Oct 11, 2023

How to Write SEO Optimized Article: A Step-by-Step Guide

Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
How to Write SEO Optimized Article: A Step-by-Step Guide
Suman Samal, Asst. Marketing Manager
Suman Samal
Oct 11, 2023

How to Write SEO Optimized Article: A Step-by-Step Guide

Looking to learn how to write an SEO optimized article? Here’s a guide to help you craft content that ranks high on search engines.
How to Write SEO Optimized Article: A Step-by-Step Guide

Table of contents

In today’s digital age, compelling content is essential for any online venture, whether a personal blog, business website, or e-commerce platform. However, even the most well-crafted and engaging web content can remain undiscovered amidst the vast expanse of the internet without a strong SEO strategy. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art and science of fine-tuning your content to rank higher in search engine results, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately reach your target audience. While writing for the web offers immense opportunities to connect with readers worldwide, understanding SEO techniques can take your content’s visibility to new heights.

In this blog post, we will demystify the world of SEO and equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to craft articles that stand out in search engine rankings. Whether you are a seasoned SEO content creator looking to enhance your skills or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, this guide to an SEO optimized article is tailored to cater to all levels of expertise.

Understanding SEO and its Impact on Content Writing

Using SEO in content 

In the realm of online visibility, SEO plays a pivotal role in determining the success of your content. Search Engine Optimization is the process of tailoring your articles to meet the criteria set by search engines, making your content more accessible and discoverable to your target audience. 

By grasping the fundamentals of SEO, you can amplify your content’s reach and enhance its overall effectiveness.

 How Search Engines Determine Ranking

Search engines, like Google, use complex algorithms to analyze and rank content based on various factors. These algorithms consider keyword relevance, content quality, user experience, backlinks, and more. 

Understanding how search engines determine rankings allows you to optimize your articles effectively, aligning them with the parameters influencing search results.

(Check out the best guide to optimize your content for SEO now). 

The Connection Between SEO and Content Writing

SEO and content writing go hand in hand. More than crafting compelling, valuable, and relevant content is needed; it must also be strategically optimized to gain visibility in top results. 

Integrating SEO techniques into your content creation process can lead to improved organic traffic, greater audience engagement, and a higher potential for conversion.

Key SEO Factors to Consider When Writing Content

Here are some key factors to consider when crafting an SEO optimized article or during SEO copywriting. 

  • Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords (main keyword and secondary) and phrases your target audience will likely search for. Incorporate them naturally into your content to improve its searchability. (Here are the 7 best keyword research practices and tips to check out). 
  • Content Structure: Organize your SEO articles with clear headings, subheadings, and concise paragraphs. This enhances readability and helps search engines understand the structure of your content.
  • Quality and Relevance: Focus on creating good content that provides value to your readers. Address their pain points, answer their questions, and offer solutions that are relevant to their needs. Plus, focus on your writing style and avoid grammatical errors.
  • Meta Tags: Optimize meta tags (title tags and meta descriptions) with relevant keywords to entice users to click on your content in search results.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure your content is accessible and displays well on various devices, as mobile-friendliness is a critical factor in search engine rankings.

Mastering the art of writing SEO optimized articles requires a blend of creativity and technical finesse. 

By understanding SEO principles and incorporating them into your content creation process, you can boost your online visibility, attract a broader audience, and achieve your content marketing goals more effectively. 

Keyword Research and Selection

Using a tool for keyword research 

At the core of an SEO optimized article lies the foundation of effective keyword research and selection. Keyword research involves identifying the specific words and phrases that your target audience is most likely to use when searching for information, products, or services relevant to your content. 

By integrating these keywords strategically, you can significantly increase the visibility of your articles in SERPs

Importance of Keyword Research

Keyword research is a crucial step in your SEO optimized article creation process for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you understand your audience better by uncovering their search intent and the language they use. 

Secondly, it enables you to align your content with popular and trending topics, ensuring its relevance and timeliness. Lastly, using well-researched keywords enhances your content’s chances of ranking higher in search results, driving more organic traffic to your website.

Tools for Effective Keyword Research

Several tools are available to streamline the keyword research process and help you discover valuable insights. Popular keyword research tools include Scalenut’s Keyword Planner and Google Keyword Planner. Both of these are among the 15 best keyword research tools every marketer should know in 2023

Scalenut’s Keyword Planner in action 

These tools offer valuable data on search volume, CPC, relevance, and more, aiding you in making informed decisions about which keywords to target.

