Sep 18, 2023

18 Advanced SEO Techniques & Strategies for Digital Success

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
18 Advanced SEO Techniques & Strategies for Digital Success
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Sep 18, 2023

18 Advanced SEO Techniques & Strategies for Digital Success

Take your digital success to new heights with our 18 advanced SEO techniques. Our strategies will help you outrank the competition while driving more traffic.
18 Advanced SEO Techniques & Strategies for Digital Success

Table of contents

Are you tired of using the same old basic SEO strategy that everyone else is using? Do you want to take your digital success to the next level? Well, you're in luck! In this blog, we're diving deep into the advanced SEO techniques and strategies that will skyrocket your rankings and bring in more organic traffic than ever before. Get ready to revolutionize your SEO game and achieve digital success like never before!

1. Enhance Content’s Time to Value

Time to value, here, is basically the time it takes for a user to extract value from a piece of content. In layman's terms, your content should be arranged in a way that it offers value immediately, without the users having to scroll to find what they are looking for.

This is a screenshot of a Blog with poor Time-to-Value.

As you can see in the image, the phrase "keyword cannibalization" does not appear in the first three paragraphs. In the actual blog, it appears after eight paras. This means that the time to value is very poor, and the user will have to scroll a lot, especially on a mobile device which is 67.81% of the total web traffic.

This is a screenshot of a Blog with enhanced Time-to-Value.

Whereas, in this article, the writer comes straight to the point and enhances the time to value. Algorithms promote web pages where users quickly find what they are looking for. So, ensure that you offer value spontaneously instead of beating about the bush to increase word count. Moreover, creating well-researched and high-quality content is also crucial.

2. Usage of Pillar Pages

Strategic usage of pillar pages, i.e., by organizing your content around specific themes and establishing a pillar page as the primary hub, you can position your website as an authoritative source.

Creating pillar pages provides comprehensive coverage of a particular topic, complemented by subtopic pages that explore the topic in detail. By utilizing relevant anchor text to link these pages together, you send a strong signal to search engines, indicating that your website offers comprehensive and valuable information.

One of the primary advantages of implementing a pillar page strategy is the creation of a robust internal linking structure, which can greatly benefit your overall SEO efforts. When search engine crawlers identify clear connections between your content, it enables them to better understand the relevance and context of each page, leading to improved indexing and ranking. 

3. Focus on Internal Linking

In order to achieve digital success through advanced SEO, leveraging internal linking is one of the best practices. This practice involves linking one page to another within the same domain. Effective implementation of internal linking throughout your website can optimize your website and, thereby, overall structure and increase search engine visibility.

Strategically placing internal links assists search engine crawlers in efficiently navigating your site and indexing important pages. Additionally, it enhances user experience by providing easy access to related content and seamless navigation.

It is important to use anchor text with relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the relevance and value of the linked page. By focusing on contextual relevance and adding value for both users and search engines, you can effectively leverage internal linking for improved SEO outcomes.

4. Maximize SERP Presence with FAQ Schema

SEO is all about boosting visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). To optimize your website's visibility, one effective strategy is maximizing SERP presence with FAQ Schema. By leveraging this schema markup, you can provide succinct answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) directly within the search results. Look at this example:

This is a screenshot of a FAQ Schema on Google.

The first search result is taking up a lot more space than others. This offers a competitive advantage by occupying extra space on SERPs. To capitalize on FAQ Schema, begin by identifying common questions related to your industry or niche. Craft informative and concise answers and implement them using structured data. 

When users encounter these FAQs on SERPs, they are more likely to click either on your web link or the question due to the demonstrated expertise and immediate relevance. 

In short, maximizing SERP presence with FAQ Schema enables effective engagement with your target audience, elevates click-through rates, and ultimately enhances organic traffic. 

5. Utilizing Paid Ads for Link Building

Paid ads, such as sponsored content, display ads, or native advertising, is an off-page SEO technique that involves paying a platform or website to promote your content or brand. The idea behind utilizing paid ads for link building is to leverage these paid opportunities to generate backlinks from authoritative websites. 

Instead of merely aiming for clicks or conversions, the primary objective becomes acquiring valuable backlinks that can positively impact your website's SEO performance. Seek out websites that have a strong online presence, a large and engaged audience, and a track record of providing high-quality content. 

When utilizing paid ads for link building, it's important to negotiate the inclusion of backlinks within the sponsored content or ad placements. The links should be strategically placed within the content in a way that feels natural and relevant. 

6. Capturing Featured Snippets

Another way to maximize visibility is by capturing featured snippets in search engine results pages (SERPs), which is a highly effective way to drive traffic to your website. These concise summaries directly answer user queries, making them highly visible. To optimize your chances of being chosen as a featured snippet, follow these advanced SEO techniques.

