Do you know that the number of times your keyword appears in your blog post may affect the page rankings?
The use of keywords and their frequency in the content impacts a larger part of your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Post Panda update, Google no longer rewards the content with keyword stuffing. Instead, the search engine now penalizes content that is stuffed with the exact focus keywords.
Hence, it is important to keep a check on the keyword density to boost your SEO efforts.
But, how do you check the keyword density in a blog?
The answer is simple: Keyword density checker tool.
Read further to know about it and how to use the keyword density checker tool?
What is Keyword Density?
Keyword density is the number of times your focus keyword appears compared to the total number of words on the page.
Let's say your blog post has 100 words, and it contains the focus keyword four times; the keyword density will be around 4%. Keyword density is often called keyphrase density or keyword to text ratio.
For today's SEO, keyword density is not a decisive ranking factor but it is suggested to use the focus keywords in all the on-page SEO elements. To make sure the content is understandable, focus keywords must be used in h1, HTML header text, meta description, image alt tag, internal links, and wherever possible in the web page.

How do I check keyword density?
To calculate the density of keywords, divide the number of times a keyword appears in the text by the total number of words on that page. Example: For a page with 100 words, if it contains 10 occurrences of the word "horse," the keyword density will be calculated as:
Keyword density: (10/100)*100%= 10%
However, you can't always calculate the keyword density manually. That's why you need to use a keyword density checker tool.
What is the ideal keyword density?
The keyword density which is most ideal depends on the nature of your topic.
Honestly, there is no ideal keyword density. It all depends on the topic that you are writing about. For example, the long-form content must have relevant keywords and synonyms in the page content.
Some content might have the repetition of keywords resulting in a higher density. Longer content might have more effective keywords focusing on a single keyword.
Therefore, to get the optimum keyword density, you need to ensure relevance and synonyms according to your topic & subject-related terms required for writing long-form content or blog posts.
Thus, the search engine crawlers use word count in the content to calculate the total density of keywords.
How to use the Keyword Density Checker tool?
There is no correct or incorrect way to use the keyword density checker before and after conducting a test.
It's what happens in between that matters most. The process has to be followed correctly, or results will not come out right, even if you do everything correctly between those two steps!
First, optimize the content using focus keyphrases and keywords around it to drive more traffic. Use focus keywords in title, meta tags, body copy, and URL to maintain a good keyword frequency.
After optimization, run the article using the keyword density checker tool. If you have been following the process correctly, your content will come out with a good keyword density.
Keyword Density Best Practices For Search Engines
Keyword Density is one of the key practices that SEOs do.
However, finding it tends to be easier than creating the content. That's why it is very crucial not to overlook this practice.
People often ask these questions: Does Keyword Density affect search engine rankings?
There are no statements from Google that clearly state that the number of times a keyword appears on a webpage affects ranking. But without one, there is no way to know what it does mean for you to rank well for your keywords in the SERPs.
So, what is the keyword density to rank better in the SERPs?
Honestly, there is no ideal keyword density or percentage in the number of keywords in the content. So, no matter what keyword density is ideal for getting a higher rank in SERPs – the search engine remains silent on this.
Most SEO Experts recommend the ideal keyword density to be around 3%.
What we can say is that with an optimum level of keyword repetition instilled through careful optimization and relevant content creation (and all possible things such as PPC), it would probably help you rank better.
Even your website will be penalized by Google or Bing if you get too carried away with keyword density.
There are numerous studies on the effect of using little or no keywords in web content can have an ill-effect such as lowering page rank and getting lower clicks through 'bots'.
SEO community is of the impression that the minimum keyword usage in the content should not seem like stuff.
How Keyword Density Checker tool calculates?
First, keyword density checker tools strip off punctuations, commas, periods, exclamation marks, and all other symbols from the content.
Keyword density checker tool then removes spaces between words in the keyword so that it calculates correctly.
As soon as you input a few keywords in your content, the Keyword density checker tool works using algorithms that calculate how many times the focus keywords appear in your content.
Hence, keyword density analysis tools are the best tools to check for overuse of the keywords and avoid keyword stuffing.
Using the keyword analysis tools, you can generate the reports and get the keyword density data on a specific keyword or stop words, export summary, internal/ external links to CSV files.
How Keyword Density can result in Over Optimization?
A high keyword density can result in what we call keyword stuffing.
Keyword stuffing is the act of repeating the same target keyword or keyword phrase throughout the content to achieve a high level of optimization.
However, a high keyword density can create an over-optimization and impact the readability of your content. Also, Google discourages over-optimization by penalizing a site that has a high keyword density.
Therefore, if you want to optimize your content for search engines, ensure that the keyword density is not too high.
How to deal with keyword stuffing using LSI keywords?
When your content is stuffed with keywords, it is likely to target only a narrow target audience. It also causes the keyword density of your site to increase and become more cluttered.
LSI (Latent semantic indexing) keywords are the right way to go when dealing with keyword stuffing.
They help you optimize your content for search engines without over-optimizing it. LSI keywords are the keywords that you use in your content to improve its keyword density without adding too many words.
Tools for checking keyword density:
There are various tools for checking keyword density:
You can check your keyword density using the free tools listed below. The other paid services are more powerful than these. However, the free tools listed below are enough to get you started.
Keyword Density Checker by Google Webmaster Tools
The keyword density checker tool by Google Webmaster Tools is an online tool that allows users to quickly view how often a given keyword appears on their website.
This tool can help determine the effectiveness of a site's keywords and optimizing content.
Small SEO Tools Keyword density tool
Small SEO keyword checker offers various tools for the SEOs. It does the keyword analysis, checks for plagiarism, and checks for grammar as well. Simply enter the URL of content and press enters to check for the keyword density.

This tool will extract the total number of keywords that are found in the content of the page. It will also show the distribution of keywords on the page.
It does not offer any statistics related to content optimization other than simply showing you if your content is stuffed with keywords or not. The entire process can be completed within a few minutes.
Rankwatch is a free keyword density checker where you can input the text to the URL of your content to check for the keyword density.
This SEO tool also offers features like backlinks analysis, keyword research, and competition analysis.
Using the keyword density checker tool will only help your website generate more traffic.

Plus, most SEO professionals also look for keywords on content pages and websites to find out what kind of search queries are actually being used by potential customers/crawlers to get their information from these pages or sites.
Only by looking at the number of times, your keywords are used on these pages will give you more insight into what keywords users actually search for, thus allowing you to determine where better SEO is needed.
Keyword density is one of the most important factors that will help you rank in Google.
There are a lot of tools out there that can help you to check your keyword density. You can use either the free ones or paid ones if you have larger requirements. All the tools that we have listed above are quite effective in checking keyword density.