Apr 29, 2022

How To Repurpose a Content and Boost Traffic?

Shrikant Damani, Growth Marketer
Shrikant Damani
How To Repurpose a Content and Boost Traffic?
Shrikant Damani, Growth Marketer
Shrikant Damani
Apr 29, 2022

How To Repurpose a Content and Boost Traffic?

Are you looking for a way to repurpose content in your blog? This article will explore the best practices for repurposing and enhancing content for your readers.
How To Repurpose a Content and Boost Traffic?

Table of contents

The last thing a marketer wants to see when examining data is a decline in organic traffic. However, this is something that every marketer must deal with. Many factors might cause traffic to drop or stagnate, including industry shifts, how your audience consumes information, the amount (and quality) of new content you're generating, or how relevant your previous content remains.

To keep your audience engaged, sometimes all you need to do is renew and repurpose your content. Every content marketer understands the need to repurpose their existing content in new and innovative ways. You can't go wrong with the notion of recycling your material in order to reach more people.

Many of us are so preoccupied with creating new material that we fail to notice the excellent work we've previously done. After a period of content creation, you are likely to have an abundance of valuable articles on your blog, YouTube channel, or as downloadable assets that may be put to different uses. 

This blog post will teach you how to repurpose your existing content to save time, attract a wider audience, and get the most bang for your buck.

What is repurposed content? 

Repurposed content is the one which can be picked from one place and reused in another. This means that one content form can be used in a different format or used on a different platform than a blog. For example, blog content can be used as a social media post such as Twitter or Facebook post. 

Why do you need to repurpose old content?

There are many reasons why you might want to repurpose your content. Sometimes it can be time-saving, as recycling old material can help you save on the writing and design costs associated with creating a new piece of content. Another reason to recycle old content is that it can broaden your audience by reaching people who have not seen your previous work before. 

There are various other reasons for repurposing your old and outdated content:

Reaching new people

When you first put a piece of content online, it might not get a lot of attention. Over time, it gets more attention and does better. When you put that content into a new format and/or make it better, you can reach new groups of people who might not have found it otherwise.

Assists with the distribution of content

It's easier to get your content in front of more people if you change the format of it, such as written and audio content. This, in turn, makes sure that you're not only making new content but also promoting it.

Maintains a publishing content schedule

By reusing content, you can keep churning out high-quality content on various channels without worrying about coming up with new content all the time.

Meet your audience's needs for content

Some of your audiences might not prefer reading. Similarly, not everyone likes to watch videos. By using a specific type of content, you will be targeting only a small part of your target audience.

Repurposing helps target various audience types that prefer various content formats. Thus, you can meet your audience's content needs by repurposing it in different ways.

By recycling material that suits each channel's requirements, you may also expand your online presence and appeal to a new audience while appealing to people on additional marketing channels.

Helps with SEO

Having a lot of different articles on the same subject helps you get more traffic from search engines. You may change the anchor text by reusing the repurposed content of your site. As a result, you'll rank higher on search engine results pages.

How do you decide which content to repurpose? 

It doesn't have to be your own content to repurpose. There are a lot of places where you can find content to repurpose. For instance, you can turn one of your Quora questions into a separate post on your own blog.

However, when you look at your own content, there are two things to look for when deciding whether a piece is worth reusing:

Find evergreen content

Evergreen content is always relevant, no matter how long it has been since it was written. It's usually about a subject that people will keep looking for and will be interested in. It doesn't talk about things that are popular for a small time frame.

Choose only content that will be useful for a long time to come when you repurpose it. This way, you know that your hard work will pay off for years to come.

Look for popular posts

When looking at your most popular content, you can also see if any of them could be used for something else.

  • When people were on Facebook and Twitter, which piece did the most people share?
  • Which piece gets the most traffic every month?
  • Which of your YouTube videos has the most views?

By traffic, shares, and even comments, you can find your best blog posts and videos (this will tell you how this piece has been perceived by your audience). You can start with any piece that has a high number in any of these areas.

Best ways to repurpose content

Read these best content repurposing strategies to find how to repurpose content: 

Turn a blog post into a podcast

If you come across a blog article that has the information you'd like to elaborate on, make it into a podcast episode. Podcasts may be used to provide "dry" or "difficult" material in an easily consumable format. A multi-sectioned ultimate guide you've produced might be a candidate for a podcast episode.

Podcasts are increasingly more widely available. Rather than reading a blog post on computers or laptops, listeners would be able to obtain the content on the move. This may also broaden the reach of your content.