This is a screenshot of featured snippets on Google.

Understanding the various types and formats of featured snippets is key. Tailor your content to match these formats, be it paragraphs, lists, tables, or videos. Craft informative paragraphs or lists that directly address common queries in your industry. Concise and valuable answers are crucial to be the go-to resource for users.

Effectively organize your content with descriptive headings and subheadings. This enhances readability and makes your content more likely to be chosen as a featured snippet. Clear headings summarize the information in each section and attract user attention.

Audit existing featured snippets to identify gaps and improvement opportunities. Continuously monitor your performance and make adjustments to boost your ranking factor.

7. Importance of A/B Testing

A/B testing holds tremendous significance as it provides marketers with a valuable opportunity to compare and evaluate different versions of web pages or landing pages. By analyzing user engagement, conversions, and overall performance, marketers can make informed decisions to enhance their online presence.

By conducting A/B testing, marketers gain insight into the crucial elements impacting conversion rates. Factors such as headlines, layout variations, call-to-action buttons, or even color schemes can be tested to determine their impact on conversions. This insight enables marketers to optimize their web pages or landing pages, resulting in higher conversion rates.

Moreover, A/B testing allows marketers to better understand their target audience. Analyzing user behavior across different variations of web pages or landing pages offers valuable insights into audience preferences, habits, and motivations. Armed with this knowledge, marketers can tailor their content, design, and messaging to create a more personalized and engaging user experience.

8. Diversifying Visual Elements

While written content plays a pivotal role, integrating various visual elements into your website, content can significantly enhance your advanced SEO tactics. Let's explore how you can leverage visual elements to optimize your site and attract more organic traffic.

This is a screenshot of an image on Scalenut

Primarily, images serve as a vital medium to engage your audience and effectively convey information. By utilizing high-quality, relevant images, you can captivate visitors' attention and encourage them to explore your site further. Images not only enhance the visual appeal of your content but also contribute to an improved user experience overall.

This is a screenshot of infographics on Scalenut

Additionally, infographics are a potent tool for presenting complex information in a concise and visually appealing manner. These visually compelling graphics enable you to communicate data, statistics, and key insights effectively. Infographics have the potential to go viral, generating backlinks and social shares and significantly enhancing your website's visibility and authority.

This is a screenshot of Gifs on Scalenut

Moreover, incorporating videos and gifs into your content is another effective strategy for diversifying your visual elements. Videos and gifs not only enhance engagement but also enable you to communicate your message more effectively. You can check out video script templates to create impactful videos.

This is a screenshot of Video on Scalenut

By creating succinct and informative videos related to your content, you can provide value to your audience, encouraging sharing and ultimately boosting your search rankings and online visibility. However, make sure that these visual elements do not affect your page speed.

9. Uncovering Unlinked Mentions for Link Building

When it comes to advanced SEO, it is crucial to explore strategies that go beyond the fundamentals. One such technique, which can significantly bolster your link-building endeavors, involves uncovering unlinked mentions. These are instances where your brand or website is referenced on other platforms but lacks a hyperlink back to your site. By identifying and capitalizing on these opportunities, you can considerably enhance your search engine authority and improve your rankings for relevant keywords.

Discovering unlinked mentions necessitates diligent monitoring using tools like Google Alerts and Mention to track your brand's online presence. Once you identify these mentions, reaching out to website owners or authors can make all the difference. Highlight the value your content or website brings to its audience, and kindly request a hyperlink to your site. Personalized outreach efforts, be it via email or social media platforms, can yield highly favorable outcomes and foster mutually beneficial partnerships.

Unlinked mentions possess intrinsic value as they inherently demonstrate your brand's worth and relevance to others. By astutely leveraging these mentions, you can forge robust backlinks that amplify your website's visibility and organic search traffic.

Remember, this link-building strategy necessitates unswerving monitoring and proactive engagement. While it may demand a certain investment of time and effort, the resulting rewards make it all worthwhile. Establish a commanding online presence and dominate search engine rankings by uncovering unlinked mentions and expertly employing them to supercharge your advanced SEO triumph.

10. Handling Underperforming Content

Effectively managing underperforming content plays a crucial role in advanced SEO strategies. When encountering webpages or blog posts that do not meet desired outcomes or fail to attract sufficient traffic, action is necessary. Instead of giving up on these pieces of content, it is possible to optimize them to boost their performance and maximize their potential.

Begin by analyzing the underperforming content and identifying potential issues affecting its visibility. Elements such as keyword relevancy, content quality, and user engagement should be taken into account. Identifying areas requiring improvement enables the development of a plan to enhance the content and increase its presence in search engine results. You can do this by copying the URL links of your existing content and pasting them into Scalenut’s Content Optimizer tool like this:

Scalenut’s Content Optimizer tool optimizes various on-page SEO factors, including NLP optimization, keyword density, and more.

