Jun 13, 2023

Best Duplicate Page Checker Tools in 2023

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Best Duplicate Page Checker Tools in 2023
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Jun 13, 2023

Best Duplicate Page Checker Tools in 2023

Explore the top free and paid duplicate page checkers to ensure your website's content is unique and improve your SEO success. Learn about their features, pricing, and factors to consider when choosing the right tool.
Best Duplicate Page Checker Tools in 2023

Table of contents

Introduction: Why is a Duplicate Page Checker Essential for SEO Success?

Duplicate content can negatively impact your website's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Not only does it reflect poorly on your brand, but creating duplicate content wastes time and money. Google and other search engines will filter it out, and it won't help your site rank higher. To ensure your site doesn't include duplicate content, you can use various free and paid services to scan your content for duplicates. In this blog, we will discuss the top free and paid duplicate page checkers, their features, pricing, and factors to consider when choosing the right tool for your needs.

What is a Duplicate Page Content?

Duplicate page content refers to the presence of identical or very similar content across multiple web pages or documents. It means that the text, images, or other elements on one page are replicated or nearly identical on another page within the same website or across different websites.

Duplicate page content can occur unintentionally or intentionally. Unintentional duplication can happen due to technical issues, such as content management system (CMS) errors, URL variations, or session IDs, resulting in the same content being accessible through different URLs. It can also occur when content is copied and pasted without proper attribution or when multiple versions of a page are created for different devices (e.g., desktop and mobile versions).

Intentional duplication, known as content scraping or plagiarism, is when someone deliberately copies content from one source and publishes it on another website without permission or proper attribution.

Search engines like Google strive to provide users with the most relevant and unique content. Duplicate page content can impact search engine rankings and user experience. Search engines may penalize websites with duplicate content by lowering their rankings or removing them from search results.

To avoid issues related to duplicate page content, it is recommended to ensure that each web page on your site has unique and valuable content, use canonical tags to indicate preferred versions of duplicate pages, and properly attribute and cite sources when referencing external content.

Top 9 Duplicate Page Checkers to optimize your website performance 

Scalenut Plagiarism Checker 

Scalenut plagiarism checker is a feature that allows you to scan your content for originality using Copyscape.

Image Title: Scalenut Plagiarism Checker

File Name: Scalenut Plagiarism Checker

AltText: Scalenut plagiarism checker is a feature that allows you to scan your content for originality using Copyscape.

Key Features

  • Detect plagiarized content within your doc and see the percentage of similarity with other sources.
  • View a snippet of the original content and visit the website with the same text to verify the match.
  • Use the Rephrase feature to rewrite your content and make it plagiarism free


  • Scalenut offers a free 7-day trial. 
  • Paid plans start at $23/month.


CopyScape is a popular free online tool that allows you to check your content for plagiarism and duplicate content. It works by scanning your domain name and comparing your content against a vast database of web pages. CopyScape also offers a monitoring service that will alert you if a copy is ever found on a different website.

Image Title: CopyScape

File Name: CopyScape

AltText: CopyScape is a popular free online tool that allows you to check your content for plagiarism and duplicate content. 

Key Features 

  • Plagiarism Detection: Identify instances of plagiarism in your content
  • Web Page Comparison: Compare your web page with others on the internet to find duplicate content
  • Bulk Search: Check multiple URLs or pieces of content for duplicate matches
  • Side-by-Side Comparison: View a side-by-side comparison of your content with the duplicate sources found
  • Percentage Similarity: Determine the percentage of similarity between your content and the identified sources
  • Exclusion Options: Exclude specific websites or domains from the duplicate check
  • Comprehensive Reports: Receive detailed reports highlighting the duplicate content found and its sources
  • Private Index: Access CopyScape's private index to identify potential duplicate content not indexed by search engines


  • CopyScape offers a free version with limited features. For more advanced features and larger batch scanning, you can opt for their premium services.
  • Their premium plan starts at $4.95/month.


SiteLiner is a free service that scans your entire website for duplicate content and broken links. It works by analyzing your domain name and comparing your content against other web pages. SiteLiner is slightly easier to use since you only have to type in your domain name, but it's a little less exact.

Image Title: SiteLiner

File Name: SiteLiner

AltText: SiteLiner is a free service that scans your entire website for duplicate content and broken links

Key Features

  • Duplicate Content Detection: Identify duplicate content within your website
  • Internal Duplicate Pages: Discover pages on your website that have similar or identical content
  • External Duplicate Content: Identify content on your website that matches content found on external websites
  • Percentage Similarity: Determine the percentage of similarity between your content and the duplicate sources
  • Page Size and Load Time Analysis: Analyze the size and load time of your web pages to identify potential issues
  • Broken Link Detection: Find broken links within your website that may impact user experience and SEO
  • XML Sitemap Analysis: Analyze your XML sitemap to ensure it is properly structured and contains all relevant pages
  • Page Power and Internal Link Analysis: Evaluate the power and authority of individual pages on your website
  • Detailed Reports: Receive comprehensive reports outlining the duplicate content found and other analysis results


  • SiteLiner is a free tool, so it has some limitations in terms of the number of pages it can scan per month.