Analyzing Keyword Competition and Search Volume

When conducting keyword research, it’s essential to assess both keyword competition and search volume. Keyword competition indicates how difficult it will be to rank for a particular keyword, considering the number of other websites targeting the same term. 

On the other hand, search volume reveals how frequently a keyword is searched for on search engines. Balancing keyword competition with search volume helps you identify the most viable and valuable keywords for your content.

Here’s a complete guide on how to search for keyword volume

Choosing the Right Keywords for Your Content

Scalenut’s Keyword Planner in action #2 

Selecting the right keywords involves finding a balance between relevance to your content and the potential to attract a sizable audience. 

Aim for a mix of long-tail keywords (more specific and longer phrases) and broader keywords to cater to different search intents. Long-tail keywords often have lower competition and higher intent, while broader keywords can reach a more extensive audience.

Moreover, consider incorporating keywords naturally throughout your content, including in the title, headings, meta tags, and body. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm your rankings and disrupt the flow of your writing.

By investing time and effort into keyword research and selection, you can optimize your content to be more search engine-friendly, thus enhancing its discoverability and boosting your website’s overall traffic.

Crafting an Attention-Grabbing Title and Meta Description

In the competitive landscape of search engine results, a well-crafted title and meta description can be the difference between someone clicking on your content or scrolling past it. Let’s explore the art of creating attention-grabbing titles and compelling meta descriptions to boost your content’s click-through rate and SEO performance.

The Role of the Title and Meta Description in SEO

Titles and meta descriptions serve as the first impression of your content to search engine users. The title appears as the main heading in search results, while the meta description provides a brief snippet summarizing the content. Here’s an example. 

Scalenut’s blog on meta tags for SEO 

These elements not only impact your search engine rankings but also influence user behavior. An engaging title and meta description can entice users to click on your link, increasing your organic traffic and improving your content’s overall visibility.

Techniques for Writing Compelling Titles

Crafting a compelling title requires a delicate balance between creativity and keyword optimization. Incorporate relevant keywords naturally within the title while ensuring it accurately reflects the content’s main theme. 

Besides that, aim for a title that sparks curiosity, addresses a specific need, or promises valuable information. Keep it concise, ideally between 55-60 characters, to avoid truncation in search results.

Writing Meta Descriptions That Encourage Clicks

Meta descriptions should provide a concise and enticing preview of your content’s value. Use action-oriented language to encourage users to click and explore further. While meta descriptions don’t directly impact search rankings, they significantly influence click-through rates. 

Aiming for a length of around 120-130 characters is a good idea, as longer descriptions may get cut off in search results. The maximum length should be 160 characters. Additionally, consider using rich snippets, such as numbers, bulleted lists, or compelling calls-to-action, to make your meta description stand out and capture users’ attention.

You can also check out our detailed guide on how to optimize your meta description tag

Scalenut’s blog on content optimization 

Remember that each piece of content should have a unique title and meta description, tailored to its specific content and target audience. Regularly reviewing and updating these elements as you refine your content can yield positive results in driving more traffic to your website.

Creating High-Quality and Relevant Content

Prioritizing high-quality content 

In the realm of SEO, high-quality and relevant content reigns supreme. Producing content that meets the needs and expectations of your audience is not only essential for engaging readers but also critical for search engine visibility. Let’s explore the key elements of crafting content that captivates your audience and aligns with search engine requirements.

Understanding User Search Intent and Creating Relevant Content

User search intent refers to the specific purpose behind a user’s search query. It could be informational, navigational, transactional, or commercial in nature. By understanding the intent behind relevant keywords, you can tailor your content to address what users are looking for effectively. 

Create content that provides valuable information, answers their questions, and fulfills their needs, making it more likely to rank higher and resonate with your target audience.

Tips for Writing Engaging and Informative Content

Blog creation in progress on laptop 

Engaging content not only keeps your audience interested but also encourages them to spend more time on your website and share your articles. To achieve this, focus on the following tips:

A. Tell a Story: Weave narratives or real-life examples into your content to make it relatable and memorable.

B. Use Visuals: Incorporate relevant images, infographics, or videos to enhance the visual appeal and understanding of your content.

C. Be Authentic: Write in a conversational tone, allowing your personality to shine through and creating a connection with your readers.

D. Research Thoroughly: The best way to make your content stand out is through research. Provide accurate and well-researched information to establish credibility and authority in your niche.

