Mar 21, 2024

What Is White Label SEO? Outsourcing Guide

Vaishnavi Ramkumar
What Is White Label SEO? Outsourcing Guide
Vaishnavi Ramkumar
Mar 21, 2024

What Is White Label SEO? Outsourcing Guide

Explore the benefits of white label SEO and how outsourcing can transform your digital marketing strategy. Find out more on our blog.
What Is White Label SEO? Outsourcing Guide

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In today’s digital world, businesses have discovered the power of SEO in reaching out to potential consumers around the globe. As one explores the online marketing frontier, it can get difficult trying to cover everything. That’s where White Label SEO comes in. Used by digital marketing companies that outsource their SEO, the services are rebranded so that clients perceive the company is performing them in-house. This outsourcing guide provides a comprehensive view of what white label SEO entails, from understanding its definition, benefits, and main providers to offering steps on choosing a good provider.

What is White Label SEO

White Label SEO is an approach where an SEO service is provided by a company (often called provider) and is rebranded by another company (usually a marketing agency) to make it appear as their own. The agency profits by earning a margin between what they pay the provider and what they charge the client. Importantly, the consumer receives quality services while the agency maintains the customer relationship, profiting without needing to do the work themselves.

White Label vs. In-House SEO

When comparing White Label vs. In-House SEO, the distinction is quite clear. In-house SEO pertains to having a dedicated team within your company dealing with all aspects of SEO. They have intimate knowledge of the company but may lack broader SEO experience and are more expensive to maintain. Conversely, white-label SEO involves outsourcing your SEO needs to third-party experts who specialize in various fields of SEO. The agency benefits from the in-depth knowledge, diverse experiences, and current SEO techniques that the provider brings. Also, it's often more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team.

Understanding the White Label Process

Understanding the White Label Process is critical for agencies considering outsourcing their SEO tasks. Fundamentally, the process involves a few key steps:

  • Identify client needs: The agency takes time to understand the SEO requirements of its clients and communicates these to the provider.
  • SEO Execution: The provider then performs the necessary SEO tasks, such as keyword research, content creation, website optimization, and backlink profile enhancement.
  • Reporting and Communication: The provider prepares detailed performance reports, which the agency presents to the client as their own.
  • Continued SEO Management: Based on the feedback and changing SEO needs, the provider continues managing and enhancing the SEO strategy.

This process provides a seamless experience for the end client and allows the agency to deliver excellent SEO results without needing the in-house capacity or expertise.

Benefits of Using White Label SEO Services

By outsourcing responsibilities to a white label SEO provider, your agency can benefit by expanding its service offerings and expertise without investing significant time and resources into developing an in-house SEO team. It allows agencies to focus on core competencies, executable business operations while offering expanded services for client satisfaction. Moreover, White Label SEO Services deliver benefits in terms of cost-effectiveness, scalability, access to specialty expertise, and increased focus on core business aspects without worrying about SEO intricacies.


Possibly the most appealing benefit of white label SEO is cost-effectiveness. Establishing an in-house SEO department involves extensive time and monetary investment in hiring experts, training them, and purchasing necessary tools and technologies. On the contrary, engaging a white-label SEO provider brings the benefit of an experienced team boasting diverse SEO expertise and established processes. This way, you can provide top-notch SEO services to your clients at competitive prices, thereby ensuring positive customer relations, referrals, and ultimately, substantial revenue growth - all without making a dent in your budget.


Scalability is another crucial advantage offered by white label SEO services. When an agency faces increased demand for SEO services, it can put immense pressure on the existing resources if handled in-house, leading to compromised quality and unhappy clients. However, with a reliable white label SEO partner, the scope of delivering high-quality SEO campaigns can easily be scaled up or down as per the client demands. This approach eliminates the need for agencies to worry about capacity constraints or investing heavily in expanding an in-house team, thus allowing them to grow effortlessly.