Once you paste the URL, you can enter the primary and secondary keywords you wish to rank for and your targeted location. Then, click on the "Start" button. The tool will create a report for your link. Once you click on it, you will find all your content there, along with an SEO score and numerous on-page optimization suggestions to improve it.

Scalenut’s Content Optimizer tool optimizes various on-page SEO factors, including NLP optimization, keyword density, and more.

These suggestions encompass various on-page SEO factors, including: NLP-powered SEO, keyword density, content depth, featured snippets, meta tags, URL optimization, outbound linking, and more. 

Additionally, an AI-powered feature called "Fix it" automates content optimization by implementing these suggestions, streamlining your workflow and making the process significantly easier. This tool can help you make underperforming content more appealing to search engines and users alike.

11. Dealing with Keyword Cannibalization Issues

Keyword cannibalization is when you have several pieces on one topic, and all of them can rank on the Google search page for the same query. It poses a common obstacle in advanced SEO. It occurs when multiple web pages on your site target the same primary or secondary keyword, addressing the same search intent. This can confuse search engine algorithms and negatively impact your website's ranking.

However, it is not mainly about keywords. Instead, it is more about the search intent

To overcome this challenge, it is crucial to first identify and analyze instances of keyword cannibalization. Utilize tools such as Google Search Console to conduct a thorough examination of your website and pinpoint areas of concern. Once the issue is identified, several effective strategies can be employed to mitigate its effects.

One successful tactic involves consolidating the content on your website. Instead of having multiple pages targeting the same search intent for any particular key term, merge them into a singular, comprehensive piece of content. This not only eliminates keyword cannibalization but also enhances the overall quality and relevance of your content.

Additionally, optimizing your internal linking structure offers another approach to addressing this issue. By linking pages with similar content using relevant anchor texts, search engines gain a clearer understanding of the relationships between your different pages, thus minimizing confusion.

12. Developing Q&A Pages Based on People Also Ask Queries

This is a screenshot of a PAA segment on Google.

Developing Q&A pages based on queries found in the People Also Ask (PAA) results is a crucial strategy for enhancing your website's visibility and providing valuable information to users. Address the most common questions displayed in the PAA box and incorporate related queries from keyword research tools. 

This will help you create comprehensive content that attracts organic traffic and improves your digital success. Incorporating this advanced SEO technique can help you stand out in search results and ensure that your website meets the needs of your target audience.

13. Significance of Log File Analysis

When it comes to advanced SEO techniques, log file analysis plays a crucial role in optimizing a website's performance. By diving into log files, website owners can gain valuable insights into how search engine crawlers interact with their site, enabling them to boost its visibility in search results. Instead of relying solely on analytics tools and search console data, log file analysis provides a comprehensive view of a website's technical SEO aspects.

One of the primary advantages of log file analysis lies in its ability to identify and remedy crawl budget waste. Through a thorough examination of server logs, website owners can pinpoint pages that are being excessively crawled or completely overlooked. This knowledge enables them to optimize their crawl budget, ensuring that search engine crawlers focus on crawling vital pages that drive organic traffic and conversions.

Furthermore, log file analysis allows for the discovery of crawl errors and areas that require improvement. By analyzing log files, SEO professionals can pinpoint pages that generate server errors, redirect chains, or have slow response times. By addressing these issues, websites can significantly boost their crawlability and enhance the overall user experience, which ultimately leads to improved search engine rankings.

14. Utilizing Short Videos for SEO

This is a screenshot of a short video that can boost SEO.

Harnessing the power of sharing short videos on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc., can be a game-changer for advanced SEO strategies. Instead of relying solely on traditional long-form content, integrating short videos into your SEO approach can significantly enhance your website's visibility and attract a larger organic audience.

Short videos prove to be a powerful tool for engaging users and delivering valuable information in a concise yet captivating format. In a world where attention spans are continually decreasing, it is imperative to convey your message quickly and effectively. Through the creation of compelling and informative videos, you can effectively communicate your brand's story, showcase your offerings, and position yourself as an industry thought leader in a visually enticing manner.

The integration of short videos not only captivates your target audience but also boosts your website's overall SEO performance. Videos have a higher likelihood of being shared on various social media platforms, extending the reach of your content and generating valuable backlinks. 

Furthermore, video content substantially enhances user experiences by introducing an interactive and enjoyable element to your website or blog. Consequently, this contributes to improved search engine rankings and heightened organic visibility.

15. Aligning Your Strategies to E-E-A-T Standards

It involves optimizing your website's content, structure, and overall online presence to demonstrate experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. This approach is crucial because search engines, particularly Google, prioritize websites that exhibit these qualities. 