E. Address Pain Points: Understand your audience’s challenges and offer actionable solutions through your content.

Structuring Content for Readability and SEO Optimization

Scalenut’s SEO score optimize section 

Structuring your SEO optimized article effectively enhances both user experience and SEO. 

You must utilize headings and subheadings to break down your content into digestible sections, making it easier for readers to scan and find the information they seek. 

Additionally, include relevant keywords in your headings and throughout the content while maintaining a natural flow. Focus on writing concise paragraphs and using bullet points or numbered lists to organize information logically. This improves readability and encourages users to stay engaged with your content.

Lastly, optimize your content for mobile devices, as an increasing number of users access the internet through smartphones and tablets. Mobile-friendly content is a crucial factor in search engine rankings and ensures a seamless experience for your audience across all devices.

By mastering the art of creating high-quality and relevant content, you can attract and retain a loyal readership while also meeting the requirements of search engines.

On-Page Optimization Techniques

On-page optimization is a critical aspect of SEO that focuses on optimizing individual web pages to improve their visibility in search engine results. By implementing on-page optimization techniques, you can ensure that your content not only comes on the first page of Google but also provides a seamless and engaging experience for your audience.

Optimizing Headings, Subheadings, and Body Text

Scalenut’s header tag optimization option 

Properly structured headings and subheadings not only make your content more organized and scannable but also play a role in SEO. Use H1 tags for the main title and H2, H3, and so on for subheadings. 

Incorporate relevant keywords in these headings to give search engines a clear understanding of your content’s structure and topic. Additionally, ensure your body text is well-written, relevant, and provides valuable information to your readers.

You can also refer to our ‘How to use header tags for optimizing your content on Google’ guide. 

Incorporating Keywords Naturally into Your Content

Keyword integration is crucial for SEO, but it should be done naturally and not at the expense of readability. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can lead to a penalty from search engines. 

Instead, seamlessly incorporate relevant keywords into your content, maintaining a conversational tone. Moreover, focus on creating content that genuinely addresses the needs of your audience while using keywords strategically.

Optimizing Your Content for NLP Terms

Scalenut’s AI Writer showcasing NLP terms 

As search engines become more sophisticated, Natural Language Processing (NLP) has gained importance in SEO. NLP refers to how search engines understand human language and intent. To optimize for NLP, focus on providing comprehensive and contextually relevant content that answers questions thoroughly. 

Use variations of keywords and related terms to enhance the content’s semantic relevance and improve its chances of ranking for related searches.

If you’re curious about NLP and how NLP is changing SEO in 2023, don’t miss out on our comprehensive blog on the same. 

Utilizing Internal and External Links

Internal linking involves connecting different pages within your website, while external linking refers to linking to reputable and relevant sources outside your domain. Internal links help users navigate your website and distribute link authority, benefiting SEO. 

External links provide additional value to your readers and signal to search engines that your content is well-researched and authoritative. Both these factors are among the top Google ranking factors

Adding Alt Text to Images

Optimizing images with descriptive alt text is essential for accessibility and SEO. Alt text helps visually impaired users understand the content of an image and assists search engines in indexing and ranking your images. Try including relevant keywords in your alt text when appropriate, but make sure it accurately describes the image’s content.

Here are some of the best image alt text optimization tools for your convenience. 

Enhancing User Experience with Multimedia Elements

Using multimedia to enrich a blog 

Engage your audience with multimedia elements like videos, infographics, and audio clips. These enrich the user experience and increase the time users spend on your page, which can positively influence SEO. However, ensure multimedia elements are relevant, high-quality, and don’t slow down page loading times.

Scalenut’s Content Optimizer furnishes you with on-page SEO recommendations aimed at assisting you in optimizing your content. 

These recommendations encompass various on-page SEO aspects, including NLP optimization, keyword density, content depth, feature snippets, URL optimization, outbound linking, and other relevant factors. It is among the best content optimization tools in 2023 that you must use to stand out from your competitors. 

Monitoring and Analyzing SEO Performance

Scalenut’s SEO score section 

Effectively monitoring and analyzing your website’s SEO performance is the key to ensuring its continued success. By closely tracking important metrics, you gain valuable insights that help you identify areas for improvement and refine your content strategy to achieve better outcomes.

Measuring Organic Traffic, Keyword Rankings, and Conversions

Start by measuring your website’s organic traffic, which represents the number of visitors coming from search engines. This metric gives you an overview of how well your content is being discovered through organic search. 

Additionally, keep a close eye on keyword rankings to see where your content stands in search results for targeted keywords. Understanding how your content ranks for specific search terms allows you to assess its visibility and competition in the online landscape.