A podcast episode, or series of podcast episodes, allows you to build on the content and offer examples from the post in a more conversational manner. You may also offer up-to-date information that you've discovered. Put the podcast at the top of the current blog article for distribution, and promote it using social media and email list content methods.

Repurpose your blogs into an eBook/guide

If you write a blog post about a business or product, put together an ebook/guide on the same topic. Turning a blog article, or a series of blog posts, into an ebook or downloadable guide is the next suggestion on this list. Assume you authored an essay on each of the following subjects:

  • What is the definition of social media marketing?
  • What is the process of social media marketing?
  • Best practices for social media marketing
  • How can you construct a Social Fortress?
  • Best practices in social media marketing

Each of these subjects falls under the umbrella of social media marketing. Each of these themes might be combined into a single in-depth ebook, which you could then publish on your site.

Change webinars into YouTube videos

Webinars are a great way to connect with your target audience and convert leads into customers. However, due to their propensity to be streamed live, they can be a bit of a visual and auditory spectacle that can be off-putting for some. 

You put on a great webinar that attracts a lot of people. It's been a huge hit! But, of course, not everyone will be able to go to your webinar. After some time, you'll have new visitors and leads to your site who would want to look for these webinars. 

To make them more approachable and user-friendly, consider turning them into YouTube videos. This way, you can keep the visual appeal while also optimizing the audio and visual elements for a better online user experience.

Additionally, by uploading your webinar on YouTube, you can easily share it with your followers on social media platforms, increasing the reach and visibility of your message.

Convert your internal findings into case studies

Internal findings are an invaluable tool for improving your business. However, they can be difficult to digest and put into practice.

Instead of trying to tackle everything on your own, convert your findings into case studies that you can share with others in order to help them better understand how you approached a specific problem or solution. This will create more cohesion and partnerships between the people within your organization, creating a stronger foundation for future growth.

If you keep track of social media metrics, SEO data, or traffic performance, you can use that data to make a case study about how your business did in the past. Try to learn something new from what you've already learned.

If you collect data and turn it into a case study, your readership will see that you are good at figuring out what the data means. Your blog looks more trustworthy because of it. Another reason to do the study is that you'll be able to figure out why you made important business decisions.

The case study can be turned into a blog post, but you can also make it into a content offer that could help people buy. A special offer for people who sign up for emails can also be made.

Convert video content to written content

Video is a powerful medium. It can grab people's attention and engage them on an emotional level. If you want to take your blog content to the next level, consider turning video content into written content. This will help you create a more polished and professional presentation that will be appreciated by readers.

Writing in an engaging style allows you to explain complex topics in a way that is accessible to everyone. You can use examples, metaphors, and other techniques to make your points easier to understand. 

Writing in an engaging style also helps you sell your product or service. You can use persuasive language to convince readers that they should buy what you're offering.

Alternatively, you can repurpose the web content into video content. Here is an example of repurposing your content for text: 

Turn a blog post into a Medium article

If you want to take your blog post writing skills to the next level, consider turning it into a Medium article. Medium is a great platform for sharing thoughtful and well-written content. It has a large audience and is respected as a source of quality information.

Turning your blog post into a Medium article will not only improve your writing skills but will also help you build credibility with readers. If you want to post the same content from your blog to Medium, make sure to:

  • Allow a few days before posting to Medium. If you post to Medium immediately after publishing to your own website, Google will not get much time to index your content. As a result, Google may mistake the Medium version for the original content, which might harm your results.
  • Make sure to link back to the original content.

Use customer reviews and testimonials as social proof

When people are making a purchase, they often look to other people for feedback. Reviews and testimonials can be an important source of social proof when selling products or services. 

By using customer reviews and testimonials in your marketing materials, you can convince readers that your product is worth buying. You can also use them to build credibility with potential customers. 


You can also use the testimonial on the product page or in your social media content.

Use blog headings, statistics, or quotes as Twitter posts

When you are tweeting a blog post, it can be helpful to use blogging headings, statistics or quotes as your tweet's title. This will help people find the post more easily when they're looking for information on Twitter. By using these elements in your tweets, you can promote your blog content and increase engagement with followers.

Turn stats and data into infographics

There is a good chance that infographics and other visuals like this can increase readership by about 80%. This is why 67% of B2B marketers spend money on making infographics. 

Statistics and data can be difficult to understand. By turning them into infographics, you can make the information more accessible to readers. By doing this, you can help people learn about your products or services in a simple and visual way. You also create a valuable resource that can be shared with other businesses.