Access to Expertise

One of the major drives behind opting for white label SEO services is gaining access to expertise. SEO is a complex field, and staying updated with ever-evolving search engine algorithms, SEO tactics, and analytical tools is a challenge. A white-label SEO provider specializes in various aspects of SEO, armed with proven strategies, state-of-the-art tools, and a crew of experts heavily experienced in delivering impactful SEO campaigns across different industries. By hiring such a partner, an agency can access this treasure-trove of expertise without having to build it from scratch.

Undiluted Focus

Engaging a white label SEO partner also allows your agency to maintain an undiluted focus on its core competencies. Often, expanding into new service areas like SEO can distract from the primary business functions, leading to diluted quality and compromised client relationships. By offloading the SEO responsibilities to a trusted partner, you eliminate this risk. Your team can concentrate on their areas of expertise and on nurturing client relationships while the SEO expert ensures your clients' websites rank high on search engine results pages.

Branding Opportunities

Lastly, white label SEO offers excellent branding opportunities. When you present commendable SEO strategies, optimized content, and impressive site rankings to your clients, it significantly enhances your brand image. It showcases your commitment to providing a broad toolset of high-quality services that effectively meet their business needs. This generates greater client satisfaction, loyalty, drives referrals, and positions your brand strongly in the competitive digital marketing landscape.

What Does a White Label SEO Provider Do?

A White Label SEO provider undertakes diverse responsibilities encompassing all the nuances of an effective SEO campaign. They specialize in understanding the client's business model, target market, conducting thorough keyword research, optimizing website content, building quality backlinks, and monitoring & adjusting the strategies periodically to ensure superior site visibility and higher ranks on search engine results. All these activities are tailored to the client’s unique needs while also considering the constantly evolving SEO best practices.

Comprehensive SEO Services

White Label SEO Providers offer comprehensive SEO services integrated into a cohesive strategy targeting improved site ranking, organic traffic, and conversions. Key services include:

  • Website Analysis: Evaluating the website's current status pertaining to SEO metrics to recognize opportunities for improvement.
  • Keyword Research: Identifying high-performing, relevant keywords that your client’s target audience uses and optimizing content around them.
  • Content Creation: Crafting optimized, engaging, and informative content with appropriate keyword inclusion and backlinks.
  • On-Page and Off-Page SEO: Optimizing the content, meta-tags, URLs, and internal links of your client's website while also working to enhance external backlinks and social signals.
  • Performance Tracking: Constantly monitoring the SEO campaign's performance against set metrics, making necessary adjustments for sustained high performance.

These individual tasks come together to form a well-rounded SEO strategy that drives your clients' website to higher ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Keyword Research

Probably one of the most foundational aspects of any SEO strategy is apt Keyword Research. A white label SEO provider begins by understanding the client's business, market positioning, and target audience. Based on this context, they then utilize advanced tools to identify the most relevant, high-performing keywords that the client's target audience uses in their search queries. The keyword strategy encompasses long-tail keywords, local keywords, industry-specific phrases, and popular search terms. This approach ensures that the website's content can be finely tuned to these keywords, rendering it more 'visible' to search engines, driving more organic traffic, and improving its SERPs ranking.

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is a critical component of the services a white-label SEO provider offers. On-page or on-site SEO involves optimizing elements on your client's website to improve its visibility and ranking. This includes optimizing metadata and title tags, ensuring website pages load quickly, making the site mobile-friendly, optimizing headers and content with relevant keywords, and creating a logical structure using internal linking. It also includes structuring URLs appropriately and integrating social sharing options for better user engagement. All these optimization steps make it easier for search engines to index the site, bestow better ranks, and thus draw more organic traffic.

Off-Page SEO

In addition to optimizing elements on the client’s site, a white-label SEO provider also emphasizes Off-Page SEO to enhance the site’s credibility and visibility. It involves activities performed outside the website that can impact its search engine rankings. This primarily revolves around building high-quality, reliable backlinks from authoritative sites that point towards your client's site. Other tactics include leveraging social media platforms and influencer marketing to spread brand awareness, sharing engaging content, fostering positive customer reviews, and making directory submissions. All these steps collectively influence the website's popularity, relevance, trustworthiness, and authority, all of which play a crucial role in its search engine ranking.