Furthermore, tracking conversions is vital for evaluating the effectiveness of your content in driving desired user actions. Whether it’s sign-ups, purchases, inquiries, or any other defined goal, monitoring conversions provides valuable insights into how well your content engages and persuades your audience to take action.

Making Data-Driven Improvements to Your Content

Data-driven insights form the foundation for improving your content strategy. Analyzing the metrics mentioned above helps you identify high-performing keywords and topics that resonate with your audience. Armed with this knowledge, you can create more content around these successful themes to capitalize on their popularity.

Additionally, pay attention to content that underperforms. By pinpointing areas of weakness, you can update or re-optimize this content to enhance its relevance, value, and overall search engine visibility. 

Understanding user behavior on your website is equally crucial; it reveals where visitors may lose interest or face obstacles in their journey. Use this valuable feedback to refine your content and create a more user-friendly experience that encourages engagement and conversions.

By leveraging data-driven insights, you can make informed decisions that optimize your content for better SEO performance. The continuous analysis and improvement of your content strategy based on real data will lead to sustained growth and success in the competitive online landscape.

How can Scalenut help you write SEO Optimized Articles?

Scalenut’s blog on enterprise SaaS SEO on AI Writer 

Scalenut, an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform, offers various SEO that can help you craft content that stands out on search engine pages. 

Scalenut’s AI Writer offers a multitude of benefits for users seeking to create optimized articles. It provides a competitive edge by analyzing the top 30 URLs ranking for chosen keywords, offering insights into average word count, image usage, h-tags, and SEO scores. 

Users can access outlines of these URLs sorted by rank and SEO score, guiding them in crafting well-structured content. Moreover, the AI writer enables social listening, revealing questions asked by audiences on platforms like Quora, Reddit, and Google search, as well as questions covered by competitors and AI-generated queries. 

This helps users understand their audience and address their needs effectively. Semantic keywords recommended by the AI improve content comprehensiveness and aid search engine understanding. 

Users can stay current with the latest statistics on primary keywords, ensuring their content remains up-to-date and relevant. Additionally, the AI writer identifies important citations used by competitors, providing anchor text for enhanced content credibility. 

In a nutshell, Scalenut’s AI writer is a powerful tool that empowers users with competitive insights, social listening capabilities, NLP optimization, and up-to-date statistics, facilitating the creation of top-notch, optimized articles. Click here to create a free account and explore Scalenut’s AI Writer and the many other features of this tool.


Throughout this comprehensive guide on how to write SEO optimized articles, we’ve explored the crucial elements that contribute to SEO success. 

From conducting thorough keyword research and selecting the right keywords to crafting attention-grabbing titles and meta descriptions, every aspect of your content plays a vital role in its search engine visibility and user engagement.

Creating high-quality and relevant articles lies at the core of effective SEO strategies. By understanding user search intent and tailoring your content to address their needs, you can establish credibility, authority, and trust with your audience.

Furthermore, on-page optimization techniques, such as optimizing headings, incorporating keywords naturally, and adding alt text to images, significantly impact your content’s visibility and accessibility. Here’s the ultimate on-page SEO checklist you can refer to. 

The journey towards SEO excellence doesn’t end with content creation. It’s equally vital to continuously monitor and analyze your SEO performance. 

By measuring organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversions, you gain invaluable insights that allow you to make data-driven improvements, refining your content to better meet the expectations of your audience and search engines alike.

Remember, SEO is an evolving field, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices is essential for sustained success. As search engines refine their algorithms and user behavior evolves, so should your content strategy.


What is an SEO optimized article?

An SEO optimized article is a well-crafted piece of content that incorporates relevant keywords, formatting, and structure to improve its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages.

How can I optimize my articles for SEO?

To optimize your articles for SEO, focus on using target keywords naturally, writing high-quality and valuable content, optimizing meta tags, and building high-quality backlinks.

Is the length of the article essential for SEO optimization?

While there’s no fixed rule, longer articles tend to perform better in SEO, as they often cover topics more comprehensively. However, the priority should be on providing valuable content rather than just increasing word count.

Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager
ABout the AUTHOR
Suman Samal
Asst. Marketing Manager

Suman Samal is a Asst. Marketing Manager at Scalenut. She is a technology enthusiast with a keen interest in content marketing and SEO. She truly believes that with the right set of tools every organization can improve the ROI of their content marketing campaigns. She spends her time managing content operations at Scalenut and ensuring that everything we publish is of the highest quality.

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