Update your old blogs with new information

It's important to keep your blogs up-to-date with new information. This way, you can continue to promote your products and services. Additionally, by keeping your blog updated, you can show that you're an informed marketer. By updating your old content with new information, you will help people learn more about what you have to offer.

A vast number of postings with useful information do not have to be lost in time. Pick out posts from your blog archive that might still be useful with a few adjustments as you go through your archives.

It's also a terrific time-saver to keep your blog content up to date. You don't have to start from scratch, and the majority of the information is already ready to go. All you have to do now is update the information.

You can indicate in the title that the post has fresh information when it comes to distribution. It attracts readers who are searching for the most up-to-date information, as well as those who have previously loved the content.

You can repurpose your existing content using Scalenut SEO Assistant. Simply drop in the main keyword and import your content from the URL. Scalenut suggests the content gap and adjusts your readability as well as the content grade to make sure your updated content is relevant and high-quality.

Write guest posts around topics that you have covered

Guest blogging can be a great way to promote your product or service. By writing guest posts, you can reach a wider audience. Additionally, by sharing your knowledge and experiences with other businesses, you can help them learn about what you have to offer. 

As an example, if you own a blog devoted to the automotive industry, consider writing guest posts about car repairs and car buying tips for other bloggers in that niche. This will help maximize your exposure if you have control over the content on your blog.

Use the information to create presentations

If you have valuable information that you would like to share with others, consider presenting it in a more formal setting. By creating presentations, you can help people learn about your product or service in an organized and engaging way. 

Effective slides can include interesting data, significant quotes, and practical advice, and the finished presentation can provide an easy-to-read review of your original content. Sharing these slides on a social media platform like SlideShare can help increase interaction.

With free photo-editing applications like Canva, making the presentations is simple. Canva includes predefined designs for things like social media photos and presentation slides, which is a useful tool.

Turn blog posts into newsletters

One easy way to reach a wider audience with valuable content is to turn your blog posts into newsletters. By creating and distributing newsletters, you can provide valuable tips, advice, and updates on your product or service directly to subscribers.

Your newsletter can be helpful for those who are interested in what you have to offer, as well as those who may not have had the chance to read your blog posts. Additionally, by sending out regular newsletters, you can add value to your business by sharing information that is relevant and helpful.

A newsletter that is full of tips and tricks can show off your best blog posts of the week. This extra push can help people get to your site and read your best content.

Bonus: Repromote your posts on social media

According to Tom Tunguz's research, reposting may generate 75% of the engagement. 

One final way to increase exposure for your blog posts is to repost them on social media. When you repost content, you are giving people another chance to read and share it. Republishing can help promote your most popular blog posts and help drive more traffic to your site.


What is content recycling?

Ans: Content recycling is a technique that helps you share the same or similar content on different channels. When you republish blog posts, for example, this allows you to increase exposure for your content. Additionally, when you recycle blog post images and titles, this can help promote related content across social media platforms.

Can I repurpose email content?

Ans: Yes, you can repurpose email content for blog posts. When you create a newsletter, for example, you can use recycled email content as the basis of your weekly digest. This not only increases traffic to your site but also provides subscribers with valuable information that they may find useful.

Can I use others' blogs for repurposing?

Ans: Yes, you can use others' blog posts as the basis for your own content. When you create blog posts based on other people's work, this gives you a valuable resource that you can reuse in the future. Additionally, it can help to promote related content across social media platforms. But, make sure to rewrite it in your own words and take only valuable insights from them.

Can I repurpose evergreen content?

Ans: Yes, you can reuse evergreen content as the basis for new blog posts. When you create content that is old but still popular, this can be a valuable resource for your site.

What are other ways of repurposing content for social media?

Ans: You can repurpose your blog content into social media by converting it into Twitter threads, GIFs, live streams, Instagram post content, and webinars. 


Yes, repurposing content can be a big time-saver for content creators, but it goes well beyond that!

By taking advantage of Scalenut's quick and powerful AI tools, you can increase SEO visibility and audience reach. You can even think ahead to your repurposing options before you start a new blog post or article.

One story can lead to dozens of pieces of content. So long as you focus on adding value to the original content, your repurposing efforts should be successful!

Shrikant Damani
Growth Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Shrikant Damani
Growth Marketer

Shrikant is a growth marketer at Scalenut, where he focuses on developing strategies to nurture the Scalenut community and improve user experience through content marketing and SEO. In addition, he works to enhance the quality of AI outputs through prompt engineering. A MICA graduate and a Chartered Accountant, he utilizes both his creative and analytical skills to create effective solutions.

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