Content Writing

Crafting quality Content Writing is a critical skill that white label SEO providers bring to the table. The content on your client's website needs to be relevant, informative, and engaging to retain the attention of its audience and drive them towards desired calls to action. Alongside this, the content needs to be well-optimized with the right mix of target keywords, semantic keywords, meta titles, and descriptions to achieve good search engine rankings. Be it blogs, articles, product descriptions, or social media posts; the SEO provider ensures that the content resonates with the audience and complies with SEO best practices.

SEO Reports

White label SEO providers wield their expertise in analytics to curate comprehensive SEO Reports. These reports detail the various metrics showcasing the performance of the SEO campaigns, impact on site traffic and search engine ranking. They help gauge the effectiveness of the strategies implemented and provide insights into potential areas of improvement. Some vital details included in these reports are:

Metadata Description
Website Traffic Data about the number of users visiting the site and their behavior
Keyword Performance How the targeted keywords are performing in terms of attracting traffic and improving ranking
Backlink Profile Analysis of the quantity and quality of external sites linking to your client's website
User Engagement Data about how users are interacting with the site content

This data-packed SEO analysis helps in strategizing further SEO actions for sustained high-performance.

How to Choose a Good White Label SEO Provider

Choosing an apt White Label SEO Provider involves assessing their technical expertise, experience, reputation, and the extent of services provided. But beyond these, essential factors like transparency in SEO practices, robust and user-friendly reporting mechanism, and excellent client communication and support play crucial roles in ensuring a beneficial collaboration. It's equally important that the provider follows ethical SEO practices and offers flexible pricing that fits well within your budget.

Reviews and Testimonials

A reliable way to assess the credibility of a white label SEO provider is to examine their Reviews and Testimonials. These attest to the quality of service provided, depth of SEO expertise, and effectiveness in driving results. Look out for feedback on aspects like their ability to improve search rankings, increase organic traffic, customer service experience, and flexibility in catering to distinct client needs. While testimonials on the company's site give a sense of their success stories, independent review platforms offer impartial feedback from a broader group of customers.

Case Studies

Case Studies published by White Label SEO providers offer a real-world view of their practices and outcomes. These studies usually outline the client's initial situation, the customized SEO strategies implemented, and the tangible results achieved. Evaluating these will provide you insight into their skill in handling diverse challenges, practically implementing the latest SEO tactics, and delivering during various industry scenarios. It is a testament to the potential success that the provider can bring to your clients.

Ranking Website

A credible measure of a white-label SEO provider's expertise is the ranking of their own website. How they have designed their website, the quality of content, its structure and navigation, speed of loading, and primarily, how high it ranks on search results is indicative of their understanding and accomplishment in SEO practices. If their site appears high on SERPs, employs user-friendly design, and features engaging content, it augurs well for what they can offer to your clients.

Transparent SEO Practices

In the world of SEO, transparency is key. The white label SEO provider should follow Transparent SEO Practices, providing clear-cut information about their methodology, strategies, reporting system, and SEO tools employed. They must be upfront about what to expect regarding campaign timelines, results, and reporting frequency. Any hesitation to disclose these details or making lofty, unverifiable promises should be seen as red flags. SEO is a long-term process requiring consistent efforts, and providers should set realistic expectations and follow ethical practices.

Communication and Support

Effective communication and support play a crucial role in any successful collaboration with a white label SEO provider. The provider should be reachable, responsive, and proactive in their communication, conveying regular updates about the progress of ongoing SEO campaigns, clarifying doubts, and addressing issues promptly. They should be open to feedback and make efforts to understand your unique requirements and expectations. Top-notch customer support leading to a smooth, hassle-free experience is a hallmark of a reliable white label SEO provider.

