Dec 19, 2022

SERP Analyzer: Drive Content Success with Data

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
SERP Analyzer: Drive Content Success with Data
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Dec 19, 2022

SERP Analyzer: Drive Content Success with Data

SERP Analyzers are a modern-day phenomenon making content creation an easier and more holistic process. Read on to learn more about the Scalenut SERP Analyzer.
SERP Analyzer: Drive Content Success with Data

Table of contents

Search engines deliver relevant results to a customer's search query and satisfy their Google search intent, but creating high-performing pages demands significant effort and research from creators.

Ranking high on Google SERPs (search engine results page) requires research, digital marketing expertise, targeting keywords, building backlinks, analyzing competition, and comprehensive topic coverage.

Using SERP analyzer tools is becoming increasingly popular among marketers to perform deep SERP research and gain a competitive edge, avoiding the cumbersome manual process.

Scalenut's SERP Analyzer Tool for Measuring SEO Metrics

Scalenut’s SERP Analyzer tool provides deep insights into SERP and breaks down the insights of top-ranking pages for any keyword, showcasing all significant SEO metrics in an easy-to-understand manner.

This article breaks down the capabilities of this tool and helps you discover its unique abilities in different ways.

What is SERP analyzer?

A SERP Analyzer is an analysis tool that helps in scraping through the top-ranking SERP results for specific target keywords and returns with relevant data that can enable you to create well-optimized content for your web page.

For this, Scalenut's tool shows a list of top-ranked pages (Scalenut shows the top 30 URLs) for a particular keyword/set of keywords.

However, instead of doing it the SERP way or the rich snippets way (title, meta description, and URL), it showcases an umbrella of helpful information for each top-ranked page.

If we consider the example of Scalenut’s Article Writer, a SERP analyzer tool, it analyzes the SERP leader’s page against many on-page parameters.

It examines the Top 30 ranking pages, defines average values for the SERP analysis, and then ascertains how each page fares against every metric. It allows the marketer to gauge the potential shortcomings of those in the top positions and use it to their advantage.

For example, assume you generate a SERP Analyzer report for the keyword ‘Business Process Consulting’ on Scalenut. It will give you an in-depth report covering several aspects, such as the average number of images, H-tags, word count, and more. Also present is a metric trend that visualizes the score of the top-ranking pages in an easy-to-understand format.

The report not only showcases which pages occupy the top position, but you can also gauge the following with its help:

  • Identifying common patterns that are vital for ranking for that particular keyword.
  • Finding the kind of content the top-ranking pages offer, including the H-tags, average word count, and readability score.

Using SERP Analyzer to Improve Google Rankings

Here are the steps to follow to run this tool:

  • Head to the ‘SEO Docs’ section accessible via the left pane on your Scalenut dashboard. Now, enter the primary keyword/s for which you want to generate a report and choose a region you are looking to target. You can also enter any secondary keyword relevant to your search. Click ‘Create SEO Doc’ and wait for the software to process and pack the data.
  • Once the report is generated, click the ‘Create Brief’ button to proceed. You can now access all the requisite data related to the top 30 URLs for the keyword entered.

SERP Analyzer Data Overview for Ranking URLs

Scalenut’s SERP analyzer tool presents relevant and in-depth data in the most straightforward manner possible, making it capable of churning in-depth reports to help your cause, given the multiple aspects that affect SERP ranking, such as EAT, word length, and more.

Features of the SERP Analyzer Tool

Here are the SERP features you can directly access on this tool:

  • You can begin the keyword research with a location in focus. At the very first step, you can choose the location while creating the SEO report, enabling you to create more localized content with ease.
  • The top bar provides options such as competition overview, outlines, questions (social listening), citations, and key terms (NLP-powered), each covering specific aspects related to SERP ranking, user intent, and competitive analysis.
  • You can find general content creation guidelines on the right, such as suggested word count, heading count, and image count, along with the option to add additional keywords, references, and notes for reference.
  • The competition overview tab displays numerical and graphical stats for the top-ranking pages, such as word count, H-tags, grade (in-house algorithm), image count, and readability. Results are segmented into three categories (1-10, 1-20, and 1-30), and detailed info for each URL is provided below.
  • In the 'Outlines' tab, find detailed outlines of the top 30 ranking URLs, including H2s and H3s, along with relevant questions from Quora and Google. AI-generated suggestions help decode user intent and streamline content creation.
  • The ‘Citation’ tab showcases the list of top-cited URLs by the pages ranking on SERP. You can go over the citations to understand why they are being cited and if you can incorporate them in your piece, too.
  • The 'Key Terms' tab houses relevant keywords used by competitors and offers an overview of their placement, helping you understand intent better. This seamless access to related keywords streamlines the research process for creating content for a blog.

How to start on SERP Analyzer for your Blog Content?

After understanding the topic and the competition's content creation process around the keyword, the expert should create a solid brief and SEO plan. Instead of having to switch tabs and open a new MS Word Document or a Google Doc, you can now do that on Scalenut itself.

Users can use the right pane on their SEO Analyzer for brief creation. For this, click on the ‘Headings’ option and enter the title of the piece (H1). Then, head to the ‘Outlines’ tab and choose the requisite H2s and H3s to proceed.

For this, scroll through the top-ranking URLs’ outlines and click on the relevant H2s and H3s to add them to your outline. Once your rough outline is ready, you can double–click on the selected headings to tweak them as per your needs.

FAQs on SERP Analyzer

There is one final aspect you can look at, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

You can easily add Frequently Asked Questions to your content by choosing from suggested questions or entering your own, using the 'Frequently Asked Questions' option located below the headings, and double-clicking to edit.

After creating your first brief with the SEO Analyzer tool, you can visit the Editor by clicking on ‘Create Content’ and paste the outline using the ‘Paste Outline’ option before expanding and creating the content.

Unique Features of SERP Analyzer

Scalenut's tool has a unique value proposition and does several things differently from its competition to achieve top results.

Here is how our SERP analyzer tool differentiates itself:

  • Its unique AI-driven content grading algorithm compares your content against the competition, assigning a grade to each of the Top 30 URL rankings for specific keywords.
  • The social listening feature helps decode the searcher’s intent accurately and adding them as FAQs, H2s or H3s can improve contextual relevance and ranking on SERPs.

SERP Analyzer for Keyword Research and On-page SEO

Consistently ranking on organic search results for a keyword involves following best practices and understanding user intent. Higher domain and page authority, achieved by producing quality content that aligns with search intent, can lead to improved conversions.

Scalenut's SERP analysis tool provides access to related keywords, search volume, and content grading, using AI and ML to assign grades to the top 30 SERP results. Users can paste or create content on Scalenut's AI editor and even optimize their content for various on-page factors such as keyword density, meta tags, content depth, URL optimization, and more.

This streamlines the process and makes relevant data easily accessible, improving content marketing endeavours significantly.

Try SERP Analyzer!

The Scalenut SERP Analyzer simplifies content marketing by amplifying efforts and expanding audience reach. Try our 14-day free trial to experience the difference in our platform.

Click here to sign up for a free trial of our SERP Analyzer today.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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