Small SEO Tools

Small SEO Tools offers a simple way to check your content for plagiarism and duplicate content. You copy and paste the text, and they scan it against a database of websites. This tool is useful for a quick plagiarism check without any other features.

 Small SEO Tools offers a simple way to check your content for plagiarism and duplicate content.

Key Features 

  • Text Comparison: Compare two pieces of text to identify similarities and duplicate content
  • Web Page Comparison: Compare the content of two web pages to detect duplicate content
  • File Upload: Upload a file in various formats (such as TXT, DOC, or PDF) to check for duplicate content
  • Bulk Search: Check multiple files or web pages simultaneously for duplicate content
  • Percentage Similarity: Determine the percentage of similarity between the content being checked and potential sources
  • Side-by-Side Comparison: View a side-by-side comparison of the content being checked and the identified duplicate sources
  • Exclusion Options: Exclude specific URLs or sources from the duplicate check
  • Detailed Reports: Receive a comprehensive report highlighting the duplicate content found and its sources


  • Small SEO Tools is a free service, so it's worth noting that the database may be less precise due to the free subscription.


Duplichecker is a free online tool that helps you ensure your content is unique. They offer various tools, including grammar checks, paraphrasing tools, online plagiarism checks, and keyword research tools. Duplichecker is a great website to use because they offer many of the tools you need for SEO purposes.

Duplichecker is a free online tool that helps you ensure your content is unique.

Key Features

  • Plagiarism detection: Identify instances of plagiarism in your content
  • Multiple file formats: Check plagiarism in various file formats such as Word documents, PDFs, and plain text
  • Deep search: Conduct a comprehensive search across a vast database to identify similarities and matches
  • Instant results: Get quick and real-time results for your plagiarism check
  • Percentage similarity: Determine the percentage of similarity between your content and other sources
  • Side-by-side comparison: View a side-by-side comparison of your content with the sources found
  • URL plagiarism check: Detect plagiarism by checking specific URLs or website content
  • Bulk checking: Scan multiple documents or files simultaneously for plagiarism
  • Exclusion options: Exclude specific sources or URLs from the plagiarism check
  • Detailed report: Receive a detailed report highlighting the plagiarized sections and their sources


  • Duplichecker is a free service, so you may have to put up with pop-ups or banner ads, smaller databases of information, and other inconveniences.


Plagiarisma is a plagiarism detection service that helps you check the originality of your content and compare it with various sources. It has a free online tool and paid desktop software. The free online tool allows you to check plagiarism by pasting the text, uploading a file, or entering a URL. It supports more than 190 languages and can check up to 2,000 characters per search. It also offers a Google Chrome extension and a WordPress plugin.

Plagiarisma is a plagiarism detection service that helps you check the originality of your content and compare it with various sourcesKey Features 

  • Supports multiple file types such as Word documents, PDFs, HTML files, and plain text
  • Supports multiple languages and can detect plagiarism in 190+ languages
  • Does not store any uploaded content and respects your privacy and data protection.
  • Automatic article writer and grammar check to help you improve your writing quality and style
  • Compatible with smartphones, PCs, and laptops so you can check your work anytime and anywhere2
  • Originality checker for institutions and universities to help you maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism penalties


  • Plagiarisma offers a free version with limited functionality and accuracy, allowing up to 6 scans per day.
  • The Premium account is available at different pricing options: $5 per day, $25 per month, $35 per three months, and $65 per six months.
  • The daily plan under the Premium account allows up to 100 scans per month.
  • The Premium account can be used by up to 25 users simultaneously.


Plagscan is a plagiarism scanner popular with academic institutions. Teachers use it to ensure that students' submissions are original. While it is primarily geared towards academic use, Plagscan can also be used to ensure your SEO content is original.

Plagscan is a plagiarism scanner popular with academic institutions.

Key Features

  • Check the authenticity of a text with just a couple of clicks. Plagscan works with all common file formats.
  • The PlagScan Report is adaptable to your needs. Whether you need a printable PDF-file or want to collaborate with others in an interactive browser report – PlagScan can do it while being easy to use.
  • Your uploaded documents will never be shared with unauthorized third parties.
  • Side-by-side view to simultaneously compare your document and the found matches


Pricing for Plagscan are as follows:

  • $5.99 for 6,000 words/20 pages
  • $12.99 for 17,500 words/60 pages
  • $24.99 for 40,000 words/140 pages
  • $49.99 for 100,000 words/320 pages
  • PlagScan offers a free trial for new users.


