Apr 19, 2024

One Tool, Multiple Uses | Here is What Our SaaS User Noel Has to Say About Scalenut

One Tool, Multiple Uses | Here is What Our SaaS User Noel Has to Say About Scalenut


Scalenut-Noel Case study

Noel is a marketing consultant who works with various brands from across the world. He specializes in researching, planning, designing, and executing high-performing marketing strategies.

He doesn’t have a brand in the conventional sense and believes that word of mouth from people about your offerings is the best form of brand building. He believes in the power of well-researched, insightful, and actionable content. 

He was looking for tools that could help him write intelligent long-form content and engaging short-form content at a greater speed. After identifying over ten other content creation tools, he found Scalenut to be a great match for his requirements.

What did Noel want for his content needs?

  1. Create hyper-local content based on a specific targeted region.
  2. Generate high performing content that gets recognition on the SERP.
  3. Add value to content in a competitive environment.
  4. While following the above practices, he wanted to ensure addition of credible sources in his content.

Scalenut’s SEO Hub - One Tool With Multiple Uses

Noel's search for the perfect tool ended when he came across Scalenut. Scalenut’s SEO Hub is the perfect combination of SEO+AI writing, offering solutions to all the problems Noel was facing. 

Local SEO Research

Scalenut uses NLP in the background to localize messaging by analyzing and identifying high-value keywords in a specified location.

Noel uses Scalenut’s SEO Hub to research and identify those NLP keywords and uses that information to create content on topics that his prospects would love to read.

NLP Key Terms

According to Noel, our NLP keywords are one of the unique things that makes Scalenut’s SEO Hub the best. He loves to leverage Scalenut’s comprehensive understanding of Natural Language Processing and its application to creating high-performing, SEO-friendly content.

Competitive Research

Noel thrives in a competitive market by producing engaging, insightful, and informative content using Scalenut’s SEO Hub. Especially while creating long-form articles, he cites the easy access to competitive information such as competition trends, outline analysis, citations, themes, and content grade analysis as the best feature of the hub.


Citations are another feature that Noel often uses while creating content. In his line of work, it is crucial to mention credible sources of facts, figures, and statements. Therefore, he uses our citations tab to refer to credible sources of facts and figures that the competition is using. 


From long-form articles to product messaging, Noel uses Scalenut to create content for every aspect. Noel found Scalenut’s SEO Hub easy to use with its straightforward UI/UX. He also finds the Scalenut’s AI tools helpful in staying focused on creating content instead of having to look for information separately. 

Scalenut is an all-encompassing tool, and we are glad that our product is helpful for our beloved users like Noel. Over the next year, Noel plans to explore Scalenut further to create content for his business and personal use.