Apr 20, 2023

Surfer SEO Vs. Clearscope: A Quick Comparison

Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
Surfer SEO Vs. Clearscope: A Quick Comparison
Priya Jamba, Content Marketer
Priya Jamba
Apr 20, 2023

Surfer SEO Vs. Clearscope: A Quick Comparison

Compare Surfer SEO and Clearscope to determine which platform is best for your SEO needs. Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know.
Surfer SEO Vs. Clearscope: A Quick Comparison

Table of contents


It’s 2022, and just writing good content wouldn’t cut it. In addition to writing compelling content, optimizing it for search engines is equally vital. That’s where SEO tools come into the picture. As marketing has evolved, the role of such software has gained worldwide recognition. 

That is because SEO tools or software provide individuals an advantage over their competitors. How? They analyze the competitor’s website far more efficiently than an average human. 

As a result, organizations (especially smaller ones) can establish their presence on the internet. 

However, not every SEO tool is effective in nature. Two SEO tools that have done wonders in the last few years and are reliable are Surfer SEO and Clearscope. In this blog, we’ll be comparing Surfer SEO vs Clearscope s to help you understand which one is better for you. 

We’ll look at and contrast all their offerings and features to make your decision easier. Let’s dive right in! 

Meanwhile, Scalenut offers AI-empowered SEO tools that facilitate content planning, writing, and research. It allows you to solve your content-related problems far more effortlessly than Surfer SEO and Clearscope. Want to give it a shot? Sign up for a 15-day free trial today! 

Compare these and pick the one that suits your needs. 


Surfer SEO



It is an on-page optimization tool that compares and analyses an organization’s site to those currently placed at the top of search engine results. 

This SEO tool helps you find entities, languages, and topics ranking websites use. It comes with an easy-to-use interface and looks exceptional. 

Best Suited For 


Small and mid-sized agencies,

Content marketers of large enterprises

Publishing content at scale, Content Managers working with Freelance writers and large businesses

Core Features

  • SERP analyzer
  • Content Editor
  • Chrome Extension
  • Article Outline building
  • Content Management
  • Categorization & Grouping
  • Live Content Score
  • Dashboard for Insights


  • It comes with a chrome extension allowing individuals to get data right in the SERPs. 
  • It helps produce AI content briefs. 
  • It is economical. 
  • It offers comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities. 
  • It helps you create outlines and plan content. 


  • The data can be slightly off occasionally. 
  • The user interface can be difficult to navigate for beginners. 
  • It doesn’t provide a free trial. 
  • It doesn’t offer a content audit feature. 
  • It can be costly compared to its counterpart. 
  • It doesn’t provide any collaboration tools. 

Free trial 


Demo request available 

Base Pricing 




Both have their Pros and Cons but Clearscope is a bit better when it comes to the data it generates. 

What is Surfer SEO?

Surfer SEO is an on-page optimization tool that compares and analyses an organization’s site to those currently placed at the top of search engine results. By performing a data-driven analysis, it identifies content gaps and  shows what a website is missing. 

A cloud-based tool, Surfer SEO, can be beneficial in outranking your competition through relevant keywords. Its offerings include a keyword analyzer, content editor extension, and AI outline generator. 

You can optimize written content like blog posts and articles using this tool as well. So, if you’re looking for a data-driven analysis tool with an affordable price range and user-friendly interface, this should be your pick. 

Further Reading: 

Surfer SEO Pricing - How Much Does Surfer SEO Cost?

Surfer SEO offers three unique plans to its users. Read on to learn about them in depth. 

1. Lite 

As the name suggests, this one is their most basic plan. Individuals get 36 content editor credits every month with this plan. You can avail additional content editor credits at $8 per credit. It costs $19/month. 

2. Essential 

This $69/month plan offers 84 content editor credits in a month with 2 seats. You can avail additional content editor credits at $5 per credit.

3. Advanced

This $149/month plan is one of their most sought-after ones. You get 300 content editor credits in a month with 5 seats. You can avail additional content editor credits at $3 per credit.

4. Max 

A premium plan by surfer SEO, the Man plan costs $249. It is tailored for a large business with the chance to invite up to 10 members. Team members 600 content editor credits in a month. 

What is Clearscope?

Clearscope is a content optimization platform. It uses AI technology and natural language processing to suggest words you should use in your content for better ranking on search results. The recommendations are based on the deep analysis of top-ranking pages for a particular keyword.  

The main features of this SEO tool include Content Editor, History of Reports, and Keyword Research. The Clearscope content editor tool helps create high quality content by providing details like content grading and LSI terms.  

Clearscope also provides easy-to-use integrations, for Google docs and WordPress,  for better workflows, making it ideal for content marketers and entrepreneurs. 