Ethics and Transparency

Choosing a white-label SEO provider who follows utmost ethics and transparency in their operations is critical. White Label SEO is a field that needs adherence to specific guidelines set by search engines. Using dubious tactics like keyword stuffing, hidden texts, or cloaking can lead to your client's website being penalized, resulting in lower rankings or even removal from search engine index. Hence, it's essential to ensure that the provider uses ethical, white hat SEO practices and is transparent in all their dealings.

Top White Label SEO Providers

Considering the multitude of providers, choosing the right White Label SEO Provider might seem daunting. However, based on specific key factors like credibility, reviews, comprehensiveness of services, customer support, and value for money, some top players stand out. Five notable providers are Semrush, Boostability, SEOReseller, DashClicks, and The HOTH. Each of these come highly recommended due to their diverse experience across industries, a broad range of services, and track record of delivering successful SEO campaigns.


Semrush is a renowned digital marketing platform offering 55+ marketing tools, including an impressive suite of SEO tools. They provide white label services like custom white label reports, SEO marketing strategy building, keyword research, on-page SEO, and off-page SEO. Semrush's white label platform enables agencies to manage multiple clients in a single place, making it easy to scale operations. Using Semrush's white label services, agencies can focus on nurturing client relationships while leaving the SEO work in the hands of experts. Their white label SEO services are developed keeping the needs of the agency partners in mind, promising top-notch results.


Boostability is a full-service white-label SEO agency boasting over 30,000 active clients worldwide. Providing a spectrum of impressive SEO services, including on-page and off-page SEO, content writing, and website design, Boostability offers complete white-label packages tailored to your needs. These include sales support, sales training, and dedicated growth managers who assist you close more SEO leads and manage client relationships. Their SEO reseller program focuses on delivering robust processes and proven methods that enlist high website rankings across diverse industries.


SEOReseller is an agency offering comprehensive white label SEO services, catering to various areas like content writing, SEO marketing, workflow management, and white-label pitching. This firm provides a seamless extension to your agency's operations with packages, products, or services that closely match what you and your clients require. Irrespective of the path you choose, this provider guarantees easily comprehensible white-label SEO reports, effectively tailored strategy for your client’s audience; thereby gaining traffic to their website while providing tips for growth.


DashClicks is a marketing services platform providing an integrated white label platform where you can buy, manage, and deliver web solutions under one roof. They provide excellent white label SEO and content services, including regular website optimization, keyword tracking, competitor research and monthly content and reporting. These services are highly reviewed and backed by case studies, making DashClicks a reliable platform for those aiming to provide impactful SEO services to their clients.


The HOTH offers a variety of link building packages and SEO management to agencies worldwide. Known for being a leading provider of high-quality backlinks and SEO-friendly content, they focus on delivering services that not just rank websites but also deliver real results in the form of organic traffic and conversions. The HOTH offers affordable, personalized, SEO services for agencies with packages that can scale according to your needs, making them an exceptional choice for both small and large marketing agencies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is White Label SEO Suitable for All Businesses?

White Label SEO is valuable for any agency or business that wishes to expand its service offerings, particularly in SEO, without investing in creating an in-house team. It's a powerful way to deliver skilled, scaled, and diversified services while strengthening client relationships.

How Much Does White Label SEO Cost?

The cost of white label SEO services varies immensely based on the provider and the range of services you choose. While some adopt per hour or per project pricing, others offer monthly packages or customizable quotes based on your requirements.

What is the Difference Between White Label SEO and SEO Reseller?

While the terms are often used interchangeably, there’s a subtle difference. SEO Reseller typically involves selling SEO services provided by another firm. White Label SEO, on the other hand, enables you to sell these services under your brand name, rendering the impression of being performed in-house.

Vaishnavi Ramkumar
Content Marketer
ABout the AUTHOR
Vaishnavi Ramkumar
Content Marketer

Vaishnavi Ramkumar is a content marketer specializing in creating BOFU content for SaaS brands. She believes reader-centric content is the sure-shot way to generate high-quality leads through content marketing. As part of the Scalenut team, Vaishnavi curates content that drives brand awareness and boosts signups. When she's not crafting content, you can find her immersed in the pages of a good book or a course.

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