SEO Powersuite, as well as dedicated rank trackers like Ranktracker, AccuRanker, and Zutrix. By comparing their features, strengths, and weaknesses, you can make an informed decision and invest in the right tool for your business's SEO efforts.

Remember, staying ahead of the competition in the ever-evolving world of SEO requires constant monitoring and optimization. A reliable rank-tracking tool is a vital component of your SEO toolkit, helping you track your keyword rankings, adjust your strategy, and ultimately achieve better results in the search engine results pages.

In the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of your competitors and monitoring your website's ranking performance is crucial. It would help if you had reliable rank-tracking tools to effectively track and analyze your website's position in search engine results. As of 2024, several cutting-edge tools have emerged to assist businesses and marketers in monitoring their SEO efforts.These best rank-tracking tools offer advanced features and comprehensive insights, empowering users to make data-driven decisions to enhance their website's visibility and optimize their SEO strategies. 

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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