Further Reading: 

Clearscope Pricing - How Much Does Clearscope Cost? 

Like Surfer SEO, Clearscope also offers three plans. Let’s understand what you can get in each of the plans. 

1. Essentials 

A basic plan by Clearscope, the Essential program has everything you need to get started with content optimization. It costs $170/month. Individuals get 10 content reports, 1 user seats, and integrations for Google Docs & WordPress. In addition, you get five supported languages.

2. Business 

Compared to the Essentials plan, this one offers more advanced functions. The pricing will depend on your requirements. You get 5 user seats, custom content reports, and custom onboarding. 

3. Enterprise 

An ideal choice for organizations that produce content at scale, this plan comes with custom pricing. In addition to everything in the Business plan, unlimited monitored domains, custom data pipeline, crawler whitelisting, and custom geo-targeting. 

In-Depth Comparison of Surfer SEO Vs Clearscope Features 

Surfer SEO and Clearscope are two of the best SEO tools in the market. In order to help you choose the one better suited to your needs, we tried out both tools individually. Both these SEO tools offer features that have their own strengths and weaknesses. Read the detailed comparison below. 


Surfer SEO 


Content Research 



Real-time Quality Check 



Content Outlines 

Present, but limited 


Image Integration 


Not Present 

Content Editing 



Content Planning (Topic Clusters)


Not Present 

SERP analyzer 


Not Present 

Content Audit 


Not Present 



Surfer SEO vs. Clearscope: User Interface 

UI or User Interface is the point of human-software interaction and communication. These include the aesthetic design of all the visual elements. While the user interface of Surfer SEO is all right for experts, beginners can have trouble navigating it. Clearscope, on the other hand,  is simpler to use with its user-friendly interface.

Winner: Clearscope 

Surfer SEO vs. Clearscope: Supported Languages 

These include the various languages available for the users. When it comes to supported languages, Clearscope and Surfer SEO are neck-to-neck. However, Surfer offers more language options to its users. While Clearscope supports five languages, Surfer has over 20 languages. 

Winner: SurferSEO 

Surfer SEO vs. Clearscope: Content Research

In order to create content, it’s essential to conduct SEO research first. This includes keyword research, competitor’s content, and industry specific trends. Surfer SEO allows you to target new keywords and offers a SERP similarity feature. While Clearscope provides SEO support to its users, there’s no SERP similarity feature in the tool. So, Surfer is a superior tool for content research.  

Winner: Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO vs. Clearscope: SERP Analyzing

SERP Analyzing is a process of going through the top ranking web pages in the SERP or Search Engine Results Page. It allows organizations to evaluate how to create content best suited for SERP ranking.In addition, individuals get to determine how hard it would be to outrank their competitors. 

Surfer provides relevant information to its users on what’s working right now for their specific keyword by analyzing 50 top pages ranking on Google and 500+ on-page signals. Some ranking factors that the tool analyzes are text length, page speed, number of headings, and referring domains. Clearschope doesn’t have a SERP analyzer. 

Winner: Surfer SEO 

Surfer SEO vs. Clearscope: Customer Support & Community

Customer support is like the grievance cell in SEO and AI tools. Conversely, customer communities are the places or platforms for users to discuss or share reviews on the tool. Both the tools have a customer support & community section for their users. 

Surfer supports live chat and offers tutorials to guide its customers. In addition, users can resolve any issues through email and get quick feedback. Clearscope also has responsive customer support operating via a contact form. Unlike Surfer, Clearscope doesn’t offer chat support. 

Winner: SurferSEO 

We’ve covered the pros and cons of both these SEO tools for your reference in the next section. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Surfer SEO

Here are some of the major advantages and disadvantages of Surfer SEO. 

Advantages of Surfer SEO

  • Their content editor tool is one of the best in the market. It makes the on-page optimization fairly easy for content writers. 
  • WordPress and Google Docs can get integrated seamlessly on Surfer SEO. 
  • It is exceedingly affordable for the features users get. 
  • It offers an incredibly accurate competitor analysis. 
  • Its enablement center is loaded with resources for users to learn more about SEO and easily navigate the tool.

Disadvantages of Surfer SEO

  • Beginners may find it hard to navigate this tool without prior knowledge. 
  • It doesn’t describe keyword difficulty. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Clearscope

Wondering what the pros and cons of Clearscope are? Read on to know. 

Advantages of Clearscope 

  • The interface is user friendly and easy to navigate.
  • It offers comprehensive reporting and analytics capabilities. 
  • It helps you create outlines and plan content. 

Disadvantages of Clearscope 

  • It is an expensive SEO tool. If you’re on a budget, this isn’t the best fit. 
  • It doesn’t offer any collaboration tools. 
  • SEO testing involves measuring and evaluating the results of a change you make to your website or page in relation to organic search traffic. It is a vital technical performance test. There’s no SEO testing feature on Clearscope. 