Quetext advertises a "proprietary deep search" that uses a large database to scan your article against to check it for duplicate content. By paying for the subscription services that Quetext offers, you gain access to their database, which is said to be larger than other content checker databases. 

 Quetext uses DeepSearch™ Technology to scan papers, documents, and other input writings for the slightest possible traces of accidental plagiarism.

Key Features 

  • Quetext uses DeepSearch™ Technology to scan papers, documents, and other input writings for the slightest possible traces of accidental plagiarism.
  • Quetext compares the text against billions of internet sources and provides a comprehensive plagiarism score showing the percentage of text that is exact or near-match to existing text online.
  • Quetext respects user privacy and doesn’t store your submitted content in its database.


  • You can try Quetext for free before you sign up for other services. If you like the free version and find yourself using it often, you can upgrade for more features.
  • The paid plan starts at $9.99/month.

Grammarly (Premium)

Grammarly is one of the most popular duplicate content checkers. You can use their free service or sign up for premium. Grammarly Premium offers both a plagiarism checker and a check for grammar, word choice, and sentence structure.

Grammarly premium checks your writing for plagiarism against over 16 billion web pages and academic papers.

Key Features 

  • Checks your writing for plagiarism against over 16 billion web pages and academic papers
  • Provides citation suggestions in various formats, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago
  • Detects paraphrasing and citation issues and offers feedback on how to avoid them
  • Highlights the plagiarized passages and shows the original sources
  • Calculates an overall originality score for your document


  • Their monthly subscription starts at $30/month. 
  • Grammarly also offers a free version with limited features.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Duplicate Page Checker

Accuracy and Reliability

When selecting a duplicate page checker, it's essential to consider the accuracy and reliability of the tool. Free tools may have smaller databases and less precise results, while paid tools often have larger databases and more resources, making them more accurate in finding any duplicate content on your site.

Pricing and Budget

Your budget is another crucial factor to consider when choosing a duplicate page checker. Free tools can be useful for basic checks, but they may have limitations and inconveniences, such as ads and smaller databases. Paid tools offer more features and accuracy, but they come at a cost. It's essential to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each tool and choose the one that best fits your needs and budget.

Why is it Important to Check your Web Pages for Duplicate Content?

Maintain SEO Performance

Checking for duplicate content helps ensure that your website's SEO performance is not negatively affected. By identifying and resolving duplicate content issues, you can avoid search engine penalties and improve your site's visibility in search results.

Avoid Plagiarism

A duplicate content checker helps you identify instances of content that have been copied or plagiarized from other sources. By detecting and addressing plagiarism, you can maintain the integrity of your content and protect yourself from potential legal issues.

Enhance User Experience

Duplicate content can confuse users and dilute the value of your website. By checking for duplicate content, you can provide a better user experience by delivering unique and relevant content to your audience.

Improve Website Authority

Original and unique content helps establish your website as a credible and authoritative source in your industry. By eliminating duplicate content, you can enhance your website's authority and reputation among users and search engines.

Boost Search Engine Rankings

Search engines prefer websites with original and high-quality content. By identifying and removing duplicate content, you can improve your website's chances of ranking higher in search engine results, leading to increased organic traffic.

Save Time and Effort

Using a duplicate content checker automates the process of identifying duplicate content, saving you time and effort compared to manually reviewing each page. This allows you to focus on creating valuable content and optimizing your website.

Maintain Brand Consistency

Checking for duplicate content ensures that your brand's messaging and information are consistent across your website. By eliminating duplicate pages or redundant content, you can present a cohesive brand image to your audience.

Protect Intellectual Property

For content creators, a duplicate content checker helps safeguard their intellectual property by identifying instances of unauthorized duplication or plagiarism. This allows them to take appropriate actions to protect their original work.

Conclusion: Selecting the Right Duplicate Page Checker for Your Needs

In conclusion, choosing the right duplicate page checker is crucial for ensuring your website's content is unique and improving your SEO success. By considering factors such as accuracy, reliability, and pricing, you can select the best tool for your needs. Whether you opt for a free or paid tool, it's essential to regularly check your content for duplicates and make any necessary adjustments to maintain a high-quality, unique website that ranks well in search engine results.You can also sign up for a 7-day free trial with Scalenut to optimize your website content.

About Scalenut 

Scalenut is an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform that helps discover and create relevant content for your customers. Be it brainstorming a content strategy, creating comprehensive briefs, generating the content, or optimizing it per the best SEO practices, Scalenut has made the process extremely easy. Click here to create a free account and explore the many features of this tool.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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