To align your SEO strategies to E-E-A-T standards, you need to focus on showcasing your expertise in your niche, establishing your website as an authoritative source of information, and fostering a sense of trust with your audience. 

This can be achieved through high-quality and well-researched content, credible and reputable sources, positive user experiences, and transparent information about your organization. By aligning your SEO strategies to E-E-A-T standards, you improve your website's chances of ranking higher in search engine results and gaining the trust and loyalty of your audience.

16. Building Backlinks with Podcasts

When it comes to digital marketing, building backlinks through podcasts is an innovative and effective way to enhance your SEO efforts. Podcasts provide an opportunity to share your expertise, connect with influencers and industry experts, and reach a wider audience. 

When you appear as a guest on relevant podcasts, you can include a link back to your website in the show notes or within the podcast episode description. These backlinks from reputable podcast websites can contribute to your website's authority and boost its search engine rankings. 

Additionally, engaging in podcast interviews allows you to showcase your knowledge, build relationships with podcast hosts, and attract new audiences who are interested in your niche. By actively seeking podcast collaborations and incorporating backlinks into podcast appearances, you can acquire valuable backlinks that strengthen your website's SEO profile.

17. Targeting Comparison Keywords

Targeting comparison keywords involves focusing your SEO efforts on keywords that compare different products, services, or options within your industry. These target keywords typically have a high purchase intent as users are actively researching and comparing options before making a decision. 

By targeting comparison keywords, you can position your website as a valuable resource that helps users make informed choices. For example, if you operate an e-commerce website selling smartphones, you might optimize your content for keywords such as "iPhone vs. Samsung comparison" or "best budget smartphones." 

This strategy allows you to capture users who are actively comparing options and increases the likelihood of attracting qualified traffic to your website. By providing thorough and unbiased information, addressing the pros and cons, and showcasing your expertise, you can improve your website's visibility, attract targeted traffic, and potentially drive conversions.

18. Embedding Original Images in Content

Embedding high-quality and relevant original images in your content is a crucial advanced SEO technique that can greatly contribute to your digital success. By creating unique visuals, you can enhance the overall user experience on your website and establish your brand identity. 

Original images also provide opportunities for optimization with alt tags and relevant filenames, further improving your search engine rankings. They can attract backlinks from other websites, contributing to your website's authority and credibility. 

Additionally, optimized images can capture the attention of your audience, enhance user engagement, and encourage social sharing, driving more traffic to your website and increasing your brand visibility. Incorporating original images into your content is a powerful strategy that can significantly boost your website's visibility and contribute to a successful digital presence.

Ensuring Digital Success with Advanced SEO Tools for On-Page Optimization 

Scalenet is an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform.

Scalenut, an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform, can help you strengthen your on-page SEO process. With features such as AI content writing, keyword planning, competition content research, content optimization, and topic clusters, Scalenut equips you with the necessary resources to enhance your search rankings. But that's not all. It further helps drive organic traffic and outperform your competition. Gain a competitive advantage by taking advantage of Scalenut's free tools.

By utilizing Scalenut's comprehensive suite of SEO tools, you can streamline your SEO for SaaS strategies, save valuable time, boost your ROT, and achieve sustainable growth for your SaaS business. Sign up for a 7-day free trial to explore the full range of features and unlock the true potential of your SEO efforts with Scalenut.


In conclusion, these advanced SEO techniques and strategies are essential for achieving digital success. By enhancing content's time to value, utilizing topic clusters, internal linking, FAQ schema, paid ads for link building, capturing featured snippets, A/B testing, log file analysis, short videos for SEO, aligning with E-E-A-T standards, building backlinks with podcasts, targeting comparison keywords, and embedding original images in content, you can take your SEO game to the next level. 

Advanced SEO FAQs

What is the difference between basic SEO and advanced SEO?

The difference between basic SEO and advanced SEO lies in the level of complexity and depth of strategies employed. Basic SEO focuses on fundamental optimization techniques like keyword research and on-page optimization, while advanced SEO involves more sophisticated strategies such as technical SEO, advanced link building, and in-depth content optimization.

What is the best way to get more traffic for my website?

The best way to get more traffic on the internet is through a combination of basic and advanced SEO practices, such as optimizing your content for relevant keywords, building high-quality backlinks, ensuring a user-friendly website experience, and utilizing social media and online advertising to promote your content and attract targeted traffic.

Can advanced SEO be used in all industries?

Yes, advanced SEO techniques can be used in all industries. While the specific strategies and tactics may vary based on the industry and target audience, the fundamental principles of advanced SEO, such as technical optimization, content optimization, and link building, can be applied to improve search visibility and drive organic traffic in any industry.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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