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WordPress Publisher

Publish the content you create on WordPress in seconds
select plagiarism checker from extension tab
scan a section of content for plagiarism
find the link of original text for plagiarized content
rephrase the content

Scalenut X WordPress Integration Overview

What does the WordPress Publisher do?

Scalenut’s WordPress Publisher tool will allow you to export your drafts, schedule your posts and directly publish them onto your WordPress website. Our WordPress plugin also allows you to set featured images, the author, categories, and tags while exporting content. It also maintains your html styling, so you won’t have to spend extra time creating the same style on the WordPress Editor.

How does the WordPress Publisher work?

Our WordPress integration will combine Scalenut’s keyword research and content generation capabilities with your WordPress website and allow you to create quality content at scale. Check out this article for a detailed step-by-step guide on how to active WordPress integration and use it to publish SEO optimized content in seconds.

Why should you integrate the WordPress Publisher?

The WordPress Publisher integration will allow you to create articles and copies which can be exported and published on multiple WordPress domains from a single platform. All the images in your content will also be automatically uploaded to your WordPress media library. This coupled with Scalenut’s keyword researcher and cluster booster will allow you to create top ranking content for your websites.

Scalenut subscriptions
Works with Pro & Growth plans
Wordpress Subscriptions
Works with all plans
Integrated Module(s)
SEO Docs
AI Docs
Setup Guide
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