Which is Better, Surfer SEO Vs. Clearscope: The Final Verdict 

Every SEO tool comes with its set of pros and cons. That is why it’s important to choose one that  works for you and your organization. In this blog, we’ve tried to compare them based on the generic features and usability each of them offers.

After deeply analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of Surfer SEO and Clearscope, it’s evident that Surfer SEO is better than Clearscope.That is because Surfer SEO offers more features (Content Audit, SERP analysis), has better collaboration tools, and is way more affordable than Clearscope. 

However, that doesn’t mean that Clearscope is far behind. It also offers comprehensive reporting capabilities, a smooth interface, and facilitates content outline creation. In addition, its user-friendly interface makes  it an easy to use tool. 

Is there Any Better Alternative to Surfer SEO Vs. Clearscope Available?

Surfer SEO and Clearscope are some of the well-known SEO tools out there. Both these tools do a fair job of content optimization. However, what they lack is comprehensive content research and AI writing. That’s where Scalenut comes in. It is an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform that facilitates content research, planning, and writing. 

Read on to know about the unique features of Scalenut that make it a worthier SEO tool for you. 

Scalenut’s Advanced Capabilities 

1. Cruise Mode: Research and writing content can be a tedious and time-consuming exercise. When you’re working around the clock, it’s hard to come up with ideas.

With Scalenut’s AI writer - cruise mode, you can create the first draft of an SEO-optimized blog within five minutes. Both Surfer SEO and Clearscope don’t offer this function.  

2. Social Listening: Social listening is vital in this era of cutthroat competition. That is because it allows you to get ahead in the game. By analyzing users' questions on Quora, Reddit and People also ask sections of Google, you can develop content that resonates with your audience immediately.

3. Comprehensive Content Research: Scalenut offers a unique SEO hub to its users that allows them to create AI-driven optimized content and superior content outlines. The SEO Hub provides details like word count, headlines, LSI terms after analyzing the top 30 SERP results.

Making your content more rankable and comprehensive. In comparison, Surfer SEO and Clearscope provide a limited view of SERP analysis.

4. AI Writing: Unlike Surfer SEO and Clearscope, Scalenut puts the power of AI writing in your hands. In addition to creating short-form content, this tool allows you to generate  long-form SEO-optimized content and rephrase original content. Here are free AI writing tools by Scalenut that you can try right away. 

5. Topic Cluster: This feature in Scalenut helps you gain topical authority with multiple keyword clusters revolving around your topic. It allows you to make pillar-page  content strategy in seconds and improve your  chances of ranking higher on SERP.  You can checkout Scalenut’s Topic Cluster tool here. 

6. Chrome Extension: Scalenut’s Chrome Extension allows users to boost productivity and create content on the go. It provides powerful features like AI templates and Email Writers, among others, to businesses and individual creators. 

Still not convinced? Try for yourself by signing up for a 7-day free trial today! 

How do AI Writing and SEO Work Together, and How to Choose the Best AI Writing Software for Your SEO Needs?

Did you know that every day 15% of the queries on Google have never been searched before? So, the search engine platform updates its algorithm over 500 times a year. It allows Google to stay up-to-date with the trends and how individuals surf the internet. 

So, if you’re a marketer or an organization trying to compete in SEO, it is essential to have a powerful tool. It’d allow you to reach your target audience by optimizing your content for search engines. Such software provides alerts and data about the overall success of your website. 

In addition, they help identify opportunities to ensure you earn visibility in the SERPs. The aspects analyzed on SEO tools include keywords, backlinks, content, traffic, domain, social media, and ranking. 

A powerful software that helps your SEO efforts is an AI writing tool. In current times, AI writing tools can generate content like blogs, Ad headlines, product descriptions, and more. As a result, individuals can save time and effort while repurposing content. 

AI writing tools can analyze varied amounts of data. As a result, it has become crucial for SEO ranking factors. This data can be further used to enhance and optimize content for search engines. So, AI writing and SEO go hand in hand today. 

But how does one select powerful SEO tools with so many options in the market? There are some factors that you can keep in mind while comparing the alternatives. These include pricing, technical features, usability, mobile optimization, and keyword research tools. 

These factors would give you an idea about each optimization tool and what you can expect as a user.

Priya Jamba
Content Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Priya Jamba
Content Marketer

Priya Jamba is a Content Marketer at Scalenut. She loves marketing technologies and believes that with the right combination of tools and creativity, every organization can build sustainable brands. She is on a mission to help marketing teams across the globe produce tangible results from their marketing campaigns. Currently, she is working along with the Product team to enhance the AI content quality through prompt engineering.

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