Are you having trouble creating an outline for your blog, eBook, or article? Are you unsure how to create an effective outline?
There are thousands of blogs out there, and writing them can be a challenge. That's when you need an outline generator tool.
So, what is a blog outline generator tool and how can you create an outline for your blog, thesis, eBook using it? This article covers everything you need to know about the blog outline generator tool.
What is Blog Outline?
A blog outline is a document that outlines the main points you want to cover in your blog post. It helps you stay on track and ensures that your blog posts are well-organized.
The benefits of having a blog outline include:
• You will be able to write more efficiently because you will know what topics you want to cover and how you want to approach them.
• Your readers will find your posts easier to follow because they will know what topics are being covered and when they will be covered.
• You will be able to avoid writing duplicate content, which can save you time and money.
• Your blog will look more professional because it will have an organized structure.
How to create a blog post outline?
To create the outline of your blog, the first thing is to create an action plan for it. Here are the steps to keep in mind before creating an outline:
- Think about the compelling title: This is the most crucial phase in the whole procedure. Before you start outlining, you should have a good idea of what you're going to write. By brainstorming using the main keywords, you can generate a good title for your blog.
- Write down as many distinct takeaways from the article as you can: You should try to write down as comprehensive a summary of the article topic and all its essential details, but this is not always possible. Remember that make sure your main takeaways will come across clearly enough in your outline. Also be consistent with it later on when you outline blog post pages.
- Start outlining by writing two or three ideas in different sections: the first subtopic would cover the Introduction (for this part, brainstorming ready-made titles is a useful trick).
Then, it would go over the body paragraph of the text and its respective subtopics along with the main idea of the article. Lastly, make sure to write a conclusion that summarizes the main points of your article.
- Analyze your competitors: Next, it is essential to analyze what your competition is doing. This will help you determine the best way to write content for your blog and improve upon any potential weak points that you might have.
Here are some tips on how to do this:
- Evaluate their blog post structures
- How well organized are they?
- Are they covering topics in an effective and concise manner?
- Do any of their posts stand out more than the others?
- Identify the common keywords and their headers.
- Add takeaways to some sections: You should have a detailed outline at this stage. There are many small bullet points in some sections, only a few in others, and none in others.
The next thing is to fill in the holes and arrange the sections in logical order.
You should be able to come up with a few major concepts from your brainstorming session. One of your brainstorming bullets may represent a theme in and of itself, but most bullets will be grouped together.
- Remove unnecessary parts and recognize the details in each section: You've already completed the difficult task of genuinely considering your thoughts.
The next step is to remove sub-bullets that are not unnecessary or recreate them to sound like the actual key takeaways.
Now, you are just a step away from content creation. If you are still confused about how to create a blog outline or facing difficulty, Scalenut Outline generator is a great option to do that.
Scalenut Outline Generator
Scalenut is an online tool for creating SEO friendly blog post outlines, blog ideas, topics or meta descriptions using various templates.
Head to the Scalenut Dashboard and enter your main keyword. The tool will generate a detailed report for your main keyword.

On the right hand side of the report, add the headers under Content Brief.

Now, you can add the header tags from the SERP pages to the content brief.

Lastly, you can also import this brief from Report to the text editor.

Once you have generated the blog outline, you can now create content on your own or generate using the AI writer.
Making a blog outline before writing a blog post will help you become a better writer and improve the quality of your writing for your readers. What's the best part?
You can do it with just a click using Scalenut AI Writer. Try Scalenut for a free trial and see if it works for you.